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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. It's going to be very hard for a consumer zoom to compete with good prime. Even the Nikkor E-series 50mm 1.8's will be better than a wide range consumer zoom in terms of picture quality. Creative control with the zoom will be there, but images will be soft, low contrast, slow lens, vignetting is an issue, etc... I hear you though. I have great glass and experience using my SLR...but have been using my G9 for almost everything recently...and the G9 because of limitations on filters, poor low light performance, etc is not that great for shooting watches. Shooting outside is great however.
  2. Welcome to RWG!! Your best source for info. Generally, if a review or discussion on a particular model can't be found, post a topic in the appropriate subsection and you should get a response. For the most part, the pieces sold by collectors/dealers recommended here are the higher end reps. You can find more models out there somewhere else, but service and quality will be unknown variables. The dealers here are (for the most part), trusted dealers who stand by their products and sell the good stuff. There are variants between dealers sometimes, so you have to do your research here and find out about the different versions, and determine which is the best for you. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to do the research. Fortunately, the time spent is interesting and educational. Good luck.
  3. I don't even care if the mechanical depth gauge works or not on a Deep Two rep. I don't see any reason they don't make one other than thinking it's not a big seller. Too bad. I love it.
  4. I was able to do some successful searching today...just try more general search terms than what you used before...that's what I had to do, but found what I needed. What I am finding is that the returns are hard to read because of colour formatting (purple highlighted text sometimes, with black letters...impossible to read).
  5. Exactly like the others said...sometimes you just want a watch that a super high accuracy rep doesn't exist for. And, if you like what you ordered, that's all that matters. The same can be said for the many variations of the Omega Speedmasters that exist because of the inaccurate subdial spacing, or the Rolex 6263's, or countless other watches. People still love the design...so people still buy them. Reps are interesting on many levels. For me, sometimes it's on finding a very high accuracy rep, other times it's just finding a nice design that's "close enough" and doesn't need to be accurate. I've bought many a "fantasy" watch because I liked the design, knowing full well accuracy was not in mind when they made the pieces. It's an interesting looking watch...and if it's your first Breitling (rep or gen), I bet you like the heft and weight of the piece. Wait until you get a Bentley on your wrist...those are big!! The Montbrillant Legende are considered very accurate (aside from the sunken datewheel which may have been fixed now...can't remember).
  6. I think in terms of accuracy, the V2 Top Gun is the way to go. The 2009 AT looks great, but the strap construction and possibly the older movement are in question. Daytona4Me's Review of the 2009 AT Here's Lani's review of the V2 Top Gun...looks awesome: Lani's V2 Top Gun Review ...as to where to order, this is from Lani's post on Page 2: "As a heads up the V1 is being marketed as the more correct version.. and is being sold at a reduced price.. This is not the most accurate version !! to my knowledge Perfect Clones and Trustywatchguy are the 2 dealers wihth the V2 from the maker of the Carrera .. so be careful in your selection Check with Joshua or Andrew ~ ... to be sure before ordering.."
  7. Thanks for this one. Great review and an interesting piece for sure...especially with the working power reserve and the running secs at 6.
  8. That's hilarious...total Flava Flave
  9. Check the listings on this board. Deployments come up every now and then...or you can go to the various dealers and order a new one. As for the straps, again, check the board, or there are various strap makers that do great straps (The Watch Boys, HKTan, Frogman, etc).
  10. The real reason to upgrade to Platinum is not for any added benefits, but more to support the board and make sure it stays up and running and that the community we hope you get more and more entrenched in continues to thrive!
  11. Pug...you are doing great with your reversing ring that's for sure!!
  12. Yeah...they come out with things like really ugly blinged out HBB's, or the leopard Daytona but they can't come out with stuff like this, or the IWC Deep Two (that's the one I really want). I guess they know their market of what sells around the world...and not just for people who participate on forums.
  13. Keep up the good work. There is no substitute for good glass. The first time I submitted images to a magazine for publication, the editor wrote a very nice letter back (awesome considering the magazine!!!) saying he liked my images and composition and they were the type of images he would publish BUT, he could tell I was using a consumer grade lens and told me to start shooting with professional grade glass and resubmit images. A few thousand dollars later invested in 2 lenses, and magazines started taking my work. Consumer zooms are too soft, low contrast, all the things you're noticing as bad. Your eye and composition sense really need the DSLR to open up the creative world for you and bring your options to the next level.
  14. That is a nice watch. They call the semi-circular window an "operating indicator". What's that? Is that a 30s gauge running seconds?? If so...that should be readily done with the seconds at 6 movement and usual reliability problems.
  15. Just came back from the US with 3 reps...no problems at all.
  16. Great stuff. I need to get a DSLR. A P&S really draws short on macro and indoor lighting stuff that's for sure.
  17. Toadtorrent

    New Stuff

    I hear you. I've used all sorts of board and paper to control reflection. It's tricky when you don't have a huge amount of space or a proper space. I should make a cheapo light box. Great work. I'm still debating on the $99 beauty. PWC announced a $69 version...not as good though. No blue lume.
  18. Toadtorrent

    New Stuff

    Couldn't get the pic for some reason. But I'm thinking of that PWC Milgauss now too. You seem to like it!! Aaah...just refreshed and it did it...great pic. I can almost see you in the reflection of the lug horn. That watch is a looker...wow....
  19. Awesome report. Great pics. I would love to see an Air Race. Great stuff and thanks for sharing.
  20. That's the only review of that I've seen. I like the orange, but the colour is off, and the less than stellar construction makes me think I should look elsewhere for the next purchase. The spelling on the Galapagos all black is screwed on the caseback too.
  21. Chieftang is THE Top Dog to get AR from...unfortunately, attempts at coordinating efforts with AR in Europe using Chief's service have encountered problems (not Chief's from what I understand). Breitling is also associated with heavy AR use, and I think PAMs only sometimes. Some do the aftermarket AR even where it's not accurate because it does make the dial "pop" out like nobody's business.
  22. Check out Kenberg's wallets...he's got some fun ones.
  23. Great pics. Can you show a pic of how you made the shots??
  24. I haven't bothered polishing any of my pieces. Like Andy said, if you get a new one, you'll have a high beat movement but with potentially a <1 year reliability expectation without servicing (as per Zig's experience)...could be higher...could be lower...but you'll get a newer dial. Would the new dial even fit in your old case with the better slide rule? I'm slowly getting Zig to service all mine...just love having a silent A7750 rotor and smooth winding stem...not that I ever manually wind.
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