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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Excellent news. Now we can all sleep again.
  2. I tried grabbing it with Orbit/Grab++. The problem is they seem to be doing back end authentication to the rtmp server. So when their server/host sees me/us trying to grab it from not-their domain, it fails. I am swamped at work at the moment, but if I can spoof the authentication we may be in luck. The other option if I get time is I have a screen recorder on my Mac that I might be able to simply re-record it to a H.264 or other Quicktime format.
  3. Understood. Ok, out of curiosity, could this be as simple as a jumper issue on the physical drives. CS vs Master vs Slave. I have had drives set to CS do some ODD things. Other than that, like you, I am scratching my head...
  4. Very nice. I am huge Seiko fan. Personally, I have never owned a more "durable" automatic watch than my 7002. ---Interesting, I just Googled that movement, and your post on WUS was the first hit!
  5. As a fan of affordable/reliable cool watches, these have caught my eye-- similar design concept.
  6. Wow, that looks like an old Armitron circa 1984 with different dial and bezel. If I find a picture of the exact watch I will post it.
  7. Yes, acupuncture is not some smoke and mirrors voodoo, it really works. Although I personally have not certified in AP (yet), I teach Tai Chi and perform Reiki and Shiatsu treatments. I have trained in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean martial arts over the past 25 years. It is amazing how well the body responds to many of these modalities. I had a wicked sinus headache yesterday brought on by a weather front. I used accupressure points on myself to pretty much eliminate it. Good stuff.
  8. Wow, so if I have this straight even the new EIDE are causing the same issue. ??? Question: Is this, or was it ever part of a dual-boot system. (i.e. Grub/LiLo or Windows MBR)? Since you are dealing with a *nix operating system, if you have time to kill, you might want to try a *nix based imager like PING. PING (Partimage Is Not Ghost) - http://ping.windowsdream.com/ I have never had an issue using this to image drives and move specifically to larger drives.
  9. Hmm, coming in late, sounds like you are past the issue by going back to EIDE, but I am guessing the bootloader needed adjusted from: ad(0,a) or hd(0,a) to -> sd(0,a). Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/loader SATA: 0:sd(0,a)/boot/loader
  10. This exact watch - in 1986. High School buddy's mom brought it back from a trip to HK. I hung onto it for posterity. At one point the owner of a local music store (circa 1988) wanted to trade me a Rickenbacker 4001 for it... But I told him it was fake.
  11. Big fan of most Asian cultures foods.
  12. Ronin

    DSN 29C

    Wish his pics had better straight on date magnification shots.
  13. Ditto that. I would rather have 1000 sq ft in a major metropolitan city (which I do) than 3000+ sq ft in the 'burbs. (Been there done that 3200 sq ft, but all the neighbors cared about were their lawns and sports center - yawn, never going back) Gotta have the pulse of the city. As for the hobby, my family and 'city slicker' friends support me/it.
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