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Hi Guys

I am sorry if this has been asked before I have tried searching here and elsewhere but cant seem to find the answer.

Can anybody suggest a way to restore and/or clean the PVD coating on a case?

1) without harming the coating

2) restoring the lustre or matt of the finish depending on the type of PVD

Thank you


Hey Pete!

I think it was hackr or maybe ubi or lani who had a similar post sometime ago.....




Hey Pete!

I think it was hackr or maybe ubi or lani who had a similar post sometime ago.....



Thanks F

I will have a look :thumbsupsmileyanim:


I just searched the guys content since last year but could not see anything on PVD cleaning :( - Ti case cleaning, Oxidisation and creating the look of Tantulum was all I could see

So if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated :)

Thanks again F :)


Your best option for cleaning is to use a Cape Cod cloth Pete...

Thanks D and W,

Do you mean just gently ? The reason I hadnt thought to use it was the thread, if you recall, that R did about using CC to distress a Getat PVD case. And consensus suggested the CC would change the look of the PVD coating depending on how hard you rubbed it.....



Thanks D and W,

Do you mean just gently ? The reason I hadnt thought to use it was the thread, if you recall, that R did about using CC to distress a Getat PVD case. And consensus suggested the CC would change the look of the PVD coating depending on how hard you rubbed it.....


Yes but you don't have to be too gentle. You can't really rub off the PVD coat with a CC cloth. You can add a lustre that some think makes it look more original.


Thanks mate :thumbsupsmileyanim:

But if I post it came off when I rubbed it... I dont want you editing your post :) :) ;)


If it comes off it's not real PVD :good:

It is the PVD coating done by Ajoesmith for the B&R 03 group buy. So as far as I am aware it is :)

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