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Posts posted by JohnG





    "Interesting watch site" Yes, yes it is.

    Hmmmm, so this is Replica Watch Scams? Nice site, I bet 'johng' wishes he had a site like this...........like what you did with the drapes.

    Is there an "Off Topic" section here? If not, why not? I've forgotten more about replica watches than Dave123 will ever know, which means I've forgotten practically everything I ever knew about replica watches. I just like to blog.

    You really ought to have an "Off Topic" section here with an exclusive "laissez-faire" policy exclusive to that one subforum if you want some traffic up in this crib. And change the skin. Black font on pale blue or green leads the poster to loiter longer, and subliminally lends to constructive input. Trust me, we could make this into a monster if we all pull together as a team.

    It's [RWS] purdy much getting a 'hatchet job' from the rest of the replica community. That's the draw. For me. LOVE IT! RWG got the hatchet job from rwgjr back in '06. It's why I stayed there. Two things I cannot abide in this world; 'elitism' and 'dichotomy'. I have it from the source BTW, RWG is history despite the 'maintenance' message and unlike the Governator, "Eeet vill naaaaaht be baaaahck." Trust me on this. As a matter of fact, after January 4, '09 the homepage will be gone too. So if 'johng' was serious about building his own site, time is a wasting. I mean, he could come here, and Dave too, but they swore they wouldn't, which means they are probably pwning the 'Loony Bins' of all the other sites (that Dave hasn't been banned from. Has Dave123, beened banned from here yet? If not just do it and get it out of the way, he's a real troublemaker. He doesn't mean to be, it's not premeditated, he's just a dork).

    Hey, is this site really from the fountain head of 'fakemaster'? That's what they are saying. Gotta love fm. I saw on RWI he's really gaining a great rep on.

    Hey Col., what's news m8? You seem like the post count honcho here. Miss your home movies. Heard from AllergyDoc or Grahman? Send regards if you cross paths. Ta.

    How 'bout our new Prez? Purdy cool huh? I bet the rest of the world wishes they were as progressive as the USA. He's gonna break some hearts when he moves centrist though. Unfortunately a lot of his base voted him in because they fell for all that media hype; "he's a socialist", like he was going to double food stamps or pay their mortgages with rich people's money. He's not. He's a Nationalist. So am I. He'll create opportunity, but if his minority constituents don't go for it? The man is going to be [censored]! I think Colin Powell may be offered Defense Secretary and maybe Warren Buffet as Treasury Secretary. If he assembles the cabinet I think he will, he'll go down in history as a genius. If he appoints John Kerry to anything, I'll have my doubts.

    OK cheers Col! Take care.


  2. You might give King a try. Although I have never purchased from her, I understand that she will send you a picture of the exact watch that will be shipped for your approval. You should write simple and direct sentences as her English is limited and she uses an on line translator. Perhaps someone with direct experience with her can verify.

    I have read a LOT of horror stories with King in the past six months.

    Ruby and Chris at EuroTimez don't drop ship. Chris is more expensive but does a comprehensive QC check. Ruby is slower, no QC (other than having the watch in her possession), but less expensive. Precious Time and Narikaa don't drop ship either and are reliable sellers.

  3. Thanks guys!

    And I can download pretty much ANYTHING on eMule - there is little I can't find - sadly there are only a couple of episodes of Hawaii Five-O, one of my all time favorites. Old series like that are tough, but all the recent stuff is available.

  4. On the first page of this thread I commented "Isn't it amazing that when self professed "tolerant" people are exposed to a point of view different then their own, they immediately become intolerant and try and belittle the opposing point of view though the use of name calling?

    ...Five pages later here and it seems there were plenty of people willing to illustrate my point by exposing their own refusal to engage in any meaningfully exchange of ideas without the name calling.

    That I can see, Downtown is the only one using the terms bigot or homophobe to describe those that disagree with him.

    The other posters, like myself, who support the gay community's struggle for equal recognition under the law, have been respectful.

    Your post is no more accurate in characterizing the opposition than any of Downtown's.

  5. I can understand how it may seem abrasive. This is the problem with the democrats and those on the left. If they just act politely then perhaps the other side will come around. It just reminds me of the term "don't be an uppity negro" a little too much. This is why I admire folks like Bill Maher, Dan Savage, and Keith Olberman.

    "Don't be an uppity negro"?

    If you want to preach to the choir, you have the correct tone. If you want to persuade those that have different views, what I am suggesting is not "don't be uppity" - it is plain old common sense. Treat people with respect and they are more likely to listen to your words. Are you REALLY disputing this point? If your inclination is to reply, "but THEY are not being respectful!" stop for a moment and reflect on how childish that sounds.

    Should one stand idly by because to criticize is improper or impolite?

    I hope you are not suggesting that I said that, because I most certainly did NOT.


    We've got one side who's principal philosophy is devoted to condemning others who don't follow their lifestyle to literally burning in the fires of Hell for eternity.

    This generalization is as simplistic as it is incorrect. The evangelical Christian population in California is NO WHERE NEAR large enough to explain the passage of Prop 8. If you want to understand what happened in California you are going to have to think a little more.

    It's obvious that I'll never convince a Christian that their faith is based on ancient traditions that have little to no intellectual or moral currency in society, nor is that my mission.

    And why would you want to? I thought we were talking about same sex marriage, not debunking an entire religion.

    I simply see something that's unjust and I'm calling it out. I have no investment in being nice to someone who is blindly opposed to the lifestyle of my friends and family members simply on account on 'seemin nice'. For too long the left has had to apologize to the right for having different views.

    I know a lot of Democrats and I don't know any that apologize for their views. Where the hell are you getting this nonsense?

    It's unfortunate that terms like bigot and fear-monger (may have made an implication, not sure if I used the term) are being used, granted. However, to avoid the terms in favor of less-honest and euphemistic terms is, in my opinion, demeaning. I hate to say it, but sometimes people or groups are bigots and fear mongers.

    Sometimes people are bigots and fear mongers, sure. But you don't know AllergyDoc well enough to make that accusation. Those are conclusions you are basing on nothing more than YOUR own prejudices and preconceptions.

    The McCain campaign was calling Obama a socialist, muslim (as if that's worse or better than being a christian), communist, unAmerican , and continuously questioned his patriotism.

    Well I voted for Obama, but your statement is factually incorrect. The McCain campaign did NONE of those things.

    Ideally I'd be friendly and ''aw you hate gays? that's cool!"

    More nonsense. No one here, myself least of all, has suggested you do this.

    If you just want to rant to listen to yourself, go right ahead. But don't kid yourself that what you are doing is any different than what you accuse others of. Intolerance. Intolerance, no matter what end of the political spectrum it comes from, does not advance mutual understanding, dialog, or social change. It impedes it. If you want to effect change, you will need to go about it differently. But if you just want to feel smug in your own form of self-righteous indignation, then you are closer in mind-set to your foes than you will ever realize.

  6. I don't think I'll ever understand the actual reason why folks hate the gays other than superstitious fear and personal insecurities.

    Well then you will have fat chance of convincing them that you are correct. Calling people fear mongers and bigots is not going to help others open their minds. I agree with what you say about gay rights and same sex marriage. But I find your rhetoric less than charming.

    When it comes to the art of persuasion, a little humility and sensitivity towards views that differ from your own is AT LEAST as important as the rationality you so arrogantly boast of possessing.

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