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Rolex BK DSSD Issues, Need Feedback!

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Yes I did, and I had this one already packed to ship back. He wants me to pay another 448 US$ before he ships a new one and refund me when he gets his one back. I explained to him that my paypal is linked to my savings account and that I cannot miss that money since I am going on holiday in one week and need money for that.

Guest zeleni kukuruz
  On 6/13/2011 at 8:50 AM, gehrels said:

Yes I did, and I had this one already packed to ship back. He wants me to pay another 448 US$ before he ships a new one and refund me when he gets his one back. I explained to him that my paypal is linked to my savings account and that I cannot miss that money since I am going on holiday in one week and need money for that.

You see bk is very strict when it comes to his biz.

And hardly he will brake his rules for anyone!


It is his fault that I got the watch like this because he didn't check the watch before he shipped it. It is easy to see this flaw unless you close your eyes.

He should take responisbiliity of not delivering the work paid for but I guess he makes enough money and doesn't care about one unhappy customer.

Guest zeleni kukuruz
  On 6/13/2011 at 8:50 AM, gehrels said:

Yes I did, and I had this one already packed to ship back. He wants me to pay another 448 US$ before he ships a new one and refund me when he gets his one back. I explained to him that my paypal is linked to my savings account and that I cannot miss that money since I am going on holiday in one week and need money for that.

You see bk is very strict when it comes to his biz.

And hardly he will brake his rules for anyone!

  On 6/13/2011 at 8:15 AM, gehrels said:

Well guys, I tried to work out a solution with BK but he does not care about this customer. He wants me to send the watch back and repaint the stripe that is missing on the E.

That means that I can wait another month, have customs risk again and not take the watch with me on holiday. I will never buy from BK again!

The guy sell tons of watches and will not stand behind his product as I have other dealers seen doing.

What a dissapontment.

In this hobby, that is considered a reasonable solution... (although I totally understand that it is frustrating that you are unable to wear the watch on holiday, and that his solution doesn't allow you to do that) I agree, it would be better if he were to ship you a new watch, and you send him the one you have, but of course, how he runs his business is up to him... :pardon:


I will ask him to refund me the cost of 35 euro that my watchmaker will charge me to fix it. That is the least he can do. To be continued....

Guest zeleni kukuruz
  On 6/13/2011 at 1:38 PM, gehrels said:

I will ask him to refund me the cost of 35 euro that my watchmaker will charge me to fix it. That is the least he can do. To be continued....

I would be supriced if he did that, i think he would like to fix the problem himself.

And i realy feal for you m8!

  On 6/13/2011 at 1:38 PM, gehrels said:

I will ask him to refund me the cost of 35 euro that my watchmaker will charge me to fix it. That is the least he can do. To be continued....

That would be a reasonable solution as well :):good:

  On 6/13/2011 at 4:52 PM, TeeJay said:

That would be a reasonable solution as well :):good:

Considering the Customs risk, the time related issues, and the fact that this particular glitch is pretty far down the inexcusable scale, this seems like the "no brainer" of reasonable solutions.

Now, here's a question for the group, "If that watch is lost to Customs under these circumstances, who should have to absorb the loss?"

If I were you, I have my watch smythe do the repair whether BK agrees to pay it or not.

Please let us know how this resolves.



Hi Guys,

I agree with making my watchsmith do the repair. Customs is a big risk and the time it will take to get my money back will be a good while.

Anyway, BK does not want to pay for my repair of 35 euros and only is willing to take the watch back and then refund my money. He even says that Amazon would do it the same way and would also not do it any other way.

Thanks for your support guys, I told BK to keep the money and forget about it.

I am done.



I think your first big mistake was to come running here. BH is a very fair person. He wants $445 to protect his investment. He is not a large dealer like you think!

After running here to complain, I do not think I would trust 100% that you will return the watch.

You are new and do not have a credibility...

BILL, you are a gem to offer a nice watch out of your

wonderful high end collection. ;)



Here's a tip: reps are not for you.

NOTHING gets done in a hurry in the rep world. If you NEED A WATCH RIGHT NOW TO WEAR ON HOLIDAY take a stroll down to your local watch boutique and buy yourself a nice Seiko. You can buy one heck of a nice watch for $449.

What happens if your watchsmith breaks the bezel insert pressing out the crystal to repaint the numbers? Where are you going to source a replacement RIGHT NOW I'M GOING ON HOLIDAY!!! ?

The rep game is what it is. I'm sorry that you had a problem, and I'm not going to offer my opinion on how BK runs his business (except to say I've bought watches from him before and never had a problem). I'm just going to say, dude it's just a watch. If not having your fake DSSD on holiday is going to ruin it for you, you need a reality check.


@ Mikallem and Sneed12:

I am suprised that you say BK is a fair person while you can't even spell his name; BH :black_eye:

In case you have not read the thread properly, I did not run here to complain only. I sought advice from experienced and mature forum members.

You say reps are not for me? Because I spent more then 400 US$ on a product that I expect to be of certain standard in stead of an Asian DSSD for 128 US$, and now I am unhappy because the product has a flaw. So basically you say that everyone who get's a watch that is not as it is supposed to be should step out of the repworld? I guess if everyone would listen to your commentary, this forum would lose a considerable amount of repgeeks.

You say that I can buy a heck of a watch for 448US$, but when I complain about a "not so heck of a watch, then I should not complain?

Dude, I suggest you read a bit more into a thread before you jump on the bandwagon in the end and give advice as good as Dr. Phill :bangin:

  On 6/14/2011 at 12:16 AM, gehrels said:

In case you have not read the thread properly, I did not run here to complain only. I sought advice from experienced and mature forum members.

And that's what you got. I'm much more active here than you are, and my advice is to give up the rep hobby.

You say reps are not for me? Because I spent more then 400 US$ on a product that I expect to be of certain standard

Your expectations in terms of quality are not at all unreasonable. BK needs to make it right somehow.

Your expectation that it should get done before your holiday is pushing it. The idea that BK should send you a new watch without receiving the old one back first is laughable. This is your first time doing business with him and he doesn't know you at all. Why would he trust that you are going to send his watch back?

I've bought a couple of thousand dollars' worth of reps from Joshua. When I had a problem, he made it right. I've bought exactly one watch from Tony and when I had a problem, he told me to send the watch back. I was not surprised at all.

This is a small scene and most of the people know each other.

So basically you say that everyone who get's a watch that is not as it is supposed to be should step out of the repworld?

No, I'm saying anyone who gets a watch that's not as it's supposed to be, and immediately freaks out and posts about it and expects it to be fixed inside of a week when they're in another country from the dealer should probably stop buying reps.

I guess if everyone would listen to your commentary, this forum would lose a considerable amount of repgeeks.

This ain't repgeek ;)

You say that I can buy a heck of a watch for 448US$, but when I complain about a "not so heck of a watch, then I should not complain?


Dude, I suggest you read a bit more into a thread before you jump on the bandwagon in the end and give advice as good as Dr. Phill :bangin:

I read every single reply, and most of them said the same thing I did--chill out, dude.


Its not that rep's are not for him,find a new hobby etc... <_<

You pay good $ for a BK Rollie and they really are something (usually) but it would have blown me away to if i opened up that watch,it is after all,from BK...

That said i would have made sure BK was telling me to jump in a lake before i would have put a thread up about it.

  On 6/14/2011 at 12:40 AM, Dave123 said:

You pay good $ for a BK Rollie and they really are something (usually) but it would have blown me away to if i opened up that watch,it is after all,from BK...


And I would have immediately emailed BK and asked him to make it right. And he would have said "send the watch back, I'll take care of it, it will either be fixed or you'll get a new watch." (And I've spent more than a thousand dollars with him) and in a couple of weeks, it would have been made right.

What's simply not realistic is to expect BK to just come up with another watch to send. BK is one guy running a small shop, it's not like he's got shelves full of inventory. He wants his stuff back before he sends out another watch. The customer has BK's reputation to rely on to trust that he'll get a second watch, but BK doesn't know this guy at all, for all he knows the guy will just keep both.

Your holiday is not BK's problem. Sometimes issues happen and from the OP's own account, BK offered to make it right.

  On 6/14/2011 at 12:32 AM, sneed12 said:

Your expectations in terms of quality are not at all unreasonable. BK needs to make it right somehow.

Your expectation that it should get done before your holiday is pushing it. The idea that BK should send you a new watch without receiving the old one back first is laughable. This is your first time doing business with him and he doesn't know you at all. Why would he trust that you are going to send his watch back?

I don't think he expected to get it done before his holiday, but would have liked to have it done if possible. I've read before about dealers, I believe both Andrew and Josh sending out replacement stock before the faulty original is received. I can understand that BK is not a dealer, but for him to expect a client to purchase a new watch just to replace something so obviously unacceptably faulty, is what is truly laughable. I'm glad that he has agreed to refund the cost of the local watchsmith, as that is a reasonable solution, but to be honest, a good dealer would offer to source the fix themselves. I've received better service from a dealer on LoudFrog, who, when the crown on my 4th gen PO stopped screwing down (as they were well known to do) not only had it fixed themself, they also sent me a Pumpkin 4th gen back with my own watch as an apology. Now that, is good customer service... For BK to use Amazon as an explanation for 'customer service', no, that doesn't fly. We all know that we're not buying discounted gen stock, from retail outlets which can offer the same kind of service as Amazon or Wal Mart, we all know not to expect that kind of service. What we as a group can expect, is reasonable solutions to issues arising (especially one as glaringly unacceptable as this was) Yes, a reasonable solution was achieved, but not immediately, and that is what truly speaks volumes, not a new guy looking to get a resolution on something which should never have been sent out on the first place...

But enough of the beef, it's Topless Tuesday, time to find some eye-candy :drinks:


I will give you a quick fix advice! If you want a perfect DSSD we have Bachendorfs here in Dallas and they sell perfect ones for around $9,700 and they can ship out of state.

Quick question my friend, when you buy a item that you are not happy with do you not reach out to your seller to find a way to correct or refund? I think that you have not given a chance to BK to correct it, but as I said don't forget this is a rep not a gen and these are the minor things that you will have to put up with so don't expect the quality of a $375.00 watch to be the same of a $9,700 one YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE but prepare yourself to pay up!





As I have said before, finally a solution has been reached. I did sent BK an email first before SEEKING ADVICE on the forum here. It was never my intention to badmouth BK. I was hoping to find a quick solution so that I could take my watch with me on holiday. If I could have done it myself with all of yours advice, I would have done it. Unfortunately, I am not very technical person. BK normally ships through a forwarder in UK to EU but I accepted customs risk to get it here directly so that I could take it with me on holiday. And after taking that risk to see a watch that is not the way it was supoosed to be, I am understandbly dissapointed.

Anyway, it all worked out so enjoy your topless Tuesday :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  On 6/14/2011 at 12:19 AM, gehrels said:

Bk has agreed now to pay me the 35 euro for my watchmaker to fix it.

Problem solved.

Thanks for the support.

Things do happen in the world of reps -- just today an expensive watch I just recently received from a friend died. A month or so ago, an expensive watch that I sent to a friend died within days of receipt. It isn't about problems, it's how we deal with them on both sides of the issue.

It would sadden and disappoint me to hear that a guy with BK's reputation didn't extend himself to make things right for you under these particularly unfortunate circumstances; the fact that he's gone to unusual lengths to take care of you is news I expected and I am really glad to hear.

I hope this watch turns out to be all you hope.



in the end, the biggest oddity here is that BK sent a watch in this condition. He swaps the datewheels and puts better gaskets in himself, so how did he miss something so obvious? I've bought a few watches from BK myself and both were absolutely perfect, I would expect that for all of his watches. Hopefully this is actually a one-of-a-kind issue and we don't start seeing his excellent QC go down hill...

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