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Greetings all,

I have what apears to be an Asian 7750 that is sitting in a Pam. The intesting thing is that the movement runs when taken out of hack, but as soon as the crown guard is applied, the movement stops. The reversing wheel, click, and all the gears are intact without any signs of wear or damage. It apears as though the crown guard exerts too much pressure and somehow causes a flex or extra strain to the drive gear via the stem.

Easy fix? Any suggestions/ideas of what to look at to confirm is allways apreicated...

Help? :huh:




Was it always like this...or did this just start happening? Does the stem work properly before the crown guard is applied?

I'm no watchsmith, so I'm hoping the real modders can step in and correct me. Would shaving the stem down a bit work? Or, is it better to loosen the crown guard? I'm assuming you want the crown guard tight given most people complain of loose ones.


Sounds like the stem is slightly too long.

You can try, as toad torrent says, to trim the stem but this involves removing the case back, crown guard and of course the stem and the crown. If you can do all these then trimming the stem should be no problem


Hey AJS...good to see you back! How are things? I reposted your mother of all tutorials with pictures...hope you don't mind the very minor edits.

If you're wondering how to shave the stem...check out AJS' post that I reposted with pics!!


Thanks guys,

Aparently this watch has had a history of doing something simlar to this before it was sold. It was serviced by a watch maker prior to sale. This is my first experience with this watch. I think the stem is too long. Thanks for the link, I will let everybody know what the end result is...

I apreciate everybody's response!


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