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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Thanks for that. Good to hear you can get one with pins. Do you know if they finished the inside better? The old rep bracelet didn't have the cleanest finishing on the inside surface of the bracelet.
  2. Most reliable doesn't necessarily mean most accurate out of the box, or most able to be accurate with heavy mods. The most reliable will likely be any rep which has a REAL Swiss ETA 2892 movement in them...followed by any with a Swiss 2836/2824 or similar. The real Swiss movements will be most reliable out of the box as they should be clean and properly oiled. Rep chrono movements in the 21j variety are less reliable, and those with the A7750 (standard layout 6-9-12) are the most reliable BUT require servicing within 9 months of purchase to CONTINUE to be reliable. Those A7750s with secs @ 3 are also reliable because the transfer gears are properly jewelled, and those with secs @6 are less reliable as the transfer gears are running metal to metal. Those Franken reps with Zenith El Primero movements will be very reliable as well...and the Seagull ST 19 (I think that's the model...can't remember for sure...aka Lemania manual wind) are considered solid as well. As you can see...reliability has everything to do with the movement...and NOT with the watch. The tricky part with the reps now is that some are sold as Swiss ETA but are shipped with copies of Swiss ETA. Only the collector Eurotimez will confirm Swiss ETA and guarantee it before shipping.
  3. It's been said before...and I'll say it again...beautiful shots of a great watch. When I see your pics and collection, I too want to have many many Subs.
  4. You hit the ground running since joining the board. Congrats. We look forward to seeing more pics of your watches and your impressions.
  5. Finding somebody to service is a challenge. I said in another post that finding people who can work on high end movements like 7750s (gen or rep) is rare...add on the complication of dealing with Asian versions (i.e. scarcity of parts, and idiosyncracies of manufacturing) and it can indeed be a challenge. Asking around pawn shops that may sell reps to see who they would send stuff to be serviced to may be a start (as most pawn shops sell gens as well)...going through the yellow pages and calling people to see first if they can work on ETA 7750s and if they would be willing to work on an Asian 7750. I know one local forum member here just brings in the movements to be serviced so he's not bringing in a "fake" watch...just the movement, but this entails having the skills to de-case, remove hands and dials, and re-install (not for the faint of heart, and requires a specialized tool kit). I can do some of this...but for the movement, I defer to the master The Zigmeister...search for a thread on how to contact The Zigmeister for mods...it will explain how to get in contact with him. You can also search the forum for rep friendly watchmakers in your country.
  6. Congrats on the first purchase. Automatic watches are great...mechanical devices have a soul whereas quartz is just cheap no matter how expensive it is. The problem is, automatics are not as accurate as quartz movements, require much more maintenance (costly at that), and much more care...but they are so cool. Things to read: Care and Feeding of Automatic and Manual Watches Care and Feeding of A7750s Why Handwinding is Bad Problems Accelerating Wear and Maintenance of A7750s A7750 Power Reserve and Rotor Spinning Problems A7750 Spinning Rotor...is it a problem? How To Adjust Timing or Beat Wow...so much information...you are in trouble...you just kissed all your free time goodbye.
  7. Wouldn't say you are Noob to the rep world...not at all...but look around here, and you may well trade in 10 of your lower end reps for 1 of the uber-reps that the dealers have been coming out with. Welcome...and good to have you starting to post.
  8. Welcome. You've travelled around a bit. Wow! Have fun here...you've come to a place filled with experts.
  9. Just get all of them. It's coming with a black rep rubber and black moo-croc with deployment...I have a Di Modell 22mm Imperator strap in honey brown (no Breitling white stitching...but I think the strap is AMAZING...best made strap around) and will likely be waiting for a Chestnut croc from Aaron just like Lani's. I thought about the dark brown rep leather on a buckle...but held off.
  10. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Remember...this is a pretty limited release, so the odds of anyone, even at an AD who has seen one will be rare. The odds of anyone outside of a true Breitling expert knowing the differences between the gen and the V1 rep are really rare. The odds of anyone picking out the colour difference without a side by side comparison, in varying light conditions in the real world (i.e. different from non-colour corrected monitors in the internet world) are really really rare.
  11. Hah...I asked the same questions. As said above...22mm for the Skyland, SOH is 24mm. The Ocean Racer strap with deployment is slick...but as a rep strap is only sized for 24mm...HOWEVER, you can buy the rep strap for $95, and get gen rubber pieces from an AD sized for 22mm, and use the deployment clasp. Believe it or not, this is a much cheaper option than getting the gen OR strap. The bracelet is hard to source for the Skyland...and is one of the big reasons people buy the V2 vs. the V1. It's a different factory that produces each. Some people have found the quality of the bracelet to be lacking, and many find it adds so much weight to the piece, that unless your wrists are >7", odds are you won't find it comfortable. I have skinny wrists so thought that the rubber strap as Lani the strap master has experienced (though his guns are Howitzers compare with my chicken arms), would balance the weight of the Skyland more. The leather straps (rep, aftermarket or gen) really add class to it as well. I may source a bracelet down the line...or look for a gen Pro2 bracelet...but not likely. The watch is heavy on the bracelet.
  12. Noob got game! I agree fully...especially with the Slevin being pretty good visually (obviously not functionally...but hey, how often do you need to adjust your bezel?), the split being something that can't be had with a rep...go for the latter for sure! BTW...great little set with the Ti SMP chrono! That does suck about the easy scratching.
  13. You might be living in a fairly humid climate to begin with which doesn't help if you leave the case back off. Bottom line is...there's still moisture in there when you are putting the caseback on I would guess. Try removing the caseback and sticking it in a ziplock bag with some silica gel (the "DO NOT EAT" stuff you get in vitamins, electronics, etc when bought new) for a day or so...then put on the caseback. That might help.
  14. I just paid for mine. Do the math: A7750 movement - $120 Rubber strap - $50 = $15 watch! Woohoo!!
  15. The big issue with it is the subdial spacing is off...this will never change with Speedy's unless the rep makers can get a new movement with tighter subdial spacing. I think it's a great looking watch though.
  16. It might be fuzzed to seem lower due to the softness of the scan...otherwise it does look close to the point of the triangle and large...or it's a rep.
  17. I work across the street too...hilarious. We should hook up when my Skyland V1 arrives with the fixed lume dot.
  18. Holy Daytona Batman...smokin' hot as always Freddy...I can never tire of it...and great edgy pix.
  19. OUR ADs don't carry full ranges of the Omegas I find. RDV had a selection of POs and lots of Speedy's. I was at European at the Eaton's Centre yesterday and they had a 50th Anniversary Speedy (I'm thinking of a rep of this one...not overly accurate due to the Lemania/Seagull...but nice nonetheless)...about 6 varieties of Speedy's. European had a couple nice ladies Seamasters (quartz)...I should get one for my wife I think. They all carry the standard blue SMP and PO Chronos...not a lot of the other varieties (bracelet only...no straps on hand...but straps with the PO series and non chrono SMPs)...nobody had the yacht timer Seamaster but I got pricing on those some time back and a catalogue to boot.
  20. All reports seem to say the Ocean Racer strap is tops...great Quality incl. clasp.
  21. Nice indeed. 2836 for the Masters...2892-A2 for the Phd.
  22. There is a lot on the SMP Chrono in general...but not too much on the new one. The black version exists: 300m Chrono Diver - ...in fact, it exists as a "Speedmaster" subidal layout as well (Caliber 3301...same one as the Speedy Schumacher Legend): Still called the 300m Chrono Diver but reference 2594.52.00
  23. As others have said <$500 gets you pretty much every single high end rep out there...Skyland, Omega SMP Chrono, Tag Link Chrono, Aquaracer, SFSO, 3717s, Spitfire, SFSO, Noobmariner, etc...take your pick.
  24. Try searching...there are a number of SMP Chrono reviews around...but for the new one...no one has reviewed it fully yet, but the discussion based on pictures is here: New SMP Chrono
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