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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Great Photo's awesome watch and IMO that CG looks fine and dandy wear it well So what's your next project? ST4
  2. Go for it 44 is fine I have the smallest of wrist and I love my PAMMIES, if you are in serious doubt go for a cheaper $100 version and size it up. You will want a new strap with what ever you get and thats when the trouble really begins, also once you've worn 44mm everything else seems tiny ST4 Not 111's but you get the drift
  3. Clockwise 40 turns, and though they say you cant over wind, just stop before it gets too tight
  4. Yesterday (wed) was GMTC CHS, still working Today Thursday ST4
  5. Dear RWG's Please can you help me out? I
  6. Awesome write up and pictures sure is a beauty Enjoy ST4
  7. Yeah I thought that, but the strap looks nasty, and I'm not sure about the Deployant? But that case back could well be Gen I guess We shall see, the suspense of it all, Damn Time zones
  8. Laz I think Dark Brown is the way to go for this watch Something like this GSD I have a Dark Bruciato - Antique Stitch of gregs and it really is a great strap ST4
  9. LC Thats one mighty fine looking watch you have there, may I ask the source of such a beauty? ME WANTS ONE TO Cheers ST4
  10. looks bloody awesome, wear it well, else send it to me ST4
  11. So many views and not one comment? Guess DSN is not flavour around here IMHO it looks very good, great spacing on the swiss made, it glows like a light saber, the 12 looks fine, maybe a little wide and white on the words but all in all really nice If he gets the destro to the same standard I will be up for one to. The crown on you 177 look awesome , is that the new one? have you had any luck with the Turks crown? look forward to the finished result ST4
  12. I think its looks pretty cool, would be great if they could sort out the Carbon Fiber case, I'm still looking for my first AP So what about this Monster looks like the Gaytona has some competition ST4
  13. Interesting question where are you seeing those dimensions on the width? as 18.5 seems a tad extreme. Basically it will all be in the crystal dome, I recently sold my 1950 Fiddy 47mm which was I think too big for my wrists but I miss the shape of it. I think the 253 could well be the answer Do you have any PAM's already? Go for it Mate I'm sure it will be a great watch enjoy ST4
  14. Welcome , 32 already wow show us some pic's ST4
  15. Now thats the one I've been waiting for, that looks great ST4
  16. Holy PamSh!t Anytime my wife start to moan about my few I am going to show her this picture. That's just freakin awesome, good work dude. ST4
  17. Seems Like you guys have the Rollies covered, so I will bring in the PAMs Wednesday Thursday ST4
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