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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. I have a couple ALS $100 reps...and they are a great deal...very understated, elegant watches. Beautiful 3/4 plate movement with the display back. I've been meaning to do a writeup for awhile...but haven't gotten around to it. If you were hesitant of entering the rep world and it's expensive $500 reps...these are a great entry point for getting a watch that far outclasses a lot of cheap "gens" out there.
  2. Looks good...it has the classic problem of the misaligned bezel which is on ALL of them...so don't feel bad. The lume is mediocre on them...unless you get it ziggified like mine...LOVE it. This is an awesome watch.
  3. Great write-up and those photos are fantastic.
  4. What do you like?? Dress, diver, chrono, vintage, big, small????
  5. The ultimate solution to the waiting problem is to regularly order at least 2 watches per month...so you always have a strem of them coming in...never knowing really, which ones will arrive.
  6. I wouldn't think so...this has been out for awhile so not likely to have an update to it. It's a great rep though...I've been thinking of pulling the trigger on one for awhile.
  7. Wow...really nice pieces. What a great collection...gotta love that gen movement upgrade on the TG!!
  8. Yeah...it's a bit agonizing that wait...then FRUSTRATING as !@#^!! if what arrives is bad and has to go back...but jaw-dropping when it works out. I had to wait 24+ hrs because I missed the delivery sign-off on a watch that came from jmarin, and even though it was JUST over a day to wait for it to get to the postal depot...it was an AGONIZING wait because of the building excitement...fun stuff this rep world.
  9. Yup...we always say, it's the rep world...it's not Wal-Mart. If you want customer service...well...buy gens at an AD...they give you free coffee and cape cod cloths too. In the rep world, you have to remember it's a counterfeit industry in China...you can only expect so much...and we are small potatoes as customers in RWG to the dealers on a global scale. Yup...it's painful...and when it arrives, it might be wrong, busted, bad, whatever...need to go back for repair (on YOUR dime!!!), and then you won't get anything back again until 1-2 months later. Aaaah...reps...love 'em...hate 'em...deal with 'em. If you want faster service, then look for very reputable fellow RWG members to buy used from, from your continent, and pay for faster shipping...then it can arrive super fast...but for the most part, if it's a current item, with decent supply, from China to Canada usually 7-10 days by EMS. Between Canada to Australia...I've had 2.5 months!!
  10. It does look good!! What's been done on this watch? I'm not really familiar with the mods he does.
  11. They'll make a rep of it for sure...but it won't be that great. The issue is the machining of the plate to allow for the gears to be seen. They had this problem with the AP ROO RB II...I don't think they'll go to that level of detail...but that's my pessimism.
  12. Very nice...haven't been to SF in YEARS...fantastic.
  13. Love these...the watch and the pics. Great stuff...
  14. He's around. Send him an email. Did you let him know your replacement dial had not arrived yet and wanted to reschedule, or did you just "miss" the appointment? If you didn't communicate you might have found yourself blocked.
  15. Great early post. I do find this a great watch. It's hard to capture the plastic bubble coated bezel look in pix...and it adds a good vintage feel to the piece. Welcome to the forum...not many posts...but you've obviously been around awhile!! Great stuff.
  16. Oh my...what a piece...AWESOME pix too!! You got a legendary piece from a legendary member. Big congrats on this one...great story too.
  17. I do like a good Steve McQueen...projects are always fun. That must be the old version before the 1:1 and before the 1:1 updated dial?
  18. They haven't had one for awhile...if I remember right it was about $5,000 CDN + taxes.
  19. I agree operationally. Again...once serviced, parts wearing down shouldn't really be that much of an issue...but if something needs to be replaced...it may or may not get difficult. I think they are still the best value for the A7750...especially without the chrono mechanism. As to going to extremes...that's more an issue of case construction than the movement.
  20. Fun...well built, but lacks the design balance of... Oh...yeah...the watch is alright.
  21. Nice B!!! I don't know why...but I thought of this pic when I saw that...can't figure out why... BTW...if you contact your dealer...they'll send you a new dial...about $30 + shipping...so add on a watch to the order, and it's a better deal!!
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