I feel your pain Brother.
I suspect I may end up in the Betty Ford watchaholic Recovery Clinic soon enough. I got it bad...
So bad infact I've had a change of tact with myself, instead of waiting to have too many watches that I either need to sell some or buy a bigger watch box, I have pre-empted myself by buying another watch box when, as of yet I don't have any watches to put in it.
GENIUS me thinks, so now I am waiting for a box that I now need to decide how best to fill it..
But I think if we want to approach this in mature manner then Modding is the way forward. I got a pretty poor White pam and I've made it my mission to make it repectable no matter how much its going to cost me in time and effort.
Also send a watch that doesnt get much wrist time off to k2222 or chief for some AR it takes a while but theres quite a thrill to be had from that.
I'm sure you've tried all this already if your at the point of buying DSN hands!!!!
What have we become?
I am a watchaholic, its not big or clever but i like it
You are not alone, worry not , now go buy that AP sec's @ 12 I hear it calling you ,