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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Ah, the AAA Swiss. And they said it didn't exist. Of all the watches I gave away I miss my black dial 16613 the most. But never wore it. The wife got tired of the watch groupies hangin' about. Pity. Careful stud.
  2. True. Hmmmm, I know! Instead of an elitist VIP invite only sub-forum, the webmaster rather, would build into the site a 'loony-bin sub-forum' visible only to those members who insist on never contributing even the slightest modicum of constructive discourse to the site. It would be a form of punishment. More Machiavellian than mere 'banning'. Like William Blake's version of 'Hades' where the damned have contrived their own version of hell and must endure it . It is perfect in it's conception. As Doc has astutely alluded, human nature cannot resist taking in the 'train wreck' if it is available them even if they are self certain they will vomit and be eternally haunted by visual demons;Jerry Springer. OH GOD! DON'T LOOK! But they must. 'Watches' could certainly be discussed and encourged even. In the "Test" sub-forum.
  3. I think John, with Greg's guidance, should build a new 'blog'. As bare bones as can be contrived, only enough bandwidth to allow a posting of jpeg's feature and only one Moderator who's sole duties would be "Spam" patrol and to police child pornography and situations of racism where ignorance is the sole impetus of the term, not the propensity of racism, say, brought about by the fact a Sunni member actually saw his sisters disembowled by a Shia' militia. It will naturally draw a lot of replica watch geeks by association, intitially, which is fine, and if someone wants to go on about a replica watch, fine, but the entire genre is kind of falling out of the zeitgeist. I mean, the longest thread going on RG "General Discussion" right now is one about men discussing the wear and finer points of caring for gentlemen's haberdashery as it applies to 'shirt cuffs' and larger mm watches. And it is actually getting out of hand within the confines of "Forum Rules". Is this what 'big people' are talking about and getting 'warned' for these days? Be still my heart. I think the blog should focus on "International Opinion of the Current Global Life Experience" as a theme. Where John, say, could elabortate points of Constitutional Law as it applies or more importantly, globally, how it doesn't, and indeed the discussion of shirt cuffs could be explored and the jingoistic sh*tfests could exist without some geek interjecting; "Come on, let's all just get back to discussing what's really important in the world; Replica Watches!!" as if it really is, or ever, was. And some Moderator with an Oedipal complex cruising the sub-fora in his Darth Vader halloween costume and Guardian Angel Aiwass avatar waving his hand over the savage masses, reducing their behaviour likened to the those pitiful island 'extras' in that 1930's film where they brought that big monkey to New York City; "Hey now, boys and girls, let's reign it in, I don't like the where this thread is headed. I can't wait to 'lock' and 'bin' it. I just love that part. I look forward to it as much as milk and cookies. I finally have people of character Kow Tow down to me. Finally. All it took was a stupid watch forum. We have the best watch forum BTW, refreshingly devoid of jingoistic sh*tfets. Bcause we 'lock' and 'bin' them naturally. You know the drill." What would I call it? "Planet Earth", "Third Stone from the Sun", or "The Many Colors of Benetton". Unless those have already taken. 'RWG123' has a ring to it.
  4. Yeah, kind of like Ahmedinejhad having a propaganda minister. John, if you get ahold of Jean, ask him when I can expect my $50. TIA
  5. Oh for Heaven's sake leave Luthier alone. We all knew jf's personal info in '05, he's a celebrity in the genre, or wants to be. Christ, if Dave could suss out his P.O Box after five minutes on the 'net anybody who was of the inclination already did an in-house drive by. I made the Haj to his address in '07 Quebec. He wasn't home, so I pee'd in his milk bottle. Stop thinking along the lines; you have to bring RWG's Ark across the Atlas. It's not going to happen. Just PM Greg, get a kitty up, we'll reimburse him for his time/expenditure to IBP and have our own RWS, save the 'Scam' bent and the toy watch bent and the fact Dave is banned and John is non gratuitus. If Greg gets a new Vach we will all congratulate him, if Dave gets a Z06 we will all go "wow", John and Onze can do the OKE thing (gay) I'll jump on Joeyb for wanting to string up Barak in '10, if anyone needs to know how to remove a bezel, we do what we always did on RWG; send them to rwgjr. Coo? Coo. I just got back from bringing my girls ( 9 & 11) to the Broadway show; "Rain, A Tribute to The Beatles". The musicianship was so spot on, the hair stood up on my arms. The audience must have been something, before "Something". Over.
  6. This is my new cell phone ring tone: Under the lights where we stand tall Nobody touches us at all Showdown, shootout, spread fear within, without Were gonna take whats ours to have Spread the word throughout the land They say the bad guys wear black Were tagged and cant turn back You see us comin And you all together run for cover Were takin over this town Here we come reach for your gun And you better listen my friend, you see Its been slow down below, Aimed at you were the cowboys from hell Deed is done again, weve won Aint talking no tall tales friend cause high noon, your doom Comin for you were the cowboys from hell Pillage the village, trash the scene But better not take it out on me cause a ghost town is found Where your city used to be So out of the darkness and into the light Sparks fly everywhere in sight From my double barrel, 12 gauge, Cant lock me in your cage You see us comin And you all together run for cover Were takin over this town Here we come reach for your gun And you better listen my friend, you see Its been slow down below, Aimed at you were the cowboys from hell Deed is done again, weve won Aint talking no tall tales friend cause high noon, your doom Comin for you were the cowboys from hell
  7. This is known, and this is key to would be conservative support of him. "Working" is the cornerstone to conservative principles. That and an almost deliberate "apartheid" of a nuclear family to the far reachings of destructive outside social influence or even government. Not bible thumpers, not corporate apologists, not pre-emptive military doctrines, not even Republicanism, whatever that means anymore. We can all rail about W. being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as we could any Kennedy, but it is well and aside the point; both were expected, intra family, even if taken kicking and screaming into it, and aside from actual performance or result, to "work". 41 expected and demanded it from 43 all his life, of all his children. Daddy Joe expected it from Jack, of all his children. Only the innate parental "love" gave either example too much latteral wiggle room to screw up. If you think that's bullsh*t you are neither a parent, and you will have to be to understand. You just can't 'roll play' that one. And you can pick your heros but both men did. Screw up. In big ways. Iraq is a mess. Cuba almost closed the deal for a human race. So. Cast some politcal stones. Ultimately, opinions of personality aside, both 43 and Jack found out sooner or later what "work" was. And the power of the supportive nuclear family. Say what you will, but flying an F-102 under any circumstances, captaining a PT boat under any circumstances, and campaigning against odds to sit in the chair of the most powerful seat on the globe takes "work". I would say, from just the excerpts of his book Dreams of My Father that Barak's social 'apartheid' was more racially centered than it were a deliberate family method. Having a black father, and white mother put him centrist to racism and perhaps reverse racism. The intra family attention of his adoring mother, and white grandmother, struggling with her own racism, and winning, to see past her own grandson's mere DNA, recognizing and fostering his potential is key to where he has been, where he is and where he is going. "Work" and "Family". Screw "Democrat" and screw "Nancy Pelosi" Jack and Barak are natural born conservatives; "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country". Politico jargon, for "Get up off your ass b*tch and bust a move!" I am of the mind that a good portion of Obama's electorate base believes they are going to get something for nothing. Uh oh. The jaws are going to drop. The cars might get over turned. I can't wait for the social shock waves by Summer's end next year. It will cause Tsunamies to other shores. The concept of redistribution of wealth in a capitalistic federal republic (the USA) can be paralleled to "opportunities" by mere definition. A bank loan to realize commerce is an opportunity as a redistribution of 'wealth'. If the faction of society that from which Barak came, and is pledging to progress in a 'trickle up' economy with good old fashioned 'work ethic' while exposing them to opportunity as reform or program out of 'spent' wealth (taxes from other strata), and they don't jump at those opportunities? With GUSTO and the economy sags? He is going to be one [censored]*d off president. He will look failed and lame. He will carry Clinton's Welfare Reform torch to the center of town and threaten to burn the mother down. Some where along the line, his father, his grandmother, a Punahou guidence councelor, Reverend Wright, the Dean of Admission's at Harvard, or maybe even Bill Ayres, but someone looked him square in the face and said; "Man, look where you came from. You are going to have to work your ass off or they will eat you alive, then you will have no one to blame but yourself". I think that took. It had to have. He didn't have W's nor Jack's Daddy's fast track. He is going to expect no less from his new found constituents and leaders of other countries who's emmigrated citizens are considered 'minority' in others and whose patriots are economically or civily subjugated. Trust me it won't be warmly welcomed from people and leaders who thought they were in for a 'skate' because W. is out and the 'brotherman' is in. The conservatives are going to hold Baraks's feet to the fire in the House, and in the mid-term polling places. If I am to judge he will welcome the effort. Hopefully Barak will extend that consideration to those he claims to want to socially advance. It's going to be a grand social experiment, like bringing democracy and stability into the Middle East is a grand experiment, like going to the Moon was a grand experiment. Shoot, I'm in. "Barry"? B-Rock in the House. Go time beatch.
  8. Demsey

    Prop 8

    THAT'S IT! Thow in the big guy named "Mamma", that institutional smell of things being heavily painted over annually and you have my "homophobia". Good post Doc. It had real flow of pentameter, direction and conviction. The best part? Now that you have gotten it out of your system, tomorrow you will be toe tapping into work, a whistle on your lips, and the people you work with, and perhaps your patients, whom you thought were getting on your nerves will seem like geniuses. Gotta love a good unmoderated internet forum. Good for the soul and at a better premium than 'couch time'. Meh, works for me. Cheers! Good to read your posts again....................
  9. Ken! What? Did you come down to re-light the furnace? Always good advice. And probably why there were so few reunions back @ RWG I will, just as soon as I polish my watch.
  10. Demsey

    Prop 8

    I live in FL too dred. I did what I do every election and mid-term election, get the sample ballot in the mail, run down the proposed amendments, waterway acts, school district acts, judges, and other local government appointments etc. and decide which way to go. When I realized the rehtoric of Amendment 2, I just rolled my eyes and decided to leave myself out of it. I just did not vote on the amendment as I had no good opinion of it one way or the other. I really, really, really didn't care, as I really, really, really don't think it means a toss either with regard to the civil rights of citizens. Other than the semantics of it, what's really at stake? Like, what? Filing income tax jointly? A deduction for a 'spouse'? The division of property if someone dies intestate? The custody of chidren? Come April every year I wish I WASN'T married. My wife owns a business, and it's very tax convoluted. I want no part of it. She's a tax wiz and accountant, and although she has NEVER been fined, she almost NEVER doesn't get notices from the IRS all Summer long asking her to produce documents and information that I am not privy to. We file separtately and itemize our own deductions; her, her business and me the mortgage, kids, property tax, home equity, medical deductables................blah. Regardless, if two people can not iron out a plan that will entitle them perhaps not the 'rights' of being married, but use civil law to offer them the same 'advantage', then so what? I'm happily 'married', but not as much as I am happily 'committed to someone'. The institution of marriage is bullsh*t. It's just the "law" and "government" getting involved in a spiritual union of two separate human beings. I'm 49 in 2008. If I were 25 in 2008, I wouldn't even consider it. I would just commit to the woman, have the kids, and not worry about her having it 'just slip her mind' when it comes time to pay her automobile insurance premium, gets in a fender bender, and the other guy's lawyer finds out I have deep pockets and just because of a day we spent together with friends and family in a church in St. Pete and henceforth share the same name, he's coming after it. PHOOEY! The homosexual revolution is pretty much complete in 2008 save for this issue. No one really gives a sh*t. I know I don't. I watch "Will and Grace" like it were the "Cosby Show", like it were "Leave it to Beaver" and go to Key West and hire the gay dive boat captain. Whatever already. I really don't know if I'm a homophobe. No one ever spelled out the term as it applies in a practical sense. I've never 'feared' homosexuals in public, in South Beach, on South Beach or in social situations, but then again I would fear going to prison. I think that's a 'rape' phobia though. I have a deep seeded fear of being raped by a big man named "Mamma". Yup. If the homosexuals really wanted to be progressive, they would chuck the whole concept of archaic traditional "marriage" and create a new concept to and of themselves and then lobby for rights under that institution. THAT I would vote 'yes' on. If in 1990, I went to the state legislature and announced; " I want to legally 'get married' ", and they said "No, just go, just be, just take care of one another, know the law and your inalienable rights as citizens, and just be happy". I would have been forever grateful. I still don't understand what goes on behind closed bedroom doors between consenting adults and why "phobia's" are part of this conversation though. It's beside the legal premise. And it's gay.
  11. Awwwwe, you were going places but you just defused it. lol, John? You do know those 'point of purchase' periodicals with Britney on the cover at the front of the store? They come with a disclaimer; "For entertainment purposes only, not to be confused with the 'news' ". Besides that smear is sooooo, pre-election. Can't we all just move on?
  12. There you go. You know, honestly, the very first thing that popped into my head when I saw this the first time? I wondered what they had for lunch that day in Kenya. Probably yams and curried goat. Heck, I'd put a diaper on my head for curried any animal and a side of yams. True. True.
  13. It's been hours. Don't tell me I shut down this thread with bipartisanship? Sorry John. But you know, you really lost the base by dodging real controversy. Even if you have to invent it. Say, I dunno, call Rahm Emanuel a pro-Israeli Jew lover, or blame the whole premise on the Bush White House in the sub-header. You know the drill.
  14. Demsey

    Prop 8

    Yes please Doc. Since when was a RWG freight train taking a dirt road an obstacle? As 'downtown' alluded, it was predestined and obstensibly conceived as a train wreck just looking for a set of tracks anyway................... Continue.
  15. Demsey

    Prop 8

    Quotes himself. Such the wannabe.
  16. Demsey

    Prop 8

    No, it's spelled; t-r-i-c-k, and it's done with mirrors. The reflection never lies. The more they kick, scream, deny and try to deflect the image as result of the trick itself, the better the trick has worked. It's a disappearing act. No one can stand to be in the box with themselves, so they just go. I can abide boors, self imports, the arrogant, the self righteous, the flippantly rude for rudeness' sake, anarchists and trolls. It's how I largely live with myself. What I can not abide are those who stand on the mountain top of self denial screaming to the echo; "I am not conceded! That's what makes me so great!" and then argue with the echo absentia. You know, 'jerk offs'.
  17. Through it all, this really does sum it up. I don't know exactly how many reps I've had pass through my hands, 27? Through attrition/give away the collection is down to 7. But seven seemingly indestructacble ETA motors, cases, bracelets and accouterment all Rolex (mostly TWB) and are all at least four years old. The 'new' stuff just didn't hold up. I do have the one Omega PO Chrono too, but am afraid to wear it as it will surely fail like all those Daytonas did. That's a real downer. I still think "all things in replica" are not created equal and the buyer should do his due diligence to try and whittle the odds in your favor, but still be prepared. TTK's QC? He has posted and proven to the extent with pics and general opinion that the buyer can be assured it is addressed. By John's experience, it is better to be "lucky" than "good"? A watch 'going back' or that needs 'addressing' so soon after purchase is not so much a testimony of false advertising as it is bad luck. Just is.
  18. I would say that the particulars of President-elect Obama's platform/personal background is, or should be, well aside the fact he has African heritage and this it is an amazing milestone in US history which should be celebrated regardless of the former? And too, you may be hitting on or perhaps, considering your own Republican ties, hinting that despite tactics that the conservatives, or any party for that matter may employ to get elected (Did Ralph Nader actually call Obama an "Uncle Tom"?!?) that it is all water under the bridge when the votes are cast, and perhaps Conservatives will do their bellyaching in the House not in the press? In other words, there is no scorn than that of a Liberal scorned. Conservatives? Meh, it's usually tied proportionally to their bank account balance. I fully supported John McCain in the race as I had supported him since 2000. Now that the election is behind us, any body wants to jump on my President Obama? I'll kick your teeth in. He's the man. I'll defend him with some reservation to performance, but ultimately to the office he holds. Just like I did the last eight years. These are certainly great days. Two years into the term? We'll just have to see. Still, the White House will be styling regardless.
  19. Demsey

    Prop 8

    "my .2c." You overcharged us. Of course I was trolling ya' dope ya'. And I will fully accept the charge, if you will, and even if you won't. I am a firm believer in "It takes one to know one" and in "Treating people with kind". You T'J, are probably the biggest troll, in the essence of the word, these boards have ever seen. You often try to guise it as contrived benevolent contribution, which is still a form of 'trolling' as the true definition of the word put forth by "Neo" those years past and widely accepted is; the propensity of an entity on an internet message board to rally opinion and sway to his/her exclusive way of thinking, often, but not always, surrounded with turmoil and discord, but you just can't help tripping over your size 14 Doc Martins and blowing it: It doesn't matter what brilliant insights your post may have held ( I wouldn't know really, seeing you penned it remanded I only give it cursory examination; you are boring) the final exeunt to your post, while not the most 'trolling' ends you've ever put inside, is certainly in the top five and is what caught my attention. Youn planted 'corn' and now stand arrogantly in resentment and indignation that indeed 'corn' has grown. You are actually, allegorically speaking, trying to berate 'corn' for being what it is; 'corn'. It's funny. It's gay. Not in an homosexual way, but in the way a '[censored] pack' is well, funny and gay. This is your 'style' afterall T'J. It was when you left RWG for more civilized and worldly fields, but it desn't seem you've found them yet? http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0 It seems at least two Mods called you out on the fact; you are a 'drama queen'. Maybe it wasn't RWG at all? It seems perhaps you are the common denominator? Quite. So perhaps when the tide ebbs, John has his new site hooked up and the RWG flotsam and jetsam rolls out of the rwgjr sea, perhaps you could go with it? Not so sure you would be missed. One could only hope.
  20. Demsey

    Prop 8

    This paragraph contains anecdotes and could, in no real way, persuade the reader to align themselves with your opinion' "I am not a homophobe". It is a weak case at best. As a matter of fact, the lady doth protest too much, methinks. "Meat and two veg", as you well know, but perhaps not all the readers, is a British colloquial euphemism for a man's genitalia. It wasn't as clever as it was 'telling'. You may not be a subliminal homophobe, but you certainly may be a subliminal homosexual. You can site the fact, anecdotally, that you have a girlfriend, but that does not prove a case to the contrary. Anymore than the fact you keep Guinea Pigs as pets lends to the case you are gay. No, and that makes the two of us. You said you weren't going to argue. You lied. I am glad to see your time on the boards hasn't tempered your demeanor T'J. You're still a prickly pear. Sorry for the euphemism, but my membership level won't allow me to call you a [censored]. But you certainly are. Cheers!
  21. Have you sent it back yet? It is one of the easiest fixes. TTK would probably do it himself in about 15 minutes. A waste of shipping really.
  22. We're not here to judge SA. If it feels good do it. Maybe PM Dave, he's been feeling a little dejected lately. Charlie Sheen, John Cryer; Two and a Half Men The ONLY program I venture off satellite to catch. Actually the ONLY sitcom I make a point of watching period. I watch others but just 'surf them up' ad hoc.
  23. Nice. Have you gotten it wet yet? What happened to, was wrong with, the GMT?
  24. Demsey

    Prop 8

    Well, I really couldn't be bothered, but since you put it that way; Your anecdotes have absolutely zero bearing on your predisposition of "phobia". You could be married to a black woman and still be a racist. See? You are a homophobe. If only on a subliminal level.
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