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About burnz

  • Birthday 04/08/1978

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  1. Happy Birthday burnz!

  2. Happy Birthday burnz!

  3. It's the lighting. The omega logo has a polished finish, so under such lighting conditions and angles, the logo can look black and blend into the dial. I wouldn't worry abt it.
  4. Friday here already, but what the heck..
  5. Happy Birthday burnz!

  6. Thanks mate! Yes, the Portuguese Chrono certainly is a lovely dress watch. Unfortunately for me, the missus has claimed it as hers to wear these days
  7. Here's one from my gen collection that I'm wearing today. Kinda my daily beater: There's also a 305, a Linde Werdelin Oktopus and couple of IWCs: And while this is not a gen, it's a build I'm bloody proud of and probably the last to leave my collection, if it ever leaves to begin with. My Angelus 6152:
  8. Good guy, can't go wrong there
  9. Thanks mate! The PAM in the last pic is a 305. 47mm titanium sub. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. to turn my attention to a new hobby! so there i was, walking aimlessly through the mall with the missus as she went about her usual business. didn't wanna loiter around the lingerie store, and the only "man" store nearby was a camera shop. what the heck, better than standing there and pretending to be interested in the missus' choice of bras and lingerie (well, not in public at least). got talking with the friendly sales guy in the camera shop and he spotted my 187. asked if i take photos of my watch collection, to which i said only simple point-and-shoot stuff. anyway, to cut a long story short, he ended up letting me play around with a few of the cameras in the store, even showing me how to take photos of my watch with a nice bokeh effect (seriously, i never knew there was actually a term for what i call the "blurred background" look). i didn't walk out of the store with a spanking new camera, but it got me thinking that it's about friggin time i learned a thing or two about photography and snap better pics than a certain Tanya trolled the local forums and picked up a couple of used cams and lenses for cheap. went with the m4/3 format and see what i can do with an Oly EPL1 and a Panasonic GF3. alright enough talk. welcome any feedback and comments on how i can further improve my photography skills. i don't know jack about aperture, shutter speed, iso blah blah settings yet, so all these are just shot in auto mode with a little post processing work done in PS.
  11. Got mine from Toro. Hassle free to say the least Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Coz I didn't have gloves and I didn't want my ugly fingers clouding the beauty of this watch. Lol Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Short clip: http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid19.photobucket.com/albums/b174/burnz78/VID-20120613-WA0003.mp4 Longer clip but low res: http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid19.photobucket.com/albums/b174/burnz78/VID-20120613-WA0000.mp4 Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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