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Posts posted by jkerouac

  1. I hadn't seen the white dial Ingy, but your posting and one other prompted me to look for it on one of the dealer's Web sites.

    Does a white dial Ingy actually exist in the gen?

    I have a white dial Overseas, which I love, but a white dial Inge almost doesn't seem right, because it's a bad ass MF watch.

    By all means post pics.

  2. As you have owned the SS Ingenieur I don't have to explain the watch to you. I am extremely fond of mine and would not consider parting with it.

    If the question is one of diversity or variety, consider getting a matching carbon fiber strap so you can change out with the bracelet. To me the bracelets on the Ingy and GST are among their strong pluses, but I can understand why some people would want to change the look of the Ingy by pairing it with a strap.

  3. I recently purchased a replacement dial from Paul. I got a number of shifting stories from Paul regarding my order status--ship in one week, incorrect part, order returned by PO, and then another few weeks to replace the part that supposedly was in the mail, etc.-- before the dial finally arrived, ab. six-seven weeks after I placed my order.

    It wasn't a big expense to me (he was only charging $12 or $14 for the dial and shipping) and I wasn't in a big hurry since I don't lack for alternate watches to wear. And the other dealers that I contacted didn't even want to mess with my request. But my impression was that at Wo-mart the left hand does not always know what the right hand is doing, probably because there are multiple "Paul's" that we do business with under the single persona.

    Be patient and cool, and try to keep your e-mails civil and professional. Include previous e-mails, if that info is relevant and useful. I'm sure that you will get your watch, and I certainly hope that your waiting period is shorter than mine. Good luck, and cheers.

  4. I would find the Ingy a bit too bulky and heavy for bike rides. On the other hand, I find my Speedmaster or the standard size PO on a SS bracelet to be quite comfortable when I go out riding.

    I only had condensation problems when I went cross country skiing while wearing a Yachtmaster. I was wearing it under layers of Gortex and polar fleece, so a bit of condensation was understandable, and fortunately temporary.

  5. Ann Coulter is a dyke. :blowup:


    Actually, I consider that an insult to lesbians.

    Ann Coulter is simply scary.... or at minimum a dangerous provocateur who knows that there is serious money to be made by voicing outrageous and inflammatory ideas. I don't know why even thoughtful conservatives might take her seriously.

    And to focus on the primary topic, I second Ken's comments regarding the migration and relations with the old board.

  6. Always wear clean underwear in public

    especially when working under your vehicle.

    From the Northwest Florida Daily News

    comes this story of

    a Crestview couple who

    drove their car to Wal-Mart

    only to have their car break down in the parking lot.

    The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while

    he fixed the car in the lot.

    The wife returned later to see

    a small group of people near the car.

    On closer inspection

    she saw a pair of male legs


    from under the chassis.

    Although the man was in shorts

    his lack of underwear turned private parts into

    glaringly public ones.

    Unable to stand the embarrassment

    she dutifully stepped forward

    quickly put her hand up his shorts and

    tucked everything back out of site.

    On regaining her feet

    she looked across the hood and found herself staring at her husband

    who was

    standing idly by.

    The mechanic


    had to have three stitches in his forehead.

  7. These things go in waves, both for us as individuals and as a community.

    There are times when you wonder why you waste your time with the "bozos" who are making life unpleasant, or you imagine that you have enough watches to satisfy your collecting bug for the next 10 years (hey, it could happen).

    But then the community settles down and becomes fun again, and ... shock of shocks.... there are another two or three or four watches that you just have to have.

    By the way, does anyone remember the old Firesign Theater album, "We're All Bozos on This Bus"? Perhaps I'll add that as my signature and motto.

  8. On the flip side, if your new pc has a manufacturer warranty, you shouldn't open up the case - that will void the warranty. In that case, your best option is an enclosure as mentioned above.

    Good luck!

    Not to doubt your word, but who voids the warranty if you open the case? Are you talking laptops? I've never heard of that.

  9. I suggested this once to ThomasNG with a few of his high end gens... mostly in jest.

    But I think their prices are ridiculous. You can rent a $20,000 car for around $300 a week, or even less in some locations or with deals.

    And I won't even touch on their selection. You would have to pay me to wear some of those things.

  10. My Passat was sideswiped last week. Fortunately I wasn't in it at the time, or perhaps unfortunately since then I could have at least gotten the license plate number of the jerk who did it.

    On Friday the insurance company told me they are probably going to total the car. It's a 99 Passat with 110,000 miles on it, but still nice enough that I was hoping to take it to 200,000+ in the next few years. So my wife and I need to figure out what we are going do for a second car, or even if we are going to get a second car.

    In the mean time, a friend just lent me his Jaguar for the week while he is out of town for a trade show.

  11. Bad luck on the accident, happy to hear there are no injuries.

    I believe that a few accidents are almost inevitable in every driver's life, especially in urban areas. If we get through those incidents without injury, then we should truly consider ourselves very fortunate.

  12. Hell yes I'll wear a rep into an AD, but for the most part it would be a somewhat less common brand (at least in my local ADs) such as IWC or Pam, rather than a Rolex in a Rollie shop or Santos in a Cartier shop. I sold my only Rollie, so that isn't even an issue.

    (I have worn my Seamaster SMP into an Omega shop, but politely declined when the salesperson offered to have it polished while I shopped. :whistling: )

    But I agree, most of the salespeople don't really know or don't care, they just want to make the sale, and that's where they focus their thinking. In fact, when I wore a Pam 192 into a Rolex-Omega-Cartier dealer, the sales reps and manager practically lined up to assist me, because I honestly don't think they had ever seen a Pam in the flesh. Obviously your mileage should differ in New York, London, or Zurich.

  13. Oh [censored]. oh [censored] oh [censored] oh [censored] oh [censored]. It looks fantastic. It looks so much better on her than on you. You are an aesthete and looks are vitally important. The watch - deserves - to be on her wrist, she looks great, she feels great, it was made for her.

    Let's face it, you could be talking about a potato sack and it would still look better on them -- because EVERYTHING looks better on them than on us!

    Fortunately my wife is not into watches, though. She is content with her two tone Seiko and occasionally switches to a ladies Frank Mueller rep for a particular outfit. I recently noticed that she doesn't even set the day or date on the Seiko. It bugged me more than her, so I started updating it around the first of each month as needed.

  14. Crap.

    I just saw these pictures, and then the pictures of the upcoming two-tone Evos (I already have one Evo, which is fantastic).

    So I had to ask myself, what about a two-tone Steelfish?

    I pulled out my Breitling catalog and..... nothing. There are no two-tone Steelfish.

    Eventually I plan to add a nice two-tone to my collection, and I thought the Steelfish might be the candidate. But I will have to look elsewhere.

  15. boy, are you ever right about that. i hated pierce brosnan in that role.

    But Brosnan was light years better than Roger Moore. In my opinion the Moore years were very dark years for Bond fans. Amen for the more serious and realistic storylines.

  16. If I were to wear an IWC strap model I would opt for the portuguese or fa jones.

    I agree, but I tried a Jones and it didn't do it for me. But I would jump on a Portugese if they managed to iron out the reliability issues. I'm no longer holding my breath, though.

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