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Posts posted by concepta

  1. Hi,

    Here is the whole story:

    Last sunday, I received a PM about the watches I have for trade. A member named NcW was asking for a trade: 2 brand new Rolex Daytona Vs a franken IWC Ingenieur AMG.

    We sent a few mails each other to seal the deal and finally we decided to send the watches on monday. On Monday afternoon, he sent me a mail giving me a tracking number for registered mail from Sweden and I answered him with the tracking number for his parcel.

    Yesterday, according to tracking number, he received the watches. I haven't received the IWC for trade yet, and the tracking number he gave is not registered...

    He doesn't answer to my mails/PM, neither to my phone calls...

    Unfortunately, I think he is a crook and I will have to speak about it to admin...

    Anyone knows him?

    Thank you!

    I am from Sweden.

    PM me the tracking info and i can check!

  2. hi Hugo! glad to see that there are PT's here!! i actually know a few dealers here in Porto that sells automatic IWC's, but they dont know or dont tell the movement that their watches use. so!!! im kinda afraid of buying from them.

    ill take a look at that http://www.precioustime-uk.com/ do you have any feedback on that dealer from someone here in portugal?

    i think i can arrange a good double AR here in Porto, and im also trying to find someone that does DLC coats around here.

    and ubiquitous! you are certainly shure, the gen iwc movement worths its money.. but im really low on budget!! dont know how much would it cost concepta to franken built one for me! and i also dont know where concepta is from! maybe outside europe? i dont want to send or buy the watches from outside europe, because of customs issues, like Hugo said before.

    i already sent a pm to concepta, asking him how much would it cost me for him to franken built on with gen dials, gen buckle, etc. but i didnt received yet a response.

    Hey! I

  3. what a great watch.. congratulations...

    just some questions... who did the AR for you? looks great.

    Where did you got the rep from? Just asking because somehow the red subdial seems to have slightly different red color depending on the seller. but maybe its just an artifact due to the light available when the pictures were taken.. Anyone know if the dials and the red subdials are the same in all sellers? Is there one that is somehow more close to gen?

    thanks in advance


    Hugo Alves

    Domi arranged for the AR work!


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