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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Sums it up for me. Can I get an Amen? 'Chieftang' hold the door. I'm out'a here too.
  2. Yeah gee, this is a little over the top, wouldn't you say? It was like, on that last board, over there, when the Canadian guy posted "Americans, what have you done!" with reference to 43's second term. As if every American voted him in. Hmmmmm. But you know, I can think of a lot of good reasons why Obama is a good choice, as well as some good reasons why I thought Hillary Clinton would make a good candidate, and I didn't support either, but those issues were usually overshadowed by a blanket; "They're not W.!" End of intellectual/political debate. Which I say is a shame because there are issues that could have been debated beyond "Hope" and "Change". Like, ummmm, "Law" or "Constitution" or "Union" or "Alternative Energy" or "Disenfranchized Natural Born Citizens" and "Disenfranchized Unnatural Born Citizens" and "Opportunity, not Hand Out for All", but "Bush Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad, Change Goooooooooooood" was the chant. Sigh. The voter turn out was huge. Wasn't it the biggest in history? President Obama won by a safe, safe, margin. I still think the party would have prevailed even if Obama were a white man on the same platform considering the environment, but the margin would not have been as 'safe' if it weren't such a putsch to make "History"? Man, they came out of the wood work for this one. Two and a half million plus on the Mall today? Jeez. Anyhoo, phooey! The die is cast. He's my President, like the last guy was my President. Anyone hoping for his failure is seditious as far as I'm concerned. We owe it to his office if not him outright to be pulling for him/us. The next four years are going to beat the man up with battleship chains. He's a good man and patriot. That is the minimum requirement. Enough for anyone to get behind him with the benfit of the doubt and see how it plays. If he pulls us out? Anyone who canvassed and/or voted him in can throw out his chest with the bragging rights. What kind of maniac would cut his own throat to deny the other guy his due? Nuts! And if he doesn't? It wouldn't be the first time an Administration left the country flat doing the best it could or knew how. Meh, it really is a crap shoot.
  3. lol, said the guy who started the thread. I didn't participate in the Russian Revolution, I just through the first Molotov cocktail at the bust of Nicholas wearing my 'Lenin' t-shirt. Oh pho.
  4. Ow, it only hurts when I laugh. Worst inaugural slide in the history of the DOW. I thought Obama was elected largely on his Economic policy platform in the face of recession? The 'world' didn't seem to think so either. Couldn't have been anything else. Right? Like ummmm, un-informed base? I think before this all turns around, this Conservative will be longing for the Clinton years. Now THAT is 'change'. Ow it hurts.
  5. Hmmmm, I think that is a stretch. Unless you were raised in an enclave on another island other than Oahu. My fiancee` and I visited my brother, in the Marine Corps, Kaneohe, in '87. The usual tour, Waikiki, Diamond Head, Hanauma Bay, Pali ladder, Paniolo Cafe for a rattlesnake burger, North Shore the usual. Then we made the mistake of visiting a waterfall on the North Side, wish I could be more specific, but it was 'local' and had a beautiful swimming pool beneath. We got looks, but were with the Marines. What could go wrong? There was one local throwing a tennis ball to his Golden Retriever. The dog was smart. But not smart enough I guess. When he would miss a toss the owner would full frontal punch the dog in the chops. After about ten minutes of this my fiancee' had had about enough and called him out to stop. Without a second's hesitation the Hawaiian jumped into the pool, swam across and got up into my face as it was obvious who the girl was with. I remember a lot of derogatory remarks I didn't understand, then HOWLIE!, the sound of a light bulb breaking and I was out. I came around being dragged down the path by bloodied Marines. So yeah, I dunno bra', this WASP sure as hell knows what it's like to be a "N" in Oahu. Then there was the time I was the "N" in Thailand. But that's another story. Maybe the Thais don't think racism exists in Thailand either. According to official position, neither does AIDS. Anyhoo, I came away from both those experiences with a little better understanding for my Cuban friends. The kids are alright. That's beautiful, if only a little trite and perhaps a little late?. It would have meant more in a post yesterday. Cheers!
  6. Personally, I was saddened that today overshadowed yesterday no matter how apropos the two events are linked. Every year on the old RWG I posted the Dream Speech. In four years it only got one response. From 'Klink'. I'm pretty sure he was with me though. Pretty sure. Yesterday I was going to 'cut-and-paste' Dr. King once again. But declined hoping someone else would here. Unless I missed the post, and if I have I apologize. I suppose everyone was out doing errands. Buying chips and frosty beverages for today's "Marriage of Charles and Lady Di" CNN coverage. So great, Kelly Clarkson won "American Idol". Oh yea. God Speed President Obama. I'm with you 110%. Awe h*ll, make it 115%.
  7. All too true I'm afraid. I think the member known as 'TTK' was actually one Neil Ofrei. lol, going to h*ll for that one............
  8. Awwwwww, what a let down. I wanted to see RG and his snow blower. Bob? Cue the 'snow blower'.
  9. Bold. Yeah, that would kick it up a notch. I hope you do too. I hope you do too.................correct subdial spacing rulz...............
  10. "Eleven. Exactly. One louder." Nigel Tufnel
  11. "Look, you stupid Bastard. You've got no arms left." King Arthur
  12. Not 'blingy' in a Yo' Raps! sort of way, but a watch that is an ostentatious 'huge chunk' and gets a lot of comment. More than any other rep watch I own. A lot of Rolex.
  13. Pretentious to whom? Patients? Peasants. What good is suffering through Med if you can't flaunt it? Doesn't the Hippocratic oath cite Rolex? Better the wallpaper than the underwear. Don't laugh. They sell them.
  14. It's all good. He uses 'jetmid' 's in house man. You know, the Swiss sous chef/watchsmith/topiary gardener/pimp. You should see that 1049...........
  15. Bet I know who's gonna lead the 'Mid-Week Wrist Check' Congrats.
  16. Pretty sure 'robertk' has that Vach mentioned. Pretty sure.
  17. Ooooooh, that kind of 'redress', I thought we were going to be able to right the likes of Danny Glover and Sean Penn for being Chavez lovin' prats. In that case, I'll wait until 'she' is mentioned. I suppose I could put a white dial 116520 on 'dat. OMGTF!
  18. I resent this remark. If you want to attack personal taste with regard to a philandering lifestyle, then direct it toward someone who may deserve it. Like Che`. Che` wore a GMT. And was one hell of a ladies man.
  19. Quick answer; Thicker than a Submariner of the same vintage.
  20. Absolutely brilliant and well said! This should be 'pinned' at the top of the "Modifications and Upgrades" sub-forum. A mantra or watchword (pun intended ). You are certainly in the best company of the most creative people on this board in regard. The rest of us? Either in denial, or too ham handed for the task more the likely. Cheers!
  21. MmmK Charlie, I was a little behind the curve here..................I take it Chris ships his Euromariner with the Watchmaterial insert upgrade as standard or as option? I did think the 'rep' pearl in the comparison better than usual 'rep factory' but agree with the point you made; "...........obscures the triangle on the lower point...........". Towit, it seems not all Watchmaterial inserts are created equal with regard. The example I posted is not as 'low' on the marker as yours. I have heard other complaints from members to 'offset' or 'crooked' pearls from Watchmaterial (caveat)................. Certainly any gen. accoutrement that can be incorporated will enhance the 'replica' and/or any upgrade that improves the intrinsic state can be appreciated. And yet, is still 'replica'. I would never be embarrassed to sport any replica that is to any small degree toward 'genuine' in public. I out all my watches as 'fake' if I get any comment whatsoever, even if I am certain the person taking notice is completely fooled. "Modding" is a fascinating facet to this hobby, but it is a tightrope walked by those who insist on it to render a replica something other than what it is; 'fake'.
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