Hi All
I am new to the forum so a big 'Hi' to all. I was reading with interest all the kerfuffle about k2222 and his AR coating service and was wondering if anyone provided this in the UK? I assume not as people are sending them abroad to have it done. Having said this, I did a quick search on google and found a few company's that provide AR coating services. They usually talk about lenses but I see no reason why they would not do watch faces? Unless I am wrong in this assumption that is.
Has anyone in the UK contacted these company's to enquire? Perhaps a few of us could pool our stuff together to get this done (I assume they would probably have a minimum quantity, although not sure.) What are the watch glasses made of usually? Glass or some sort of crystal? Sadly, my knowledge is lacking in this area but I am only too happy to maybe make some enquiries if I knew the answer.
This company are in manchester: