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Should I have sold?


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Not necessarily. Lots of assholes die rich. We should do the right thing for no other reason than that it is the right thing - not because of some fear of karma or hell or some other form of cosmic or divine punishment. There is no merit in acting out of a fear of consequences.
One only fears consequences if they have a moral compass. I used the term "karma" loosely, only as a term for what goes around comes around (and not as a reference for afterlife consequences). A person that always lives lying and cheating, is surrounded by like kind as the behavior is accepted and practiced on each other. Yeah, I agree, a rich asshole can die a happy rich asshole, and he'll always be sadly remembered as a lying cheating rich asshole. Hell does exist for some people, they live it everyday. Ommmmmn................. :cc_arabia:
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Nicely put.

So as far as the afterlife consequence. Do you think there is a God or supreme being that will judge and decide if you are to go to heaven or hell?

Or... do you think that our fate in the afterlife is in our own hands? What I mean by that is, some people do live in "hell on earth" with regret, remorse for their actions and fear of retaliation, always looking over their sholder in fear. That is hell in itself.

So when it comes time to check in, or out, however you want to look at it... will we be our own judge? They say your life passes before your eyes when you die. So with this replay, you get to see everything you did in your life... good and bad, nothing is hidden, you see it all. And at that point, you either will spend your time in the afterlife in regret and remorse (hell), or with a sense of accomplishment for a life well lived.

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