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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. Basically, D, you are experienced to know that in such contentious episodes, name-calling and online bashing are games that never end, and the concept of public right and wrong depend primarily on the number of supporters in each camp. This rule does not of course apply to straight out scams. In the RWI brig, it is often 1 "inmate" against the horde, and onlookers take glee in bashing the guy even if most of them got no stakes in the matter on hand.The public humiliation and insults serve to deter the rest of the community from similar offences, and yes, it gives them an avenue to liberate themselves from the moderation observed in other sections of the forum. 

    But we are people in the end, with our own moods, preferences, inclinations, temperaments. We have been called scumbags and countless other names and called others the same through the years. Cyber bullies are often loud on the keyboard and reserved otherwise in person. The internet and comfort of distance and anonymity has created countless warriors and heroes, and gave voices to the usually meek ones.

    Let this be the knitting circle, and you can be called a whiner or douche or whatever. They do not know you personally, just your internet persona. I am inclined to believe that like me, you have an actual life and in your case, you could be reading this wearing a Singha tank top, with a Chang beer in hand and a gorgeous ladyboy bouncing on your lap, cajoling you to give less attention to my post and more to her/him.. :lol: Ok I jest but you get the idea.

    I saw the straps that you are selling in the straps section buddy. Why don't you PM me your best offer I will buy them all? I am doing this not because I have 500 panerai, but I do this out of goodwill toward you, and I would of course request that you ship all of them to my friend Mike on a Bike to raffle off at the next RWG raffle?



    Sir... you are truly a Legend I'm sure... I completely agree with you on all points except that I haven't tried a ladyboy (yet); I have a wonderful lovely 100% sexy lady that keeps me from strayin'  ;-)

    Your offer on the straps is extremely generous, I will return in kind by PM shortly.

    • Like 2
  2. Actually, @swdivad, I was just over at RWI and realized that you are not really banned, just "incarcerated" at their infamous brig.

    The bashings are present of course, as with any other "inmate" down there, and to me, its always easy to trod on anyone when he is down, especially with the powers that be standing behind the mob. Its typical in any community, online or otherwise I guess. 

    Someone has also posted your PM exchange in the thread, and something over a $10 discount request for  strap you were selling. It is your strap, your private exchange with another party, and your point of view. It should not have been publicized. I would not comment on that as I was not involved in that at all. I respect you as a member much more senior than me in the hobby Mr D, and I think you are a member of good standing over at RWG. I personally do not agree with airing of PMs in public unless its absolutely necessary to do so to verify the crux of a matter on hand, nor do I agree with extensive and collective bashing of any individual at all. We are all just people ultimately, and we have our good and bad days, and strengths and weaknesses. The day we learn to see people as people, and not labelled objects, would be the day we become enlightened a lot more.

    What I would like to reiterate, is that RWI has their own strengths as a forum. For example, the sales offering, and information on specific watches, are often a lot more eclectic and extensive in nature, and I enjoy that aspect of the forum very much. Here at RWG, the atmosphere is a lot more laid back, and there is a lot less policing and yes bashing of the fallen. You just seem to fit in here better than you do over there. So stay here, and I am sure that your years of experience would translate to useful learning for the rest of us. :)





    Wow! thanks for letting me know Legend.... and I felt the extreme urge to reply for some reason... In the end, I'm a funny kinda guy (I think, anyway) and I try to make light of things, sometimes in a strange way.

    As for posting my PM, whatever, no skin off my backside whatsoever, and I'd answer the same way again... I was offered a lowball and I replied in turn

    Yes, RWI has its strengths for sure, although FOR ME, the overall attitude is not worth ten times that info.

    I like to be surrounded by nice, mellow people in contrast to that...  Here is wonderful and sane, I've been here since the beginning without any kind of issue like that; I was there for only a few short months and this.

    Apparently this place is called the knitting circle and I'm a whiner and a douche for starting this thread! Go figure!!

  3. Well, there are plenty of b1tches down here in Bangkok, but I tend to think there are more wenches, so that's a good thing!

    Problem is, it seems to be quite common in the wenches' nature to eventually turn into b1tches, often when past their used by date:inverted: (here is about 28-30)


  4. ..... 'wenches'..... great word. Sadly consigned to the annals of history. Great to see it unearthed in this thread. Made me chortle. 

    Better than b1tches, no? I mean, some wenches aren't b1tches, and some b1tches aren't wenches... it's the b1tch wenches ya gotta watch out for... but I digress too... some of those dudes over there are some nasty b1tch wenches! ar ar ar


    I love this place!

  5. RWI has a stricter set of rules and mods compared with here. It is a good forum but just not for everyone.

    Welcome and hang with us instead, you'll find the going easier! :)

    Their watch reviews are best in class, and the thread about "With an ass like that, who needs [censored]" is quite entertaining too... just not worth my money or further time

    I'm also banned on that forum for getting confused over something and asking a question.


    It led to me getting told to go and kill myself.....


    very charming bunch.

    Jesus, that's terrible. What kind of human would say such a thing? Especially in a forum about watches FFS

    I was told that the mod that nuked me is one of the nicest guys in the world, and me pissing him off says a lot about me... so be it!

    At the end of the day, I could have avoided all the strife by not commenting and succumbing, but really I just wanted out at that point as I saw this was not going to be an enjoyable stay at all... so I thought I'd have some fun on the way out the door...as I do ;-)

  6. Everyone reacts differently to sarcasm or jokes.

    In this case, I would've just complied.

    Actually, I would have just complied as well if not for the crappy demeanor of the mods... I was almost already gone from there at first nuke, but I spent so much time putting together the sales thread, I thought to proceed... at the same time, I don't suffer dickheads gladly and surely don't submit as a sheep...

    Anyway, their loss!

  7. Hey S-dub, I remember when you joined RWG, and TRC before that.  In fact, I remember you asking me to change the original name you registered with. 

    You're member #212 here and in all that time you've never put a foot wrong.  We're proud to have you around these parts.

    So stick around, big guy.  Beers are on me next time you're in town.

    Cheers mate! If you ever sail down to Bangkok, please call... the beers and wenches will be on me!


    This is the best forum IMO; friendly, full of info, and descent.

    I'm always here... more in the background for the last few years, but still here.


    OH HELL NO!!!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    OH, did you marry his ex or his daughter??? LOL

    I mean no disrespect, and I don't know you, but you were indeed being cocky with them when you really didn't need to be. It could have been resolved easily and quickly with no drama at all. None. I mean come on, between us, how hard would it have been for you to just break it up into the smaller threads they wanted? Right? Oh golly, maybe a few more pics would have been needed, but most of the text could have just been cut and pasted, right?


    After reading the comments you made to the police, this reminds me of all the movies and TV shows where the cops go to talk to someone and the person acts indignantly and like a total wise a$$. Every time I see that in a movie or TV show I always say "who on Earth talks to the cops like that?" Well, I think you did the same thing with this situation. Of course they are going to respond that way.


    You played with fire and got burned. Sorry man. Tough lesson, but maybe things will go better next time.

    I understand how you might see that from the small screen grabs, and I could have left out my comment, but really, they were assholes first, so I responded in kind... No harm done really; I don't want to associate with people like that anyway. They remind me of ex school hall monitors that never got anywhere in life.

    To be honest mate... your liberal misuse of adverbial phrases, split infinitives and errant use of prepositions is a crime against any grammar sensitive person sensibilities...

    ouch! I think my syntax is close to grammatically impeccable... If you have any tips, please share :)



    for that alone I would of banned you.... :)


    Dont worry though as you mention it could just be one of your nightmares and you will find yourself waking up with Bobby Ewing still in the shower... :)

  9. I just had to post my experience over on one of the other forums...This makes me appreciate so much the good and well-balanced (mentally and structurally) moderator and admin team here on this forum... Good job guys in keeping the peace and riff-raff out with some thinking and sense behind it!

    Anyway, how about these guys? Talk about stressed with no sense of humor... I mean seriously some of these guys gotta take a chill-pill, or get off the steroids, or get laid, or something!!

    In the well over 10 years of hassle free watch forum membership... My strap sale thread [censored] the fan because of an eeensie-weensie tongue in cheek comment (just below) about their 'rule' "encouraging" members' sales to be limited to five items!!!


    It apparently is much harder to moderate a sale post with 28 items in it compared to 6 posts of 5 items each... go figure.

    In the end, I was called a little big man,, a pumped up self entitled asshat, a cocky little smartarse... amongst others from the admin team... what? are these guys kindergartners??


    Then a members chimed in saying how the admin is "dropping science" on me... (WTF is this 'science' bologna from the peanut gallery??!! what a [censored] LOL)


    And then after a few more messages, the issue was pretty resolved and all was good, posts even re-instated by the nuker... great, dust is settled and it all seemed cool.

    Until the BIG GUY came in with a few more shots over my bow, which basically ended with me sending a PM saying it wasn't worth my time to be dealing with people like this. All posts were removed, my status is set to purgatory or something like that.

    He did refund my one day old VIP membership, so, I'll give him one point for that.


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