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Regulating a Watch


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This morning I went to regulate this old Russian Raketa. I saw that the arm in red was pointing beyond the - + markings so I pushed it back towards the centre as a start. The arm circled in blue moved with it and the balance wheel stopped working. I pushed just the blue one back and it started working again after a shake.

1. What do you call the red arm?

2. What do you call the blue arm?

3. Should the blue arm move?

4. How much adjustment in seconds can one expect from say a 1mm movement of the red arm? I understand this is a very open ended question with many variables. I'm asking generally of course.


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The fatter arm with the single stud and the screw should never be moved unless you have a Time-o-graph machine and are setting the "Beat"

The thin arm with the two gold pins is the regulation arm.

Your watch should be well out of beat now and may not run at all.

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