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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. ...and that's NOT for lack of content!! You my friend, have lots to post about with your fabulous collection of gens and reps!! Reference pics of gens, comparison, experiences with both...you could be the new uber-vault of posts just waiting to bust open!
  2. I'm not so sure that I've seen one like that in real life. It is truly beautiful. As to my kids...I don't think they are getting anything but a collection of reps with sapphire crystals, and few old things with nothing but plastic.
  3. I think you have to include classic first time mod jobs...well sort of first time...first time brutally tricky lume job on this watch by the Lume Master:
  4. Fun pics...I like that profile shot!
  5. I think closer to $130 USD. You can also try any of the collectors. It sounds like a matter a servicing could cure. For the money...if you can find somebody to service it properly for you...it would give you years of reliable service...better than the dodginess of a dry, dirty new movement.
  6. Welcome aboard...you've got a lot of reading ahead of you...a lot of FUN reading. Read the Noob Guide linked in my signature...and also check out this post...it should get you started: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...d+franck+mullerEl Cheapo Guide
  7. Jay is Silix...Josh is Perfect Clones...Andrew is Trusty Guy...Angus is Pure Time...and Peter is Watchstation. We're all just one big happy family here. HAH HAH.
  8. Yup...got some of those. I have a collection of old DJs with dead tritium...some more dead than others...
  9. You're killing me Ubi. That Omega is FANTASTIC!!! Wow. Your Daytona is a dream watch as well...great stuff!!
  10. Stick around here and you'll know better fast!! Welcome aboard and have fun.
  11. Interesting reflections their Robbie. 2008 has been the year I felt I had accumulated enough knowledge from all the stuff I've read on this board, that I felt I actually had some real meat and potatoes to give back to the community. Before I had found RWG, I had always liked watches...but after spending a bit more time here than I wish to admit, I'm amazed at how exciting it is to learn so much more about them...how they work...how to take pictures of them, etc. This was the year I started taking them apart...playing with the movements...and resulted in something I never thought possible...actually being able to figure out how an unusual movement works - Toad's Guide to the Franck Muller Jump Hour Movement...all thanks to contributions of some of the amazing posters out there!! I also picked up my first Breitling...the Skyland...and love it. Breitling has never been a brand that I had really had much interest in, thinking them to be too "blingy" for my tastes...but now...I'm all over them. One of the more rewarding things for me was putting together my Noob Guide and realizing how much I still refer back to the links there...movement maintenance...whatever! The biggest payback to know that spending the time to write up a post based on all the links I had saved for myself, was how often I can refer people to the guide to help answer questions, and watching what I think to be an increase in the Noob Love out there...and all the different new and old members writing really encouraging, helpful and welcoming posts to those just getting started in the hobby. Things I remember about RWG are definitely the PTOR benefit auctions. Wow. I have been continuosly amazed at all the notes of the acts of generosity users like LordRasta, Offshore and tonnes of others have bestowed on other members (myself included) really showing what a community this is. RWG Raffles with booty from our collectors? How good is that! Awesome work there Lani, Andrew, King, Josh, TWP and others I might have missed!! I also remember the disappearance of Victoria from the forum. I always thought her to be one of the most positive, encouraging and prolific posters on the forum. Too bad she's not around anymore.
  12. Hey...we've all done the question asking at one point in time or another. Have fun with it...don't take it too seriously and it will be a good ride.
  13. Ri-Data doubles never worked for me...but single layer burning is pretty tolerant so I can pretty much get away with anything. The Ridata's have been fine for me in either + or - formats. I've gone through a pile of large spindles of these. As to Memorex...yup. They've worked fine on some machines...just not on others. I find it really does depend on the machine. The stuff I was reading on other forums said to not buy large quantities at first but a few of a couple brands you want to explore. Try each and settle on a brand either by price or performance...but not assume that they will work in your machine right away.
  14. 30-40GBP??? I pay $30-40 CDN for my choice of NEC, Pioneer, Toshiba, Sony, etc. I have friends in the UK...and they are always staggered by CDN prices. As to clearing junk off...with the cost/Gb for HDD storage...it's not worth your time. Keep it all and add more. It's not about the using...it's about the having.
  15. Something's wrong...time for service. It's usually the other way around where the auto doesn't work but the manual does. You can read the power reserve posts linked in my Noob Guide and that might offer some insight into how all this is connected.
  16. Somebody likes PAMS. That is one impressive lume job...no surprise given the source. And that is one impressive Panny collection!! What's the story on that one B??? Incredible!!!
  17. Welcome aboard. I'm assuming you found my Noob Guide. If not...here it is. This should get you up and running quickly and contains links on care and feeding of your new reps and what some good next steps are. If you find the info on this board useful, or the help from members on the board saving you time and money...consider putting back to the forum in terms of knowledge or money in terms of upgrading your membership to keep it alive.
  18. I've gone through maybe 300-400 DL's of varying brands. Which brand to use depends for me on the burner I have. The DL's can be a bit finicky I find depending on the burner. NECs for example don't do well at all in my experience with Memorex. My LG's don't seem to like Memorex either nor Maxell's. Overall, I've had the best success with the more expensive Verbatim DVD+DL discs which can be had for <$1 CDN on sale. My DVD+/-R's are usually either Taiyo's like Pug, or Ridata cheapies. To be honest, I stopped using DVDs for backing up data, and just purchased external hard drives which I power up for backup, or dump everything onto a separate file server and back that up. The quantities of data I'm backing up at any given time is usually in the neighbourhood of 80-120Gb so DVDs are just not practical. BTW...I hear the Verbatim's work just fine for creating personal backups of movies...so I hear. Words of advice: Forcing 32kb gaps in burning I find helps too. For more info...read this. If you want to burn one large file to a dual layer disk, use ImgBurn in "Build" mode. For the filesystem select UDF only (no ISO9660), then select the file to burn.
  19. I'm assuming you found my Noob Guide. If not...here it is. This should get you up and running quickly and contains links on care and feeding of your new reps and what some good next steps are. Welcome aboard. I've drunk some great Australian beer. Have you tried Fosters? ...just kidding on the last part...
  20. Heck...I'll beat The Zigmeister answering the question with his own answer even. Why Handwinding an A7750 is Bad Dr. TuB...check out my Noob Guide. It contains links to a number of helpful posts...lots of them The Zigmeister's that explain the best way to take care of your movement, how to use the watch, etc. Hey...you didn't upgrade to Supporter just to be left in the dark now did you?
  21. Gee...you did all that work, and your power reserve is only at "0"?? The 028 smokes!
  22. Well Robbie...like all of us, the anonymous folks out there may not agree with all that we say...but kudos for your sense of humour and your contributions.
  23. I replied by PM as well...but for the record, I picked mine up from Jay. He may not have it on his site, but if you send him, or other collectors a pic of the watch you want, they should be able to source it. It may take 1-2 weeks or more depending...to source the one you want, but they can get it. Be careful of the one you want. There are a couple versions of it. I think the one from Andrew has the long-serifed #1, as opposed to the short serifed one on my version pictured above. FM used both fonts on various watches, hence the confusion. It's cheap. The leather strap is junk...but the buckle is alright and branded.
  24. Once again...Andreww beats me out of the blocks answering the question.
  25. ...but a pimp in love!! Welcome aboard. Read me Noob Guide and you'll hit the ground running. And remember...we exist as a community because of member participation. Read...search...learn...share.
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