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any financial experts on board ?


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I watch cramer on Mad Money and follow his advice. With the recent drop in some stocks he was suggesting Heinz, Clorox, General Foods and was really big on altria. I don't know if these would be good for a 401k because that is a very long term investment. I personally don't believe in 401k because I like to stay as liquid as possible. I have had clients try to liquidate ther 401k to invest with me and usually they get huge penalties or can't do it at all. If your company is matching your investment then it is worth it, but if not I would prefer something self directed. I am no expert and only know what I read but check out this forum: Mad Money

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I watch cramer on Mad Money and follow his advice. With the recent drop in some stocks he was suggesting Heinz, Clorox, General Foods and was really big on altria. I don't know if these would be good for a 401k because that is a very long term investment. I personally don't believe in 401k because I like to stay as liquid as possible. I have had clients try to liquidate ther 401k to invest with me and usually they get huge penalties or can't do it at all. If your company is matching your investment then it is worth it, but if not I would prefer something self directed. I am no expert and only know what I read but check out this forum: Mad Money

HEY thanx for your help man ! realy appreaciate it ! i will do further reasearch , & my co in matching 100% ;);)

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Sub, for the forseeable future, stay mainly with USA "large cap" invested mutual funds. They benefit the most from overseas growth w/o having to invest in foreign markets. Those funds should pay a healthy dividend as well. I would avoid small caps.

With your company matching 100%, I would invest the MAX amount ASAP. :) Darn good deal and a terrific way to save.

Added: Based on the descriptions, large cap based funds would be #2 (Alliance Bernstein) & #10 (T. Rowe Price). You can probably research their respective historical ratings at mornigstar.com and at the company's web site.

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I work as a securities analyst for a firm not dissimilar from those you have available to you. Being relatively familiar with my competitors, I would stick with the AllianceBernstein Large Cap Value and the Fidelity Midcap Growth. I would also add a large cap growth - I see only the Columbus Circle mentioned - I don't know them but would assume it's ok. Between the 3 equity options, I would allocate 35% LC growth, 35% LC value, 30% MC growth. I would also add some fixed income in there (the first one in your list), perhaps 25-30% of your total - some people suggest 100 minus your age for your fixed income percentage exposure...

If your not a professional, stay away from individual stocks - especially anything Kramer recommends - that guy is a joke (sorry to anyone offended) - everyone on Wall Street stares in amazement at anyone that follows him...

Max out your contribution and never look back. Good luck...

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