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Screwing up an almost decent rep


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interestingly, Paul has a new rep....30th ANNIVERSARY CITY OF SAIL....its not a city of sails but it is close to the AP RO model 25960 (Chronograph):

Here is the gen:


Secs at 6 on the gen.

Here is what is offered by Paul:


So the manufactures have added a cyclops and changed the hands significantly :(

I can live with the secs at 9:00 and removing the cyclops myself....but finding the correct hands that would fit seems too much trouble....of course they are available on the offshore models.

Oh well.....but with this model....it seems the real city of sails would be close behind....maybe another few months?



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check out the screws on that bezel. what a laugh.

is it a quartz?

It's suppose to be a asian high-beat 7750. The have always been quartz versions of the AP chronos but the manufactures just started rolling out the automatics this year, IMO

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