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About trailboss

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    Sunny Queensland

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  1. Mate, we would love to. Numerous aproches have been made by the admins of both RWG1 and RWG2 to recover the data base from blade, all to no avail. Since the last anyone heard of Blade was him being draged off in chains to complete his millitery service for whatever easten block country he hailed from combined with the fact of that service being in the former Yugoslavia where the life expextency for a conscript was five weeks chances are he is now dead. The keys to the vault would have died with him. Col.
  2. Looking good mate! I am in the process of securing an old writeing desk to replace my current bech for a little more space and a lot more draws. The top surface slides ot towards you so it's near perfect without buying a purpose built unit. I'll post some pics when I've paid for and collected it. Col.
  3. I just wish I had a tester that would go as deep as 12ATM! Mine, like most that don't cost as much as a gen Rolex only go to 5 or 6 and all my reps I have tested go to that. Chances are good that anything that tests ok at that will be ok to considerabley more. I do have access to a gas tester but it's a 200k trip to use it. I think it goes to 12 or so. Offshore will know for sure. Col.
  4. TTK? Oke, but it is out of a quote by "T" in his interview thread and is not in quotation marks or credited to anyone. See the link above the quote. Col.
  5. A little more than in name only. It is still the same place it was before the collapse, in name and in spirit. BTW, I was under the impression that this was "Replica Watch Group" to give it it's full title. Here is the origenal banner: This board was actualy started before the old board fell over, RWG1 in it's origenal form was still going when this board was formed and continued to exist in it's origenal form for quite a while. Whilst "T" was indeed an admin at RWG (and indeed started TRC) the board (RWG) was started by Blade and considering how he turned out I would hate "T", who is a nice guy, to be confused with Blade. Here is a quote from THIS thread by Admin in reference to the above: Anyway, enough of this. All the fora have a place, every last one makes a valuable contribution to the hobby, this one well and truly included. Oh yes, happy birthday guys. I did a rather nice post wishing you guys many happy returns but it vanished a few minutes after I posted it. No idea why. Could someone have a look and see what happened? Did I get the date wrong? Col.
  6. Thank you sir, Pip Pip. Col.
  7. Hey there gpuk, good to see you. If you wanna sell that piece please put me down for it. Since I now admin the old board I should have one! Yup, it came back allbeit without the old DB, Same old URL tho. Col.
  8. This guy was at RWG1.1 and RWI under various user names, he will find it a little hard to sell on either for the time being. Asuming he fails to come thru for all partys he will be removed permently. Col. RWI/RWG1.1 Admin Teams.
  9. Baldrick say he contacted TTK's old GF from TRC days and she said he had died. I know for a fact he was back in the UK for medical reasons and was prob going to lose a leg but so far no one has come out and verified the dead bit. Col.
  10. If you realy want one, I can build you one. Just let me get the first out of the way. It's ordered and the MVT will be going to the watchmaker (me no work on OPs 7750s yet) for a full service before install. DW has recently redone a lot of his dials too. They are even better than they were. Col.
  11. Yup, that's Tel$tra for you. What do you expect? Speed won't change much as you rarely see anything aproching the max speed in anything but single file transfers. Their network is so overcrowded that chances are it couldn't manage much more than your old speed even on a good day. BTW, TPG 25gig a month (+ 25 between 2am and 8am) for $49 As cornerstone said, go look at whirlpool.net Col.
  12. Toady mate, you do realise that Frddy posted this back in Oct '07 yes? To answer your questions. The DW comes with either an a7750 or a a7750 with the auto wind removed. If you chose to go the manual wind route it fits in the case with the thinner case back (14mm os opposed to 15). The 7750 has large pusher tabs and needs no mod to work with the asymetric pushers. I have NFI how Freddies MVTs were going to come. I am building one of these shortly and the MVT will be getting a full service and oil before it goes in. Col.
  13. I love this: :lamo: Col.
  14. Odd, that austion seems to have closed with 0 bids from my POV. What type of tatal fool would buy that, even at rep prices. Col.
  15. Very hard to do PD. It requires a special tool to bend the links to remove them. I am not sure if anyone actualy has one around here. This is one of the reasons I am puting mine on croc. Col.
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