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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Very nice...big congrats. I'm actually partial to the OR.
  2. It looks great on the wrist too...except my wife and kids complain it keeps them up if I wear it at night.
  3. Ask for the RC Tritec Superluminova BGW9 or C1 with blue glow. C3 is the brightest...BGW9 is the next brightest, and regular C1 is the next. Zig's Blue Lume Post The above link is Zig's post...but his pics got hacked awhile back and he hasn't uploaded them again...but the info is in the text. SD Blue Lume Post Here's another.
  4. I love stuff like this and would love to get the address and info!! PM coming...
  5. Yikes...both @ P4 and the OP.
  6. King has been one of the recommended dealers for awhile...don't know if they still are though. Many have used them...just might not be on the current list.
  7. Don't need to include me on the draw...just wanted to say congrats to O/S!!!
  8. BTW...for the 2006 CD...go for the inaccurate blue lume...it's MIND BLOWING!! IWC doesn't use the blue lume...but what an improvement!! Zig...you should repost those pics from your thread on mine...amazing!!
  9. Welcome aboard guys...lots of stand up folks in TO and the GTA
  10. That is going to be quite the haul when it arrives. Wow. I'm looking forward to the pics. Exciting times ahead!!
  11. Hey T...if you DON'T wear glasses, PM your address...I'll mail a loupe out to you. It's not a great one...but better than nothing. I use glasses so use one that clips on one of my pairs...the other one didn't work for me.
  12. There have been a few pshop jobs which I think REALLY make this watch look absolutely killer...
  13. Do not bother a dealer with regards to a piece of hair. It sounds like they should be responsible for it...QA, etc...but save that sort of request for when it really matters (bad datewheel, lume dots, whatever). 2 options. Take it to any watch repair place and ask them to clean it...takes 20 minutes. Do it yourself...but like MP said...if you don't have the proper tools and saavy, you will screw it up. To see what's involved, look at the tutorials or guides in my signature for the Sea Gull ST19 keyless works to see what's involved in removing a movement...or you can look for tutorials on swapping datewheels on an A7750 or swapping an A7750 itself pinned in one of the repair sections.
  14. Wow Ubi...that is stunning!!! With the AR, it actually looks BETTER than the gen.
  15. ZZ (...and she knows how to use them)
  16. Wow...scary. So glad everyone is safe and things are repairable. A good reminder to check those batteries. My 4 year old was just asking the other day if we could check them as it's nearing Christmas.
  17. Yummmm!!!! Nice one...and a great piece not often seen!! BTW Highoeyaz-etc, etc...love the avatar!!
  18. Hike's latest thread... OH...the word... Hike.
  19. Wow...the AR is something!! Great pics as always R!
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