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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Sometimes the customised jobs work and sometimes they don't . I know its just photoshopped at this stage and may well look better in the hand , but I ain't feelin these From Braken What do you guys think ? Deal or no Deal ?
  2. I think the Caddell subs are a celebration of replica watches. Far more interesting and unique than trying to palm something off as something else. There are plenty of bespoke custom works out there that are similar The SlamJam The TC Rouge
  3. That has a really nice pattern , very unique . Wear it well
  4. Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces 09-04-2014 Sold including buyer's premium: 32,500 USD That is insane
  5. You Guys are so hard to please Think it looks pretty good , wish I had some spare $ to try it out Angus Gen I think the White is fantasy , still a good looker, with a quality looking dial Has anyone ordered one yet ?
  6. Have always wanted one but never took it up. What time is it on that watch in the QC pic then? is it 3:15 or 4:55?
  7. That's one awesome looking watch. Just wish I could pull off a 47. Sadly have tried and failed so not to be
  8. Bad Words 7/10 So offensively wrong , yet hilarious
  9. Unfortunately its doesn't appear to be a one off example either Some may be reps that have been played with others PhotoShopped . An acquired taste for sure
  10. Everything Changes. Nicer than the Deep Sea at least
  11. I've got 4 davidsens in my watch box and have owned others including 201a and 024a. I like them. They are not always perfect replications in terms of 1 to 1 exactness and that upsets some people. I did find the crystal on my 201 a bit cloudy in some lights but I think that was also a reflection of the Matte dial. I think this has been rectified on new versions. I'm not sure on the font that the previous member has mentioned I thought his PreV's were ok. IMHO they are good value especially when compared to alternative PreV options
  12. Lovely pair. That wakmann is a bit special with the day date
  13. The Explorer1'esq dialled sub is pretty stylish but i think I'd prefer a non pvd version
  14. Now I am all for custom jobs and individualisation. I have a TCCaddell Rouge But this is just bonkers And Josh has gone and made one I am I missing something or is this sort of half a watch missing 2 subdials . I mean what is the point ??? Here is the official http://www.brevetplus.com/special-edition The Elprimo is quite nice. But I would be surprised if Zenith are impressed though by the blatant sub dial colour copy I think Rollie aint shifting the Daytonas and gave them to these guys to bastardise What do you guys reckon Deal or NO Deal ?
  15. Turn around don't look back. This place is not the place you're looking for
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