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Pimped my DSSD as shown by gioarmani

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Hi there,

inspired by gio's great post I decided to pull the trigger and pimped the bezel of my "ultimate" V-XY DSSD. I got this watch from a nice member a short time ago for a veeeery little money. It is a nice watch with a Swiss ETA (as I can judge it is a "swiss" ETA although it might be produced in Asia who know's :whistling: ). I actually considered this as a try before purchasing the V5 but when I saw gio's thread I decided to safe some money and pimp my V-XY. A dial with bevelled date window is on its way to my home so the watch will be modded continously blue lume and epoxy sealing of the He valve included.

I just finished the work and took some pics for you. Please note, that the bezel isn't finally polished yet because I will have to work on the 40 and on the triangle around the pearl again. But it gives you an idea how simple the job is. Simple? Yes. But work carefully and with patience. ^_^

Here we go with the first step. White matte colour applied to the bezel:



After working on the bezel with nail polish remover (do this very carefully otherwise the job has to be done again):



It is not easy to work on the triangle. I'll apply additional layers per day to get it dry and in a nice shape. I considered to disassemble the ceramic inlay to work more properly on it but I am afraid I could break the ceramic.



Nice Job!

Who is selling the beveled date window dials and how much do they cost?


pls ask our dealers as I just could source one by chance.


Nice job! nums look accurate. I read that gen bezel's num are painted in light platine/silver, is that true? does the V5 need bezel num adjustment or is it accurate enough?


Hi there,

inspired by gio's great post I decided to pull the trigger and pimped the bezel of my "ultimate" V-XY DSSD. I got this watch from a nice member a short time ago for a veeeery little money. It is a nice watch with a Swiss ETA (as I can judge it is a "swiss" ETA although it might be produced in Asia who know's :whistling: ). I actually considered this as a try before purchasing the V5 but when I saw gio's thread I decided to safe some money and pimp my V-XY. A dial with bevelled date window is on its way to my home so the watch will be modded continously blue lume and epoxy sealing of the He valve included.

I just finished the work and took some pics for you. Please note, that the bezel isn't finally polished yet because I will have to work on the 40 and on the triangle around the pearl again. But it gives you an idea how simple the job is. Simple? Yes. But work carefully and with patience. ^_^

Here we go with the first step. White matte colour applied to the bezel:



After working on the bezel with nail polish remover (do this very carefully otherwise the job has to be done again):



It is not easy to work on the triangle. I'll apply additional layers per day to get it dry and in a nice shape. I considered to disassemble the ceramic inlay to work more properly on it but I am afraid I could break the ceramic.

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