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Posts posted by Bignasty

  1. Two big hold ups on the current BP reps. And no its not the date window. Lack of Sapphire crystal. Can't stand mineral crystal reps. When they get scratched, and they always do, its a dead giveaway. :yucky: And of course the Asian 21J sucks in my opinion! :g:

    Jon :victory:

  2. Here's a vote for the 7753.

    Any idea what the minimum buy for is for the 7753 version?

    I smell a group buy coming along :victory:

    I would think me, you, finepics would be interested?

    I'm sure there will be others. Especially if the dealer can sell out the whole batch in one go and therefore give us a favourable price. :)


    We should start a thread and see if it is even a possibility w/ the dealers.

    I'm definately in if it can infact be done. Especially for a Swiss Version!

    Jon :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but this watch is pictured over at Aspire (Paul's Site) too. I asked him about it last night and he said that it will be available soon! He couldn't give a price just yet though. I suspect many of our dealers will get stocks of these around the same time, like the new Panerai movement that just came out. The price will probably be high, but will fall rather quickly as more dealers begin to release!

    On a side note, this watch has been available to most dealers for months now. But they have to do a buy in to purchase them, with a minimum number of watches at a rather ridiculous price. At least this information was passed to me by one of our dealers!

    Either way. I'm happy to see this one coming soon!

    :victory: Jon

  4. Look at the bright side - that could be a gen and you could be facing an argument with some snotty AD, followed by weeks of waiting, and a huge repair bill.

    Either fix it ot buy a new one and keep that one for spare parts.

    How old was the watch?


    Yeah it definately could be worse, alot worse. But on the bright side. Andrew is being very Trusty and will have it repaired for me at no charge. :3a:

    Meanwhile, I'll be sporting my new 4th Gen PO until I get my sub back! :yu:

    Jon :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  5. Put on my Sub today to wear to out and look what I find....


    I took to the watch repair guy at the mall and bad news. The pin that held the second hand appears to be stuck in the movement. The hand broke completely off this stem some how. He couldn't remove the pin so that a new second hand could be installed, even if I could source one.

    :bicycle: I've contacted Andrew to see what can be done. I've had nothing but bad luck with this watch, but I liked it so much. :black_eye:

    Well I'll keep you guys posted.


  6. What tool do you use to remove the crystal and bezel with? On a fiddy, that is. Thanks

    Bezel pops off with a sharp knife (very sharp is better)

    Crystal can be popped out from the back. Or in this case picked out with a set of pliers and some good thick rubber gloves. This one was broken when I got it so I just had to pull out the remains.


  7. BIggest flaw of alll is the Luminor case while it should have been the pillow-like fiddy case.

    I was ready to pull the trigger on this one for the price, but now have changed my mind. I guess I too will wait for the infamouns 1-8-7!

    Jon :huh:

  8. Bignasty, my apologies if I misunderstood your post. But shouldn't you be buying a watch because you love it to bits? I dunno about you but expecting an AD to treat you with "respect" just because you wear a gen is just wishful thinking (& niave) imo.

    No I was actually making the point that no matter what you wear into those AD's they are going to be [censored]. Several people have commented in this thread that they "feel better" wearing a gen, which to me is ridiculous! I buy watches because I do love them to bits. I wear watches with pride because of the same reasons. Why I love watches, I do not know, but I do so I'll probably keep on buying them. As I get older and my income grows larger I will more than likely begin to include more gens into my collection. But unless something drastic happens I will always include reps in my hobby! Oh and I will gladly wear my reps into an AD a feel confident doing so, afterall I'm not going to hand it to the AD and say "hey check this out, respect me and worship me because I have this $10,000 watch, oh and while you are at it here's my income statement, and why don't you run my credit too!" :whistling: Sorry but I'm not nearly that shallow, not even close. I should too probably mention that when I did wear my Gen Breitling into an AD I was also wearing flip-flops, jeans, and a t-shirt with pride I might add! :thumbsupsmileyanim: Feck em, feck em all!

    Jon :yu:

  9. I tend to agree with most of you. Luckily I've never had a paypal complaint, but I thought about this topic because I recently sold a used 7750 Arktos to someone (outside this board) and he said that it stopped working after 2 days. I felt guilty, but then I thought; hey what if this guy dropped it on the ground or messed with the movement? It's impossible to tell I guess! He ended up taking it to his watch repair shop and it turned out that the movement was bone dry and just needed to be oiled.

    Yeah its a tough call. I guess I feel like dealers can absorb these costs much more than your average collector. Though I do feel like if I buy/sell a watch from/to a member and it arrives DOA something should be done. I agree with you though. It arrives working and quits after a couple days there are numerous things that could have happened. Not only could it be dropped but he/she could have also opened the watch up and tried to mod it! :brow:


  10. Here's my short and sweet answer. If I were Bill Gates or the Prince of Wales I would have a mighty nice collection of gens. But I'm not and I LOVE watches. When I was 8 years old I collected Swatch watches. I wore several Casio digital stopwatches when I was in Elementary School. I wore FM, Rollie, VC, Breitling and many other very nice reps when I was in High School! Everone who knows me knows I LOVE WATCHES! My passion for watches is deep rooted for whatever reason :g: .

    I too tried to own just one 'good' watch. That went really well (sarcasim), let me tell ya! I bought a Gen Breitling last year. Spent $2500 on it. It was second hand (just 3 months old), so I bought at the depreciated price :thumbsupsmileyanim: but I still got all the paperwork and warranty info so it was like owning a new one. I rolled up my sleeve and wore it into several ADs. Guess what, the sales people in those stores are STILL [censored]! So how did my gen experience work out? I said, "this is the one, the last one I will buy! No more watches for a long time!" What actually happened? Two weeks later I wanted this one and this one and this one, and maybe even this one. Not to mention I felt like I couldn't even wear it to work. What the hell is the point? I spend $2500 on a watch and can't wear it 5-6 days a week?!? So long story short, I sold my Gen Breitling, got back my hard earned money, paid off some bills, and bought 5 or 6 VERY NICE reps! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    So whats the moral of this story? If you buy watches like crack, buy what you can afford. If I had a net worth in the millions I wouldn't hesitate to buy Gens up like candy. Hell I'd make a trip of it. Fly to this place to buy this watch. Fly to that place to buy another. Hell half the fun IS in the chase! But in actuality, I'm a college student, I work full time for less than $30000 a year. So I instead email this guy to buy this watch, email that guy to buy that one, and they fly them to me! :D

    @Panerailord, sorry to hear about your bad experiences w/ reps. Buying/modding reps can become expensive, BUT ALL HOBBIES DO! So why not buy a few inexpensive reps (asian movements etc) and learn to mod them yourself? Invest in some tools, learn from The Zigmeister, RBJ, and other's posts, and HAVE SOME FUN!



  11. Alright

    I'll throw my 2 cents on in.

    1. Dealers - I expect them to warranty the item as long as they say they will. Andrew warranties his watches for 3 months, so if it breaks in two, I expect him to have it repaired or cut me a break on my next purchase for my out of pocket expenses. If I don't ask before purchase, then I'd assume they will swap a DOA watch no problems. If I don't ask and it breaks in a month then I'd ask for a repair or compensation for my out of pockets again. If they refused then I just wouldn't buy from them again, afterall why should I when Andrew will warranty them under the same circumstances? I'll simply take my business to him!

    Bottom line on dealers. I think 3 months is reasonable, as long as the watch doesn't appear abused.

    2. Members - I'm not sure what to say on this situation. I've thought of this myself. Though it sucks to send a perfectly good watch to someone and receive that dreadful email that it arrived DOA, I wouldn't want to get stuck with a broken watch either. So I think its only proper to offer a refund once you receive the watch back. Yeah I know it sucks, but KARMA can be a bi*ch :bicycle: . Now you buy a watch from a member, it arrives working and quits in a couple weeks/month then sorry but take it to your watchsmith. I mean, YOU BOUGHT A USED WATCH, which means you saved $$$ so suck it up and have it fixed.

    Bottom line on members. Don't want to sound like my mom but "treat others as you would like to be treated". Watch arrives DOA - have it returned, inspect, and offer refund. Watch quits in a month, "sorry bud, but you can take it and have it fixed."

    Alright there's my 2 cents.

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: Jon

    Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention. Complain to Paypal -------> YOU SUCK! If I've offered to take care of you, why would you do that? If you've emailed 50,000 times in a 24 hour period and I haven't responded-----------> give it another 24 hours. God! I hate people who do this. Paypal won't protect you if I provide shipping information! Don't get me wrong if you've been scammed its nice to get your money back, but don't jump the freaking gun.

  12. Hello fellow watch addicts!

    Did this for M3Vert. His original crystal shattered for no reason. Seems to be a common problem on the 47mm reps. So he sourced the new Davidsen AR Sapphire crystal and shipped it all to me for the labor. He said his local watch repair guy didn't have the proper tools to complete the job. I replaced mine a few weeks before so I figured "why not, I'll help him out and get some experience!" I did this job for free, (well actually the member tipped anyway! :) ) but I'm considering taking odd jobs like this every now (for cheap fees of course) to help get some more experience! Watch out RBJ and The Zigmeister.....LOL!

    Looks very nice Mr. Davidsen, keep these quality parts coming! I've got one of these sapphire crystals from Davidsen, but bought before the AR version was released. I must admit, it's a very nice touch!.

    Comments more than welcome!


    Jon :victory:





  13. Mine came in today too :thumbsupsmileyanim: . I was supposed to get a Black :whistling: but instead received an Orange. :( Oh well :bounce: It's too nice of a watch to complain about!

    Mine had a bit of a gap, not nearly as bad as the one pictured, but a little friendly persuasion made it alright! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Stainless steel is a pretty soft steel so if you are careful you should be able to fix yourself. But don't bend it too far, cuzz when you bend it back is when it will more than likely break.



  14. I don't plan to see Da Vincci Code in theatre. Too much hype and I never like to watch movie in NYC anyway.

    Yeah I love going to the movies but the theaters in NYC seem to be a little to cramped for me :black_eye:

    Though it seems every time I visit I end up seeing a movie anyway :rolleyes:


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