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Ken's Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine

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Subfrog, can you create a version that could have the rwg 2 logo and maybe we can all create our own 'hommage' watches?

Ha Ha...Sure...no problem. I'll get back to you on this one.

By the way, I inquired with Abay a while back at the old RWG about actually working on a couple of "personal items" for my NOLA buddies. When I saw the FROGMARINER, I had tons of ideas. I created some images, kind of like above, with the following:

1) The FLEUR-DE-MARINER (with King Louis' flower on top, and "summer" blue bezel)

2) The CRAWFISHMARINER (with a crawfish on top, and red "Coke" bezel)

He was quite impressed, but said I needed a lot of guaranteed buyers. I got about 5 guys from my area to agree...but, that wasn't 1/20th of the amount he wanted. So...I quit.

Oh well...it's all in fun! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Yes, getting concensus around here is ' troublesome' to say the least.

I'll just enjoy having the worlds only Poley Yellow Sub. Fast forward 50 years when my kids take it the the antiques road show...???


I'd totally go for Subfrog's NOLEX Submersible. But given the difficulties surrounding the last RWG watch it's probably best to leave these types of projects up to the individuals.

This was a fun thread. It represents the community and creativity of RWG. Thanks guys.

Climb on.


Agreed Indy.

Oh, and the other two ideas were prior to the RWG collaboration watch. I thought it might be worth a shot, but that's what happens when I think too much. :p

I have more...so, when I get the time, I'll show em to you guys.

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