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That's a good question, and I think the answer is no. I love this watch, and I'm currently shopping for a gen. I was going to buy another gen 16610, but finally got my bk tw best and I think my money would be better spent in a rare bird like the fat lady or a 168000 sub.


yeah, i read through all of the threads containing the reference number on this, and the other boards haha. I always search hard and heavy. I thought I'd ask because so many people around here build such fantastic pieces that I thought maybe someone might have a build underway. Looks like it's more trouble than it's worth. Have you found any gens that have interested you? I've looked but it seems there is a premium on these and the 16710 seems like it might be a cheaper option by a lot!


I built a GMT Master II out of a Noob Explorer II case with a Submariner caseback. I'm pretty sure it's about the thickness of a "fat lady" but I'm not sure. It's hard to see the difference (in the case dimension) with the naked eye. The caseback is definitely too thick for a 16710, so I might just have a 16710 with a wrong caseback. It doesn't have lugholes, which I think would be wrong for a 16760.

I've been looking for a shorter caseback that fits this case, I'll find one eventually.

I'll post a pic later.

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