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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2015 in Posts

  1. I'm with you Sgt.!! Likewise a couple of glasses of wine, so I may become incoherent before this is finished. What's so funny is the OP got lost in the crowd on this thread. I believe he was trying to figure out how he could appeal his ban from another forum, then King Frog jumped in with his BS "mine is bigger than yours" and all that crap about his money his house, his cars, etc., etc.,etc. ad nauseam. First off, I could care less about what he or anyone else has. Material things can disappear in the blink of and eye. Better be concerned about your health and your relationships with all of those around you./ I've been practicing medicine for 38 years this July, I can promise you, I've seen it all coming through my operating room, and partners, it matters not whether you are rich or poor, when you are horizontal on that OR table, you are all equal!! It doesn't matter whether or not you have 500 million dollars, a brand new Gulfstream at the airport and a 200 foot mega yacht in the Virgin Islands, when that surgeon cuts you open and finds something bad, looks up at me, shakes his head , I don't even have to ask. All that money ,power, prestige, country club memberships, etc. doesn't count for a darn thing, you are now just like the homeless guy we operated on a week or month before, you are doomed. Nothing, money, who you know, what you drive, fly or ride on, whether your wife is a nice 60 year old lady or a hot little "trophy wife", is going to get you one more day on this earth. So guys my point, while convoluted, is simple. Nothing really means anything in the great scheme of things, except the love you feel for your fellow man that is reflected back on you if it's a genuine love, your relationship with your family and friends and those around you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning wealth. Money is handy to have. It's nice to be able to have some security, to be able to pay all the bills every month, to be able to enjoy good food, good wine, travel and not have to worry about the wolf at the door. Have a little set aside for retirement, if you want to retire. But in the end, living a good life is more important than anything else. And why in the world would you want to retire at 54? is your life so mundane and meaningless, you feel that you have given all that you have to give at 54? I wish I could ask you in 10 years what you thing about retirement at that early age. Do you have a terminal disease, early dementia, some debilitating disability, because honestly, those are the only reasons to retire that early. According to actuarial tables, if your health is good, you could probably live for another 30+ years. What are you going to do for all those years? People ask me all the time if I'm retired, my answer is "why retire. I enjoy what I do, my health is good, my work is interesting and stimulating, albeit terrorizing at times, my wife is happy that I'm not home underfoot all the time, and I'm happier being productive". To me work legitimizes leisure. If you are retired, you play golf all the time, after while golf is a job, same with fishing, travel, etc. after you do any of these for a while, they become just another job, different workplace, but still a job. Another thing, I have had quite a few friends and colleagues retire "early". In Medicine early retirement is probably 65. Almost 100 % of the folks that have retired early, lament the fact that they retired, several of them are miserable (and their wives are more miserable!!) Some have gone back to work, and the ones that have are much happier now than they were a year or two ago. so when folks tell me they "retired early" I'm not impressed, in fact I have a lot of sympathy for them, because if they aren't miserable already, they will be soon. Time for another glass of wine, good night folks!!!
    3 points
  2. Hi guys. I'm just a newbie who just wrote some newbic questions for a few times. But those stupid questions are answered by friendly experts of this forum and thanks to that, I could complete my 1016 build. It was just sudden that I just fall in love with 1016 although I didn't even know if there is a watch like that before I enter this forum. I took a look at 1016 pics around this forum and google, I wanted to have both leather and folded 7836 bracelet. My 1016 build spec is as follows. Case - JMB Crown - Rep provided with JMB case set Crystal - provided with JMB case set Dial - Yuki Hands - Yuki Movement - Clone 2824(Seagull) Bracelet - Josh JMB was communicative and he is the one who answered my noob question for the most of the time. I appreciate that Justin. PM him if you want to inquire any good quality case for datejust or exlporer. -JMB : http://www.rwgforum.net/user/24124-jmb/ I'm not sure Yuki's dial and hands are correct enough but I can guarantee that they are well made with sharp&vivid printings. Lume is not bad but not superb neither. I'm saying maybe because I compared my 1016 to seiko divers which has super hyper bright lume -Yuki : www.yukiwatch.com Seagull 2824 clone movement has very beautiful decorations which is always good to have. I've heard they are reliable if I give it a good service regulary as most of other eta clone movement. -An Ebay seller : http://www.ebay.com/itm/321467374718?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Bracelet from josh has good quality and I have some good news for you guys which is not the happiest news for me. I bought the bracelet from josh and I proceeded my purchasing of Aussy spring bars and WSO 580 endlinks because I've heard they fits well with jmb case. Moreover, I heard that endlink of josh's bracelet doesnt fit well with jmb case. So I odered bracelet from josh and also ordered wso580 endlinks and aussie spring bars. However, Josh's bracelet came to me earlier(actually I didn't even received spring bars and 580 endlinks yet. I'm in South Korea which is close to hongkong) and I found that they have really good fitting with jmb enhanced case. It fits without any modification and I just cannot find any unbalanced point. it just fits good. -Josh : www.pf-818.com -WSO : http://www.ebay.com/itm/171022393380?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -Aussie spring bars : http://www.ebay.com/itm/351011434208?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I posted links of each parts for future-coming noobs like me as they would be helpful. now, let me show you my 1016. Photos will tell thounds of words.
    1 point
  3. Put this little thing together last year and absolutely love it - has been my daily beater for the last 9 months! The genuine dial really adds some character to it and has been keeping very good time!
    1 point
  4. Ending the work week having a little fun with my beater
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Hi mate,it seems ok to me!After a week on your wrist the movement will be stabilized! Cheers
    1 point
  7. No, I think he means Watch International. Like $55, last I checked.
    1 point
  8. Very nice! Hope you had a nice trip;) Fantastic watch, it's on my wrist as we speak!
    1 point
  9. I know how you feel, I retired from the military and started another job, I'm almost 50 and have no thoughts of retiring in the near or distant future. I'm underpaid but who gives a [censored], I like what do. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Haven't seen any either. Not ideal, but you may need to go hybrid. i.e. the Yuki 7836 bracelet with a 9315 or 93150 clasp.
    1 point
  11. Myself and Death have this thing going... I kick his ass on a regular basis, and he has to be satisfied with just getting to pick my pocket.
    1 point
  12. http://www.rwgforum.net/index.php?/topic/143934-How-to-Read-Timegrapher-Results
    1 point
  13. The accuracy is not very important (+ 0 is not possible, not even a gen)...the most important thing is the beat error!
    1 point
  14. Ask jordan to send you the timegrapher pic and post it here
    1 point
  15. Hi mate,it's one very good diver seems perfect to me...please check the timegrapher pic too!
    1 point
  16. Man, am I proud to be part of this place we call home. I'm honored to call you guys friends.
    1 point
  17. thanks guys Just cartel case - dial fits perfectly. Shaved the crown guards down and replaced crown and tube with Athaya. Its running off a 2783 movement
    1 point
  18. Pfffffft!! I don't recognize a breaking point between the "old" RWG and this place... it's one long happy continuum for me. Now pass the beer!
    1 point
  19. If you're looking for furry/leathery items you can't do better than Ken's Left Nut. What do you have for trade? It's nearly pristine with low miles and very little use.
    1 point
  20. PAM 6154 Rolerai on Camel Greenstrap.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Firstly Sorry A, apologies Freddy and Stephane Kingfrog or whatever you will call yourself next on your paid VN, your an asshole............there I said it Now fuck off back to the hole you crawled from, trolls really irritate me especially ones that blow their own trumpet......move along please!
    1 point
  23. You are an interesting fellow and can't seem to make your mind up as to whether you are going to be a "real" person and buy only gens, or join the rest of us and be "fake". Your statement: "I decided I don't need to spend any more money on high dollar Gens and only on very specific Reps that are well under the radar and particularly unusual." You are a piece of work. FFS
    1 point
  24. Thanks for this thread as I have a space dweller build in mind!
    1 point
  25. Very good build! And I like the post with links, great stuff.
    1 point
  26. I love the build. Good choice in parts for budget, but still retaining the vintage feel. The thing I don't understand about all these Franken Red 1680 builds is.... why the silver date wheel? Gen Red 1680's were born with white date wheels. The silver date wheels came later on the white dials.
    1 point
  27. I have another mini rant that is in line with Daniel's Scammer scenario. It's about those people, like this guy, who PM you that they want the watch, or part or strap. Usually there are a couple of scenarios, first after they say, I'll take it, they then want more photos from specific angles, etc. So you have to either dig out more photos or take more.All this takes time. When folks ask me for more photos, I'm glad to comply, but they have to send me their email address for additional photos. The second and frequent scenario is they PM, "I'll take it" then when you PM them back, they want to beat you down on the price!! "Can you do the deal for 300.00 USD rather than your 350.00 USD asking price. or will you send it express mail to Bulgaria, included in the sale price"? Now first off, when you PM me that you want it, that means at the stated price, and the stated conditions, which in my sales threads usually is, "Watch will be shipped USPS Priority Mail w tracking within the CONUS, sales outside the CONUS are at the actual cost of the shipping". How clear is that? So why do folks tell you they want something, and then try to change the conditions of the sale? If you want a deal, PM me and ask me if I can reduce the price, change the shipping, add and extra strap, etc. for the same asking price. I can either answer yes, or no, I can't. Simple as that. But telling me that you want the item, then try to beat me down after you tell me you want it. doesn't sit well with me at all. And when I have gone through all of these steps and we agree on a deal, and then you suddenly disappear, it infuriates me to the point that unless you come back, which I know you won't, with a good excuse, I more than likely wouldn't sell to you anyway. I know that everyone who sells on our sales forums has been subjected to all of the above. It's frustrating and time consuming to have to deal with people who are "Playing". I wish we could have a list ,only viewable by VIP and above members with a list of " Disappearing time wasters". I know that there often legitimate excuses as to why someone doesn't complete a sale, but there is absolutely no excuse for someone not sitting down at their computer, tablet or phone and sending a short PM to the seller, "I'm very sorry, but something has come up and I'm not going to be able to buy your watch. GLWS and thanks for your time and effort, it's sincerely appreciated" If you take 30 seconds to PM me a message, I will understand, but if you leave me hanging,I can promise you If you come back later and want to buy something, I will not hold it for one second for you, and it isn't yours until the money is in my PayPal account.
    1 point
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