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Eta Movement Specs & Info

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Just out of curiosity, does anyone know where I could find information (stats, specs, pictures, features, etc) on the various ETA watch movements? I looked at the ETA web site a while ago but found that they only list the specifications & info for their cheaper movements (normflatline, trendline, fashonline, ecoline and normline) but not for their "premium" movements (Mecaline Specialities, Flatline and Thermoline). Most of the ETA movements I read about in high-end watches (i.e. Val7750, 2892, etc) are part of the "premium" ETA categories.

The premium movements require a password for some stupid reason which I'm unable to divine. Why this information is a big secret I can't figure out. Maybe this info can be used to build thermonuclear warheads out of Walmart kitchen appliances. Maybe the movements contain NORAD passcodes for ICMB launch. Maybe this info can be used to build a 200 mpg engine which runs on water and Exxon is paying ETA to hush up. Hmmmm.

Same question goes for other Swiss (i.e. Ronda - I found, Lemania - I didn't, etc) or Japanese (i.e Myota - I found) & Asian movements . Where can I find stats for these commonly utilized watch movements?

I've become very interested in the various movements available, particularly the mechanical ones or quartz w/ special features (like perpetual calenders). It's an unfortunate side effect of my horolodiction.

  • 4 weeks later...

forgot about this thread....

Thanks for the link tourbillon. That site has a lot of movements listed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have the newer ETA movements or the high-end ones. Specs are minimal too. I was looking for the 7750 - 7754 models, the 2892, the 251.272, 251.262, 251.265 or 251.242. The thermocompensated ones (used in Breitling) aren't listed either.

Thanks for the link though. Your reply was appreciated.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jdavis, The ZigmeisterZumba, Scoobs,

Awesome links guys!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: .

Thank you very much for relaying this information. I never could understand why ETA makes such a big deal about hiding the details of its better movements(?) from the main page (password required). I figured they would *want* people to know this stuff ... you know ... show off their technology. Strange.

Thanks again guys, much appreciated!!



You might want to save and print the ones that interest you...the end of the ETA and general public is coming soon...once that happens, I think this information will not be available to anyone outside the SWATCH groupe.

I have them all saved, and printed doubleside and in a binder for ref, great when you need parts.


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