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Posts posted by JohnG

  1. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States. It is not the problem, it is a tool used to exert political power by a radicalized segment of a population that has been exploited for most of the past century. Virtually no one cares what happens to people who live under a repressive regime whose very existence depends (for example) upon U.S. military aid. The West is complicit in their repression of millions of people. The thing I find shocking is that people can deny this with a straight face.

    People who feel great helplessness, rage, and ultimately hatred, will resort to drastic measures.

    If the some rich foreign nation funded a coup in the United States and a government that subsequently took away everyone's rights, weapons, and dignity and then killed or imprisoned anyone who complained - AND their families... how long would it take Americans to reach the point where they could justify the indiscriminate killing of their enemies in their own minds?

    Anyone who thinks that such contempt for human life or indeed an entire people could not happen in the West - that this is a strictly a religious or racial problem - has no idea what they are talking about. ANY race or culture is capable of the greatest barbarity given the right conditions. We have only to look at what happened in Germany during the 30's and 40's to know this is true.

  2. Here's the problem with replica mobile phones for me. If something happens (knock on wood) that I need to call emergency services, I want to be sure that my phone will be in working condition. I have an intimate familiarity with counterfeit watches and I know that build quality is not a top priority at the rep factories.

    We are talking about a device that could be used to save your life, or the life of a loved one. I don't play games when it comes to these sorts of things.

    By that argument, not having a cell phone at all would be irresponsible.

  3. i would like to thank most of the people here for the welcome here

    some were against it from day 1 and are now cheering which i find a lil disturbing and also some of the elitist crap

    i may not have been part of the original RWG in 1927 or when ever it started but i am now this does not make me any less better than anyone else

    i pay here and will continue to pay here

    a big thanks to the good people here and [censored] to the elitist few

    i like dani and johng but i dont think they will ever get married

    + 100

    A lot of people just can't deal with the fact that RWG has survived their exodus. It was a huge blow to their egos when the place just didn't shrivel up and die.


  4. BTW, who was it who turned my thread into a TTK fest? :)

    Ya, I know you didn't meen it.

    Was that me??? :blush:

    Its entertaining to watch, its funny, its chaos, its anarchy, its camaraderie, its really stupid at times, its really cruel and mean at times, its blog posts, all wrapped and tied around a somewhat interest in replica-watches, very weird.

    I agree with TT that this is a good post and description of RWG1.1, though I would argue it ignores the real value in RWG1. I also believe in "civilized" discourse and not so civilized discourse. But "uncivilized" is not to say without worth. Civilized behavior can often be a mere facade that hides truths and serves only as an obstacle to real growth or change.

    I have learned many things about myself on the forums, some of which I am not proud of. If I had always behaved in a civilized manner, would these things have been less true? Is he who, out of fear of reprimand or exclusion, controls his conduct, a better person for it? I think not. There are plenty of assholes in the moderated forums, but their conduct is shaped by fear, not by genuine respect or tolerance.

    One consequence of the unmoderated chaos of RWG1 is that some prankster searched my user name and eventually found that I am member of a support group for pornography addiction. This person posted this information with a usurped id from the support forum. At first I was outraged and immensely humiliated. But if I have one virtue, it is a willingness to face difficult truths about myself. I set aside my desire to identify that person and seek revenge - because the truth was that while at one time I had been on a path to recovery, at the time the post was made, I had been relapsed for a long time. I was viewing pornography and masturbating for upwards of four or five hours a day. No one who has not engaged in similar self-destructive and complusive behavior can begin to imagine the shame, disgrace, and self-hatred it seeds in those it affects. I swore to myself with great sincerity and conviction day after day that I would stop - only to give in the next day or even later the same day. That is what I was doing with my life when that post was made.

    In any other forum a post disclosing such private information would have been yanked immediately, its author banned, and I would never have been forced to face that truth about myself. So I was forced to choose between fleeing the forum (and the truth), lying and admitting that it was me but saying that I was "sober", or looking squarely into the mirror and admitting to myself what I had, once again, become.

    I am free of pornography today - for over three months. The reason? Because I have been honest with myself and I have again sought help. But the CATALYST was the "cruelty" of one poster in an unmoderated fake watch forum AND the loving support of a number of its members, who, despite my many defects, see something worthwhile in me and extended their friendship under circumstances that had me wanting to slit my own throat. That forum had a real impact on my life in a way that few others could.

    I think it is wrong to attempt to rank the relative merit of what was left behind at RWG1 and what was carried forward to its offspring. They are different and serve different purposes. RWG.cc is the best site for technical information and expertise on replica watches, bar none. It is also home to a large number of interesting, intelligent, and generous people. But that said, RWG1 is a lot more than just a place for entertainment, voyerism, and silly juvenile humor. And regardless of my conduct there on any given day, I will always feel an enormous gratitude both to its membership and its particular anarchist format.

  5. you are to me just trash ready to be sent to the dump.

    I hope you enjoy the new forum and that i never see your presence here any more..I smelled [censored] from you early on and i was correct, now dont get left behind so the rotten smell gets worse here..


    I will be around here as long as I am a paying member.

    You have been [censored] at me ever since I called you out for paying tribute to Jorg Haider - a Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier. That is fine by me, but suggesting this is about anything else is pure fiction.

    If anyone doubts me, read the thread yourself...


    I have made my own mistakes and caused grief and harm. I admitted those mistakes and asked for forgiveness. That is how I maintain I maintain some semblance of self-respect. I won

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