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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Your membership actually expired today Please e-mail me your PP-address Fixed
  2. How's that?
  3. I'll make some adjustments to the width
  4. Should work now
  5. All photos/avatars hs been rebuilt during the upgrade by the forum software. Because of this, many of you have wierd looking avatars or they are missing. To update your photo/avatar, do this; 1. Click the user menu in the top right corner 2. Hover your mouse over the photo/avatar and click "Change" Select a photo/avatar from the files on your computer or use your gravatar (Gravatar? Have at http://www.gravatar.com)
  6. Hmm...Seems I am unable to reproduce th problem on FF 6.0.2. I would suggest that you hit ctrl-shift-del in Firefox, Set "Everything" as range and then select cookies and cache and hit OK.Restart FF and let me know how it goes. I'll add that to my 2-do list
  7. Looking into that now.
  8. Could you please PM/E-mail me your PP-info? Need your PP info also
  9. Fixed. Just be aware that it expires in 3 days
  10. Please send me your PP-address, either by mail (admin@rwg.cc) or PM so that I can find your last transaction. Fixed
  11. Fixed
  12. Should be OK now.
  13. Looks like something has gone wrong with something that has destroyed something and this something has then removed something that has caused a lot of members to loose their VIP/Platinum status ;p If this has happened to you, please post here and I will take a look at it as soon as I can.
  14. Thank you, boyz. One more thing, that might be a problem: The payments for the VIP/Platinum memberships that already exists. I am not sure how the URL-change will impact this, but I ahve set up URL forwarding from the old URL, so things should, at least in theory, work. But I guess the next couple of days will show if they do. If you have any problems with your membership, contact me, and we will sort it out. And again; check your avatars/photos/signature for problems.
  15. Phew...it took a lot longer than I had thought, but we are finally online again As you can see, there are some rather big changes and to be honest, I'm not even sure where to begin to tell you about what is new here Well, I can start with one essential thing. We are back to our old forum URL: http://www.rwg.cc, so feel free to update your bookmarks. But don't worry. You will still get here if you enter www.rwgforum.com, but if you have any direct links to posts, you might have some trouble. First of all, the forum software has been updated to the latest and greatest version. But that's just the start. Let me right away introduce the change I am most exited about; Classifieds As of today, the old "sales" forums are closed for new posts and we will actively start using the classifieds section. Old ads are still there and people can reply to these, but nobody will be able to make new posts in these areas. From now on we will have a dedicated area where you can post your items for sale and I will need your help to develop and customize this section further than what I have already done (I am refering to the "Options", "Shipping options". etc. What should we add here? Anyway, the best way is to test this out for yourselves. Head on over to the Test sales-section and try posting a new ad: http://www.rwg.cc/cl...ort_order__desc Oh, and all members will be able to post ads for free the first month. Just use coupon code "adfree" Feedback The feedback system has been updated and should now work flawlessly. This will be integrated into the classifieds section. Like I am sure many of you are on Facebook and have "liked" many posts made by your friends there. Well, now you can like posts here on RWG also and you can start by liking this one by clicking the little button down in the right corner Forum Ca$h A little something we've had before, but I will have to get back to you with an update when this is ready for use, as I haven't been able to fully configure it yet, but basically it is something that will give our members points (forum cash) for their activity here and these points (forum cash) can at a later stage be invested, donated, you can purchase something for it, etc. More info will be posted later. Review section More info will be posted at a later stage, when this areas is ready. Not sure yet, but I think we will use it both to post dealer reviews and watch reviews. Donations The donations module has been upgraded and polished. Feel free to try it. You should see it in the sidebar or you can go here: http://www.rwg.cc/donate RWG on your mobile You can already use TapaTalk to access RWG on your mobile (iPhone, Android, Blackberry) and you can download the app here: http://www.tapatalk.com/mobile.php We have now also added support for Forumrunner, which is another great app to access forums on the go. Forumrunner features free push-messages to both iPhone and Android and this is not a feature Tapatalk has yet. Search for Forumrunner either in the App Store or Android Market. Last, but not least, let us not forget the great mobile skin we have. Just use the browser on your mobile and go to http://m.rwg.cc X World Not going to spend to much time on this. Let's just say that it's a place for the boys to hang out and enjoy the scenery Up to you if you just want to watch or if you also want to contribute. Take advantage of a 1 month free-pass to this section. Go to the RWG Store and add some X to your profile: http://www.rwg.cc/st...t/20-x-member/. Use coupon code "x-off" Remember to hit "I have a coupon to use" and enter your coupon before you check out Oh, by the way; we need a moderator for this area, so if you feel that you can contribute in this area and can moderate members contributions, send me a PM with a short description of you, your forum experience and why you should be the moderator. Let me just end this by asking you guys to do the following; 1. Check that your avatar/photo is correct. If not, upload a new one 2. Check that your signature is correct and edit, as necessary. Also, if you have not done this, this might be a good time to update your profile with your age, location, local time (The local time will show in your posts, so that people know if you are about to go to bed or just got up ) etc. Always good to get to know you a little bit better. Finally, let me just say that this has been a massive upgrade and I have added tons of new buttons for our crew members to pus also. As usual, there will be people who doesn't like what they see and how things work, but after having done this for some time, i also know that usually everybody gets used to the new features, new design, etc. and end up liking it. So please don't start right away with the complaints. Give it a couple of weeks and get back to me then There are bound to be things that doesn't work so please PM me or shoot me an e-mail (admin@rwg.cc) if you find stuff that doesn't work. I can right now say that the advanced uploader is not working very well for me in the version I am running of Firefox, but it is wokring without a hitch in IE 9 (Havn't tried it on Chrome, so feel free to let me know if it works or not). So if you are having a hard time uploading attachments, try another browser or use the basic uploader. This also goes if you discover something else that doesn't work. First, try deleting all your temporary internet files and cookies and then try again. If it still doesn't work, try another browser and if it still doesn't work, let me know. Well, I think that's about it for now. Have a look around, play with the new buttons and switches and feel free to share your initial thougths. Oh, and if you want to grab a free VIP membership, you can do that also. Yep, I'm feeling mighty generous tonight, so I am giving away free VIP memberships. Just go to the store, add a 1 month VIP membership to your cart and when you go to check out, use coupon code "freevip" Lot more fun to surf the forum without the ads And if you still want to contribute, feel free to add your donation in the toolbare to the right or go to http://www.rwg.cc/donate.
  16. Thanks, Ken. Got out my shot-gun and looking for him now
  17. Hi everybody First, let me apologize for not answering all PM's and e-mails as fast as usual. I have been super busy (Well, super busy doesn't even come close to how busy I have been this summer with a major reconstruction and redecoration of my house, where I have done most of the work myself. So between my regular job and this, the forum has gotten no love. That's about to change.Things are settling down and I will be more around. So let me just first give you a warning that the forum will be taken offline for at least 24 hours on tuesday, next week. Need to go hunt down some dust bunnies in our system and several places here need a new coat of paint, so that also has to be taken care of. Fortunately, when we are back online, RWG will be an even better place to be and can once again make it's contribution to world peace and positive changes to the global climate Also, if you are still waiting for a reply to a PM, please PM me again or e-mail me at admin@rwg.cc. As usual, I do not answer questions that can be posted on the forum about watches or private trades/Sales between members and usually I just delete these. I'll be away for the weekend, so if you PM or e-mail me , you will get no reply until monday... Changes are coming...
  18. The feedback system should now be working 100% again so start contacting your trading partners and have then re-add feedback you have lost.
  19. MP reported this problem yesterday. After a brief investigation, it seems that a lot of feedback has been left and the people have been getting an error-message. Despite the error-message, it would still appear that the feedback had been left. I don't know when or how this started, but the problm is that every feedback left, will get it's own unique ID, to keep track of which feedback ID belongs to which user. Apparently, all feedback left for a while, has been getting the same ID (id=0), so when I deleted 1 feedback thread, it actually deleted all feedback left with id=0 and apparently this was for a lot of members. I am looking int the problem now, but I cannot tell when it will be solved. The only thing I do know is that when things are fixed, you will have to contact people to leave feedback again, if your feedback is gone.
  20. Apparently not, Have you tried e-mailing him/PM? Some times stuff happens in real life that will keep people off the forums for a while
  21. ...that just has to be shared; http://www.funzine.nl/media-nsfw/100-sexiest-brunettes/ NSFW!
  22. OK. I'll leave things as they are for now. Apparently an issue with a caching engine we are using. I'll investigate more over the weekend
  23. one final test for today, please.
  24. ok...how about now?
  25. Can you guys try these things again and report back. I've made some adjustments.
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