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Everything posted by Uhrenfreund25

  1. A very little company which produces great watches. Watch the DORNBLUETH-watches here... Just lovely...
  2. Is it the same as this one: http://cgi.ebay.de/Cape-Cod-Polishing-Clot...bayphotohosting ??? Thanks
  3. Great watch!
  4. And where do I get Cape Cod polish cloth for the best price? Thank you for the helpful postings!
  5. I have found two small scratches on my PAM111 (polished metal). Is there anything to get them off? Any Tip of your own experience how to get them off the watch? Thanks a lot!
  6. Can't load TRC. Is it down?
  7. Is the "L" correct for a PAM111H ???
  8. Yes, it's much better. PTs Sub is really perfect - only the MAG is still a problem. Perhaps this will be fixed one day... How much is the change? You did it on your own?
  9. After comparing my Sub-rep with this signs shown in the article - I have to say, that there is only ONE difference - the MAG of my Sub is 1,5 and should be 2,5. But even the very difficult engraving of the Rolex-Symbol in crystal is absolutely correct on my rep. By the way: my Sub is a "Ultimate Edition" from PRECIOUS TIME! Great!!! Thank you, PT!
  10. Hi! Are the replicas of the Rolex Submariner with ETA and SS close to the weight of the gen?
  11. Does it matter in which direction I turn the crown? Thanks.
  12. Precious Time is excellent!
  13. Hi! Could anyone please tell me how to adjust the time on a PAM111H? What is very important to know about this watch? Anything I have to take care of? Thank you!
  14. Isn't the M wrong positioned on this PO-Version?
  15. Hallo! Da die Anfrage ohnehin nur Österreicher betrifft, poste ich gleich in der Landessprache. *g* Hat hier irgendjemand Erfahrung mit dem "EMS Courier shipped", das Trusty anbietet? Ich hab - um ganz ehrlich zu sein - etwas Angst, dass die Bestellung beim Zoll landen könnte. Das wäre wirklich sehr ungut. Nun suche ich nach Tipps, die Uhr sicher geliefert zu bekommen, weshalb ich die Österreicher hier fragen möchte, was ihr dahingehend für Erfahrungen gemacht habt? Gibt's irgendwelche Tipps/Tricks, die Uhr auf jeden Fall zu bekommen? Die Variante, sie nach England oder Schweden senden zu lassen fällt deswegen aus, weil ich dort keine Kontaktpersonen habe. Und ich möchte keine 250 Euro in den Sand setzen, indem der Zoll dann die Uhr vernichtet oä. Bitte um Hinweise/Erfahrungsberichte/Tipps für das Problem! Herzlichen Dank für eure Hilfe!!! IN ENGLISH: Hi! Is here anyone from Austria who has experience with getting watches sent to Austria from Trusty with "EMS Courier shipped"? I'm afraid of the customs. Anyone here who can help me giving tipps or an advice for getting the watch secure to Austria? Thank you very much!!!
  16. That means that Neil has the best ones...right? Could you please post pics of yours, Rolexman?
  17. Okay, so that would mean, that the 25jewels Movement (which is offered by the dealers here) is in every case better than the 21jewels I posted a pic of?
  18. @ Hari Seldon Okay. Thanks. But what kind of movement (seems also to be available for Rolex-Replicas) is this one, which doesn't need to be kept in with a plastic ring:
  19. I'm looking for something like that: http://www.jumboprawn.net/jesse/naligaa/faulex/sub_under.jpg There is no plastic-spacer-ring, the movement has the correct size.
  20. :-) But the Nickel-version is closer to the original? Does the original have also the Nickel-look? The ETA is the best movement you can get for this watch, isn't it? (is it the closest to the original?)
  21. Is this a question of quality or accuracy to the original?
  22. Does anyone knows the difference between these modells, PT offers. http://www.precioustime-uk.com/ You can see them here:
  23. In Pugwashs photo tutorial there is a wonderful rolex. (see the attachment) Does every Rolex Replica has the "ROLEXROLEXROLEXROLEXROLEXROLEX" inside the dial (you can see it very good on the attached pic)? Looks very nice.
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