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Solid Swiss - Submariner 2 tone Blue Ceramic


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Hope you can help, I'm new to this forum and hoping to become quite an active member.

I'm not sure about the process regarding the adding links/url's to the site - so if i'm wrong, please tell me and i'll edit.


A friend of mine is looking at a submariner 2 tone blue ceramic, to replace his authentic one (he works as a joiner and doesn't want to ruin it) 

I've shown him the watches on trustytime - and I was initially impressed, however he's found a retailer called 'solid swiss' who claim to use actual gold, and the most authentic parts etc possible - and they're about 4/5 times more expensive than trustytime.


the site is solidswiss.cd


Is this a load of hot air? or are these actually the best quality replicas available? 


Thanks in advance


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If you spend a few minutes reading through the new member section here, you'll see that members STRONGLY recommend sticking with the trusted dealers lists on this site.   Going elsewhere, you are on your own.


If your "friend" is looking for a beater, I'm not sure why he'd be interested in spending $1000 - $2000, when the Trusty Time version is quite nice, with the gold plating at $200 - $400.


With the TT plated version as a beater, the clasp plating will quickly wear off as mine has, even with a desk job.   The rest of the watch looks fantastic though, but I'm out doing physical labor with it on.


My TT Sub keep s perfect time BTW......

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