realy crazy
two days ago i was putting my skyland up for sale, yesterday i sold it and today i got the money from the very nice guy who bought it
so now i cleand the watch, sized the bracelet for him, prepaired the package to ship it out tomorrow...
and know.. i feel sad wow i newer mind it will be so hard to sell a watch its actualy my second watch i sold, first was the super avenger because it was a bit tooo big so it was a bit easyer... but this one, i said to myself its only a watch, but man that kills me
are you guys have the same when selling a watch? i mean i sell it and it goes out tomorrow fur sure, because a sale is a sale
but you guys know what?? i know i will buy a breitling aeoromarine again, the next time when i have some spare money i will place my order crazy as i said i sold a watch and the next thing i do is thinking of buying the watch again or a simular one
and know i know why many of you guys also have so many watches i bet some of them dont get any wristtime but you dont sell them because you like the look or trying them on at home sometimes, but when you go out you grab another watch right??