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Posts posted by bres3000

  1. YOGI BERRA...

    "You give 100 percent in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough in the second half you give what's left." :huh:


    "Think! How the hell are you gonna think and hit at the same time?" :rolleyes:


    "You can observe a lot just by watching." :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And there was...... "It's like Deja Vu all over again."

  2. Speak for yourself. <_<

    I appreciate bres3000's presence here, since he has an interesting personality, which makes this forum all the more interesting.

    admin! I am all verklempt and I don't even know what that means... Thank you for your support and kind words. I really appreciate it.

    admin, in my book, you don't need any vowels to be a scholar and a gentleman. There, I said it.

    Thanks again.

  3. "The Ass Meld, as it relates to the Ultimate Nature of the Universe," continued........

    Ass-tronomers have discovered the Origin of the Ass Meld in a distant Galaxy in the far reaches of the Universe. The Ass Meld is believed to have been created on this galaxy over 100 Billion Years Old. The Galaxy is aptly named "the Sphincter Galaxy," and it is pictured below in an image captured by the Gobble Space Telescope.


    Furthermore, paralleling the study of Fractals, relative to the Order in Chaos Theory, we find that the "Chaos" of the Sphincter Galaxy is in fact identical to a ass-ymetrically designed pattern found in Human Anatomy. If you dare, click on the Galaxy Image below to reveal the common essence of the Sphincter Galaxy and the Human Body. IF you dare!


  4. The Vulcan ass meld is a psionic technique normally employed only by Vulcans. It is a deeply personal thing, part of the private life, and not normally used on aliens. Melding is not telepathy; those in a meld share consciousness in a kind of gestalt.

    Physical contact is required. The initiator places her breast and pelvis at key locations on the breast and pelvis of the other participant. This allows her to place pressure on key nerves and blood vessels to facilitate the link. The fact, that most Vulcans who performed the ass meld with other participants in ever changing manner, reciting varying formulas, implies, that it's very erotic behaviour, helping to concentrate on the task, leaving mere physical contact being the ultimate prequisite to initiate the meld. If successful, the link results in a merging of both bodies, essentially creating a single errogenous zone in two bodies, experience simultaneously by both participants. It has to be said, that the meld can also be used by it's initiator to probe another persons anus, while the melder herself shields her anus from being penetrated by the other participant, resulting in a rather onesided psionic sexual experience, although both participants feel the penetration. Only the subject in physical contact with the initiator participates in the meld; others in the vicinity are not affected.

    Melding carries some risk. It can be physically debilitating for both parties. The pressure changes can potentially aggravate existing conditions. The melding results in some loss of identity, and can be difficult to break. A bucket of cold water may be used as a last rsort to separate the union. Aftereffects can be treated with the drug lexorin.

    Vulcan ass melding can be a very erotic and rewardin experienc but prolonged use may result in hemrhoids :whistling:

    It is as I suspected, then. I should master the pattie meld before attempting the creamy tuna meld. Alas, I am alergic to lexorin. One sided it shall be, as it often is. Anus shielding - isn't that always the case? "If you loved me you would lower your shield." Scoff at me? Fine. Would you care for tea with your Chloroform, dear? Sleep tight, dearest, but not too tight.


  5. I would just like to say that it was not my intention to stir up controversy & animosity with this Thread. As I said, I was simply stating my opinion based upon my observations.

    If anyone feels the need to go beyond simply disagreeing and wants to drag me into the street where I can be stoned to death, have at it.

    I will say it again: a difference of opinion is just that.


  6. Welllllll... eddielee still have only "off forum price" and please pm for best forum price :angry:

    which is not an honest price (sorry eddie) :thumbdown:

    only when you post ON FORUM PRICE will it be ON FORUM PRICE :winkiss:

    How hard is this?


    To all other wonderful dealers (which EL is also (a wonderful dealer, that is) but not so much just now), thank you, thank you, thank you. :clap::clap::clap::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap::clap::clap:

    (You make, I think (at least, I'm pretty sure you do (make one, that is)) an excellent point.)

  7. Bres:

    Sorry pal but I need to disagree with ya on this one. To begin with Eddie is one of our best dealers on the boards. No reason to question his integrity. Secondly, we all know that his English is not the best, right? And lastly, what's wrong with promoting an upcoming product? It happens every day in the retail market. He's simply letting us know what's coming right around the corner. Because he doesn't have the finished product yet he post a Gen Picture (and states that it is), so we know which model he's talking about. All more than above board in my humble opinion.

    As usual, just my 2 cents even though it isn't worth much!


    No sweat. But, first refer back to my original post: 'don't give me the "lb" excuse' - lb = language barrier.

    TT, this wasn't an attack on anybody's integrity, rather it was just me expressing my opinion, as unpopular as it may be. I know what he stated about the Pic, Two. I was wondering why a gen would be pictured, that's all. I still am. S o r r y .

    I appreciate hearing your two cents worth any time, Two. Just keep in mind that opposing views are a natural occurrence is all.


  8. This is probably not the time or place to be writing this, but since we were talking about Dealers' Posts, I really need to VENT on this one.....

    First, the Link to the Post that's got me twisted, followed by what the post really "says" to ME, okay?



    LINK: Coming Soon! Better than the rest! But, not yet....

    and here's how I "read" it:

    "This is the bestest goddamned version of this rep in the world. All the previous versions sold by the other dumb ass dealers were crap. TOTAL crap. EVERYTHING imaginable was wrong with the previous versions. With MY version, all these mistakes are corrected.

    But, here's the thing..... I don't actually HAVE my perfect version just yet, in fact, its still in production.

    So, here's what I want you to do: Fixate on this picture of the Genuine watch until I can come up with something, ok?"

    complete BS, and don't give me the "lb" excuse

    [Vent OFF]

  9. Birds of a feather...

    My mailman is totally afraid of me,... he's a lazy bastard that always leaves the 'Missed You' notes

    verses coming to my door...

    I know his route by now, so he sees me tearing around the corner in my car, to box him in, that orange

    piece of paper waving out the window in my hand,...or feels me creep up behind him as he enters another

    yard, and plaster that note in his mug.. as I yell Gotcha !

    I even chased dogs away from him just to be sure they didn't grab his bag....Jeeze I know it's crazy..

    but I just can't help it..

    Once, I located his truck but he was nowhere to be found,.... It took all my strength to keep from

    going through his truck for my package ...

    Amazing. That sounds EXACTLY like my relationship with my mailman! Only, mine isn't ascared of me, he's ascared of my dogs. One of my dogs once busted through a kitchen window trying to "get" him. This mailman is such a nice guy that he WAITED (in the street, though) for me to get home because he was worried that my dog would try to climb through the broken window and cut himself. I almost cried. (I said 'almost.') I give him cash at Christmas, but I'm thinking about giving him a nice Rep next season. Is that wrong?

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