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Everything posted by migiandone

  1. You are rigth, this is not "perfect", so almost he should refund the difference between the two!
  2. Oliver also align date on one of my GMT, well the date was centerd from bot to bottom, Ciao Mig/
  3. Hi, no dubt ask Oliver (repaustria) his work is unbelivable for the price. Ciao Mig/
  4. Thx with standard mode all is fine, Thanks all for help. Ciao Mig/
  5. Hi Kenberg, since I cannot read replies to messages I need to repost from the first. I am using FireFox to browse the web, the new way a messages replies are showed, by a tree, I cannot read, if I click on a reply I always get the first messages and not the reply, so I am only able to read first post, and no one replies. I hope this can help. Ciao Mig/
  6. Hi, I am using Firefox and I am not able to read messages in the new way a thread is presented, by the tree, some other have same problems? And, IMHO, the previsous way was better. Thx in advance. Mig/
  7. Hei Relaxman, you go my watch! I am from italy my watch also change dat at 12a.m. the dealer ship to bad address!!!!!! so if I will send the mine to you and vice versa this is the way to solve the problem, let me know, I am very confusing living at nigth and sleeping ad day, pls solve asap!!!! Ciao! Mig/
  8. Is my eyes or the date windows is very misaligned? Ciao! Mig/
  9. Hi, I have a 111h to in Palpatine hands to be relumed, I just wondering how much the lume will last in the night, someone done this work and can suggest me? minutes, hours? What I can aspect from this work? Thx a lot in advance. Mig/
  10. I was one! One who does this, I do a PP complain to Andrew in the past, when I bought my first rep, was the wrost thing I have done in rep worlds, but at that time I was not knowing who andrew was, now I can say, with no one dubt, he is a very very good dealer with a service unbelivable, apart from this he is a good guy, he solve all the problems in friendly way, I can only say this: Andrew is Super, my last birthday he send me FOR FREE a beautiful Omega, I was not tell this since now, because now I think all guys in the forum claim his gift from Andrew. Remember there is no way to not solve with Andrew. Ciao!
  11. Hi, I suppose Lisa is AAAplusdirect seller on replicacollector Ciao! Mig/
  12. gone http://search.ebay.it/_W0QQsassZrasobe7 regards, Mig/
  13. Hi Oliver, So caliber without swan neck was old stock? (gmt is on the way!) Ciao!
  14. Hi, I do search, I found nothing, so I ask. can someone tell me difference from H and G series unitas? Regards, Mig/ First give me a decent reply get my credit
  15. I think there is no need of servicing an ETA movement just bought, but if you want, there are a couple of good guy from inside UE: palpatine and repaustria, both trusted guy. Try pm. Ciao! Mig/
  16. Found this, hope usefull, http://www.tztoolshop.com/page133.html Regards, Mig/
  17. Hi, As I know jubliee bracelet is an option for rlx GMT, but what is the story? is it the old version of bracelet for all the models? Vintage Sub or Seadweller are suitable to be fitted with a jubilee bracelet? Thx
  18. I do not undestend your reply
  19. Hi all, I need to send a watch to a friend in USA, I am from italy, I need to put some documento on the package? Any help appreciated. Regards, Mig
  20. Looking at France-Spain was clear Zidane insulting some spanish players with 'son of a b...', ZZ is not new to this kind of things, now everyone can act like a skin-head in a game, thx Zidane for this Confucio pills. Regards. Mig/
  21. Hi, I do not know much about 'perfect' clones, since I am new to wathes world, I want to testify about seriousness of Andrew, soemtime reps come doa, or gone lost in shipment, or come with some problems, Andrew always take care of this problems, only few other dealers I'd done business act same. The new sub can be 'perfect' or almost 'perfect' gurus can say, for sure the work Andrew claim on it are true. My 2 cents. Regards, Mig/
  22. http://cgi.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=270006270178 Regards, Mig/
  23. Many Asian 6497 show this problem, are you sure it is swiss?? Regards, Mig/
  24. http://tinyurl.com/hqwrj Regards, Mig.
  25. Hi, I got one from Andrew, it is a beauty IMO, very accurate in time keeping, it is one in black/black. I take the time to give a big thx to Andrew, this GMT was one he send me to substitute one with some problems on GMT hand I gotted from you, as always a very good service from Andrew. Regards, Mig/
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