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Posts posted by fcaap_dan

  1. I have been a Braun Electric guy most of my life. However, on a recent trip to Vegas I thought I would treat myself to a blade shave and perhaps see if I wanted to make the switch.

    Off to The Art of Shaving I went. Got the full treatment ... hot towel on the face, straight razor shave by what appeared to be an old school Italian barber... felt like I was in The Godfather.

    Was very disappointed ... easily the worst shave of my life ... had to go use my electric to get smooth after all was said and done. Needless to say I have stuck with my Braun ... :)

    They say it takes about 3 weeks for your skin and beard to adjust to and from different types of shaving.

  2. P90X does work Im sure.

    My personal feelings are this. Diet is 80% of anyone's battle in weight loss and changing body comp when it comes to increasing lean muscle mass and losing fat.

    The other 20% is 10% genetics which you cant do a thing about and 10% workout or training regiment. Some people simply do it all wrong. Like the guys who do 30 sets of bicep curls and see no results. Do 3 heavy sets of any major back/pulling exercise and you will fry your biceps anyway, and to much more effect.

    I give anyone who ask me this advice. Get the right calories and mac nutrient combination each day. Eat small meals every 3 hours. Lift properly and as heavy as YOU can go with PROPER FORM, focusing on COMPOUND movements. Bench press, bent over rows, barbell squats etc etc. THEN you will see incredible results that will LAST.

    Just saying.

    Word. No squats, no results.

    I used to use www.fitday.com to track my calories and macros.

  3. I have only briefly heard about the master cleanse diet, but have a hard time with the 'salt water flushes'. Knowing what salt water does to the human body, there is no way I would go along with ingesting it voluntarily.

    I am not against cleanses, however. My wife and I discovered a program called Colonix and we do it once a year for a month. Its basically a fiber and herbal program...no major alterations to your diet. As far as I know, it hasnt been 'peer reviewed' in a medical journal, but go read the testimonials on it and you will be floored. The passages are quite disgusting, in fact, and make for an interesting read. I didnt see parasites and other living intestinal organisms coming out of me (a lot of users do), but there was a lot of 'garbage' coming out that doesnt regularly make its way down the pipes. Some people even see other health and medical issues improve, lots of instances of skin and gastro problems going away. Anyhow, I highly recommend it if you feel like you need to regulate your stomach, colon, core area etc.

    I'm sure it's like most other colon cleanse products....all the weird herbs in it makes your poop look funny so people think it's working. Wikipedia even has a page on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucoid_plaque

    I use super colon cleans which is a fiber product. I wouldn't suggest it cures my illness and makes my headaches go away while making me lose 20 lbs, but it does keep things moving and the American diet is very low in fiber.

  4. I've never seen any peer reviewed study showing any benefit from any cleanse systems or products.

    I file these things under the same category as homeopathy and such. Just placebo effect, hindsight bias, and conformation bias.

    Certain herbs have been shown to help out. Things like milk thistle extract has demonstrated a positive effect on the liver.

  5. meh. I keep a 5 o'clock going with a beard trimmer, no guard and shave my neck with a disposeable.

    The question I've been asking myself... is whats the easiest way to keep the boys trimmed. That is the most annoying, time consuming grooming process I have.

    The beard trimmer doesnt do a good job and I cant bring myself to put a razor or nair anywhere around there. Razor burn is out of the question.

    Beard trimmer with no guard up top, mach3 down below. 10+ years and only cut myself once (with the trimmer believe it or not!).

    I've been shaving a few days with the DE razor. I liked it. Really smooth shave, but the first day I looked I lost a fight with a mountain lion. Takes a little practice. Today I finally didn't cut myself at all.

  6. I know it's not cool and all, but do get a good helmet. I've destroyed several and I can still walk because of it.

    Never wear earbuds offroad. You've got to hear the birds. :thumbsupsmileyanim: They tell you when the bears are near.

    A helmet is the next thing I have to buy if I stick with riding my bike. I'm only riding around my neighborhood but that means cars and lots of them. Not to mention down the hill I hit 20 mph.

    And I never did understand people that have music playing while they're running or biking. Aren't they afraid a car will sneak up on them?

  7. This is not the case with the upper body exercises on the program. You should be adding adding/increasing weights, and your choice 8-10 or 12-15 reps for different results.

    I haven't seen all of it. I just previewed the chest/back program. Looked like endless types of pushups/pullups and band work. But as long as there's some sort of progression of overload that's good.

  8. P90X works because of a few reasons. Muscle confusion, which is not a new concept, but not followed by most. A good exercise program that focuses on balance which reduces injuries and builds the core which in turn allows for more fat burning, again ignored by most. A balanced diet.

    Fancy marketing and buzzwords aside, it works because it's 7 hours of intense exercise a week. The intensity is basically combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise (just like circuit training). A few cycles of this are going to burn a lot of fat and build some muscle, but there's going to be a point where bodyweight exercises aren't going to be building anymore muscle because more resistance is needed. "Muscle confusion" is great, but this is only going to work for so long until your body adapts and gets closer to it's final potential on it. I'm sure after 3 years on this you'd look the same after 2 years on this.

    Also I really didn't get the "build the core for more fat burning" line. You can really only burn fat one way. Expend more calories than you consume. Granted, each new pound of muscle burns about 35 calories a day (of course, a lb of muscle actually only burns 6 to 7 calories a day). So yes, adding muscle will help use more calories, but nothing specific about "core" muscles that makes you burn fat.

    So it really depends on goals. If you want to be a fit guy this sounds great. But I always wanted to be one of those squat 500 lbs and benchpress a car kind of guys.

    I might try the plyometrics disc too. After all, who doesn't want to run around like Jason Statham? And if there's anything the ab workout has showed me is that there are a few muscles I neglect (abs/hip flexors).

  9. When asking "Will Paypal Screw Me?" the answer is always yes.

    In this situation Paypal will pull the "we only protect buyers that the product gets delivered" card.

    I once ordered a few hundred dollars in material for my business. When it arrived it was blue and not white. The guy wouldn't give me a refund and I tried to go through paypal and they wouldn't help me. They only protect me to make sure it ships and I received it. Not what color it was and not for being scammed since it was clearly called white even though it was baby blue.

  10. I sweat like crazy. I can just be sitting in an air conditioned room and I'll have sweat running down my sides and arms. Last year I went to the doctor and got put onto a prescription anti-perspirant. I use it at night about twice a week. After I shower I use old spice invisible solid pure sport. I still sweat, but now I don't have beads of it running down my arm for no reason.

  11. I tried the ab routine yesterday because I HATE doing ab work. Seriously, I'd bet it's been 10 years since I've done a sit-up or crunch. LOL.

    I made it about 5 minutes into it. I couldn't get past the scissors. I didn't feel it in my abs, but my hip flexors were burning. They're sore today.

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