Well I can't say much about replicas, but I just recently purchased a set of the genuine rubber straps for my PO. And it looks amazing! I remember TrustyTime had them awhile back, but it doesn't look like he carries them anymore.
Just had to show off.. couldn't resist
Yeah, I totally agree. The black SMP looks very hot. I actually prefer it to the original blue SMP. It's part of the reason why I decided to get the black PO over the Bond SMP. But I guess now there's going to be a new Bond SMP =P.
I guess in light of this new watch, it's back up in the air whether DC will be wearing the PO or the new black SMP.
Would getting 1.8mm spring bars for the 42mm PO solve the problem for the rubber straps? (if it had problems with gen straps) Cause I'm not sure which 20mm spring bars to purchase for my 4th gen for when I order the genuine rubber straps.
sorry to hijack, but I'm thinking of ordering these straps as well. Would I need to get new spring bars? I have the 42mm 4th gen PO.
Oh and where can I get a tool to remove the SS bracelet endlinks?
Wow I'm definitely going to have to consider buying one from him.
Has anyone else noticed that tonyxkf's watches are ALL gone?? I went on this morning to check out his PO's and noticed that all his watches are gone.
Well it seems the 42mm black bezel PO's are out of stock in most places. I have found one dealer that has one more left in stock, which is the 4th Gen. But I'm wondering if I should wait on it and get the 5th gen, or fire away on the last 4th Gen. Any suggestions anyone? I'd like to put a genuine rubber PO strap on this as well.