Dear members. Thank you again for all the donations so far. The donation-system has not been set up to be a VIP upgrade, but was set up to receive donations. BUT if you prefer, I will of course count your donation up agains a VIP membership. Most members who have donated are already VIP members (if the posts above are accurate), so if they want their VIP membership extended, this can also be done. But to do this, please contact me with your pp payment ID and your membername, so that I can upgrade you according to your payment.
Also, the donations are volutneer and I hope people will understand that we need the money and donate if they feel like helping out. If not, I believe the other members should respect their choices and not make disrespecton posts about other members not donationg. Feel free to call on people to donate in a polite way. ANy other ways may, like teejay pointed out above, lead to people not wanting to contribute.