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Bad Watchmakers


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So i searched for watchmakers near where i live that would work on my rep submariner and after a couple days of searching i found a guy nearby that said he would be willing to work on the watch. So initially i had took it in for a simple caseback tightening and a spring bar replacement. So after the caseback was tightened i guess the pressure of the Rolex caseback tightener damaged the bezel because it didn't want to rotate as easily as i was before i had taken the watch in. So i took it back and told the watchmaker what happened with the watch, he said since he had done the work on it he would fix it at no extra charge, so that made me happy. So today i go back to see if the watch was ready and the bezel is still the same, to make matter worst the bezel and bezel insert had a nasty scratch on it. I told the watchmaker what was the deal with that, the bezel had the same problem and a scratch on it?!?! I am very upset as I'm sure many of you would be too. He said he would take care of it for me he said he was going to get a new replacement bezel and insert for me. I hope he doesn't pull this BS tomorrow when i go in, and hopefully he fixes this nightmare he has caused. What was a simple caseback tightening has turned ugly. If he does mess up the watch even more, do i have a right as a consumer to make him at least pay for the watch so that i might buy a new one? Or should i just not worry about it and get a new one out of my own pocket?

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He wants to replace your bezel as well as the insert? :unsure: Where in the devil does he think that he can obtain a bezel and insert to fit you replica. If he thinks a Rolex or aftermarket Rolex part will fit, he is in for a big surprise. He will wind up making a bigger mess of your watch trying to make it fit unless he is a master metal worker (which seems unlikely). I do not think you will be able to force this person to pay for your watch. Your case would have to be heard in Small Claims Court. The watch repair guy could claim that your watch was a fake Rolex of uncertain quality to begin with. I suspect that the law will take a dim view of a counterfeit watch. Take the advice previously given. Pick up your watch and chalk this up to experience.

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