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A message from Her Royal Highness.

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It still makes me laugh that Americans today believe it was Americans that won their Independence!! :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice... I was involved in a rather nasty OT discussion about gun control in the US over at RG... really drove me crazy. I wish I'd already known this then... :whistling:

Haha, they would have banned me for life! :rofl:

  • 1 month later...

In regards to rule #11...We'd have to cut our balls off and learn to drop like we were shot by a sniper every time someone looked at us funny in order to stop playing American (or men's) football and start playing your football. And stop sending people from that continent to the NBA!!! They are trying to bring that same girly tactic to another of our games!!

...And, you make it sound like the British granted us our independence...We kicked your ass and took it!! (How's that for a typical American Nascar lovin' yeahoo statement?!?)

I have to agree with the beer and fish-n-chips comments though.

Now go brush your teeth and leave us alone!!


P.S. Why doesn't Liz smile and show us her pearly yellows?

Our top Royals no longer have teeth, they have servants to chew food for them!

  • 10 months later...

Why don't we all become Canadians, hail to the queen, [censored] when she leaves and drink ALL kinds of beers, and go the US to buy everything as our dollar is almighty for now!!! AND DRINK all kinds of beer because we celebrate July 14th, Queen's day, St Jean Baptiste (in Quebec), Hanukah and everything in between!!! AND drink ALL KINDS of beer!

  • 3 months later...
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