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Hey RWG!


I've been branching out from other watch forums recently to diversify my contacts and to get involved with more of the community as a whole. I have the same username over at RWI. I don't know a lot yet, but I am steadily learning more and more... AND I LOVE IT!! I am currently learning to service movements myself, learning about the franken world and the vintage Rolex world, and I am honing in on my stylistic tastes and preferences. I am not quite a noob, but there is a lot that I don't know! If you have any information you think would be useful for me, fire away. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to our community. It seems s hard for me to guess what you may need to know, but we have a wealth of knowhow in the various sub sections and some deeply knowledgable members, so when you find yourself with a problem or question, if a search doesn't reveal the answer, a question probably will.

Feel feel to share your watchmaking journey with use. There are a number of us starting to dabble as well as a good few fully qualified watchsmiths 

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