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Going to buy a SA, need some help.

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Posted (edited)

Hi, I have read some of the posts around here now and first of all I must say that Breitling Super Avenger was my first "watch" love.

From the first day i saw that watch I just couldnt stop thinking about it and I guess that I've made my choice.

First of all. Are there any flaws with this rep? And where to buy?

I've found two good stores that's recommended by some pals.

Eurotimez and trusty time.

Looked around these online sellers and found my watch but got alittle confused. Are there any difference in the reps?

I mean, first of all the most expensive ones:

Eurotimez: (358$) http://www.eurotimez88.com/product_info.php?cPath=9_22&products_id=3074&osCsid=d34454836abc777e1863aef02f08c342

Trusty times: (328$) http://www.tt88time.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_137&products_id=3176

Is both of these the same rep? And how can I find that information? If thats the case TT is cheaper.

And so I found another one at trusty times.

http://www.tt88time.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_137&products_id=744 (258$)

Cheapest of them all and it still got 7750 movement. What is it missing that made it cheaper than the once above?

Best Regards:


Edited by KongAdam

Well Adam, i am not a expert on SAs but let me welcome you to RWG

The first two watches are more than likely the same but the seller is different, and that is oftern the deciding factor in this game.

I cant give you any more than that as i cant visit those sites from where i am right now,


The first two watches are probably the same (Eurotimez site is blocked here at work) but you are likely paying a premium with Eurotimez as I believe he is a european based dealer. The third link is not a Super Avenger, but a fantasy SS Chrono Avenger.


the first 2 are the same - and the best SAs you can get.

they absolutely spectacular in RL - i love mine !!


the maker of this watch has some quality problems -

be aware that you will get some trouble with this rep.

mine had in less than 1 year movement problems,

the crown/tube fu


the first 2 are the same - and the best SAs you can get.

they absolutely spectacular in RL - i love mine !!


the maker of this watch has some quality problems -

be aware that you will get some trouble with this rep.

mine had in less than 1 year movement problems,

the crown/tube fu


Aaaw... Thats too bad. :(

I was hoping that when I spend 300$+ on a watch that it will last more than a year without the need for repair.

Hmm... Maybe I should concider another watch then because im not interested in buying gen dials or anything like that. :)

the Avenger Seawolf should be more stress free - same factory -

i have zero problems on mine - but i have it only 1-2 month ;)




the Avenger Seawolf should be more stress free - same factory -

i have zero problems on mine - but i have it only 1-2 month ;)



You could have been unlucky?

If the movement doenst work properly anymore that sucks big time, but the crown (newb, is it the thing you screw on to change time?) could last long if im lucky with my watch?

I've sendt TT a mail and asked if these problems occur often or what kind of guarantee I get if im unlucky and get a watch with these problems.


You could have been unlucky?

If the movement doenst work properly anymore that sucks big time, but the crown (newb, is it the thing you screw on to change time?) could last long if im lucky with my watch?

I've sendt TT a mail and asked if these problems occur often or what kind of guarantee I get if im unlucky and get a watch with these problems.

unfortunately the movement problems are not uncommen for this rep -

the Skyland V2 - also same factory - has the same problems ...

but maybe they have fixed it now.

same goes to the crown problem - quite a few members had the same problem.

but dont get me wrong - i say get the watch - maybe your have more luck ;)



  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, got my SA yesterday, and its awsome.

Anyway. How do i set the time? I cant figure it out, and dont want to mess something up.

Like ive turned the crown anti clockwise, then carefully pulled it out and when I turn it clockwise, only the date is set. Not the time...?

Anything im missing here?

And, whats the two other buttons for? Just for show?

And the second (I dont know what the english word for the timeshowing pins are, so i just call them pins for now).

The thinnest pin (wich i first tought showed seconds) is not moving, what is it for? Is it not supposed to move? Ive checked some of the pics on of this watch and all stays on "100" so I suppose thats correct. and the top and bottom mini dial things, what do they show? The left one i figured to be seconds.


Pull the crown out one more click and then it is in the time setting mode....First click is date..Second click is time.

The top button starts and stops the chrono and the bottom one resets the hands back to the starting position.


Pull the crown out one more click and then it is in the time setting mode....First click is date..Second click is time.

The top button starts and stops the chrono and the bottom one resets the hands back to the starting position.

Ah, i figured out the stop and reset button. Those needed alittble bit pressure to the button. Feel abit stupid :p

And two clicks worked, thanks :)

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