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For once and for all, tips on removing 3717 bracelet?


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I actually change the strap on mine to bracelet fairly regularly. It hasn't been that hard...but that's because I have my Wu Tang style. ;P

I actually have to use 2 tools: 1) generic springbar tool with the poker thin tip snapped off to the tapered point (not the fork end) 2) springbar tool with 1mm fork

Step 1) Use the 1mm fork end and retract the spring bar to be just out of the lug hole

Step 2) Once the end of the spring bar is out, pop in the poker tip between the space of the retracte springbar and the case lug (Lani uses a toothpick...I've used a safety and a paper clip as well...anything to stop the spring bar from popping back into the hole)

The key on Step 2, is the object you use needs to be large enough to stop the spring bar from popping back...but small enough that you still have enough spring bar compression room to pop the other side out of the lug hole

Step 3) While your poker has "side A" blocked, use the forked end on "side B" of the spring bar and retract the tip back out of the lug hole as per normal, while at the same pushing down slightly

As soon as the spring bar tip is out of the lug hole, the downward motion should pop the end link and the spring bar down onto your casing pad.

I would take pictures but it's a 2 handed operation and I don't have an assistant to take photographs and frankly, I"m too lazy to setup a tripod on macro and use the timer.

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with your spring bar tool or whatever implement you use ... release the spring bar .. hold it open and insert a toothpick in the gap to keep it open.. the tension will hold the toothpick in place.... then simply release the other end while the toothpick holds the first end open and the bracelet will come out rather easily.. :D

I was looking for the pics I took it is somewhere but I cannot locate it..

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Is this how it is with the gen? Because it's hard as hell. Considering how easy their bracelet resizing is, their springbars are a [censored].

well.. you could take the genuine to the AD.. you wouldn't have to mess with it.. but since this is not the genuine.. welcome to the rep world.. where necessity is the "Mother of Invention" B)

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