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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Try Don straps for good value 26mm http://rlx.homestead.com/15.html
  2. On me phone I can't tell if it's a bronze or gold or plain steel. What type of material have we got going on here Gents? Not that it matters. Those olde worlde sandwich dodgy recessed font dials are just a fad and it will pass
  3. That's one sweet looking vintage you got there. Really like the leather nato
  4. Wow what a wonderful resource. Thank you for the BIG effort. Great layout GOLD star for you sir
  5. Wow that's a very impressive post. Thank you for the effort. Really great to see such a comparison
  6. Really like that matte bezel. Just shame they ain't in 44 mm
  7. Welcome aboard you've kind of hit the jackpot of replicas here but it's as much as a curse as a blessing. Have fun
  8. That looks well nice. The NATO makes it really unique. Wear it well
  9. Given that Fake Tourbi balance wheel It dont look like a gen
  10. Awesome Photos , those Old Skool Royal Oaks are such a unique style of watch. Sold my MBK version a few years back as it was a little big for my faye wrists, I do miss it . Which is your fav?
  11. You aint got much choice as it dont look like cartel sell them anymore This is another post http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/65591-pam-229-firenze-review/ DSN's new case and crystal are really good I sent my V1 back for and upgrade , the CG lever is not as tight as it could be but overall its very impressive Whats not to like?
  12. Very interesting so what did you do to get the colour of the case.
  13. Give this guy a look on ebay acetimer really good value IMHO
  14. looks like that deserves a better picture
  15. I wouldn't mind having that box Gen or Not
  16. Wow nice post mate and a cracking quality watch . Thanks for putting this up. I'd be needing a GMT like I need another PAM !!!!
  17. poor guy, god willing for a speedy recovery
  18. Yikes this is a serious condition, fingers crossed its not permanent . Can I suggest a 312 first off and if that doesn't cure it then possibly a chronograph, maybe a 196. I hope you get better soon
  19. I like it and given Josh did these Project X no crowns , there is always the possibility
  20. I'd be happy to take anyone of those off your hands TC
  21. Ebel Chrono Better to have a good rep rather than a not so good Gen
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