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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. There are a number of differences in both versions..and generally guys that own both are saying similar comments in respect of the differences...


    The consensus so far is that the Crystal/AR and hands plus the CG are better OTB on the ZF... of course the KW does suffer with a low CP and slightly incorrect pin OTB but given these are easy fixes and putting that aside the overall finish of the cases etc on the KW is better...and of course the movemnet is far better on the KW in so far as the jewels are painted on the ZF...


    The dial is wrong on both of them compared to the gen and is probably the easiest tell on the wrist but I would suggest most if not all guys would need the gen next to it to spot it... the berlac typeface as mentioned above seems to be slightly thinner on both reps (like most current PAMs) but again you would need the gen to be sure .. the colour of the berlac is the same as most other gen PAM models and probably the easiest comparison is the 111..as that is best known ...the panatone/colour should appear white and off white depending on the light and angle of the dial so one pic cannot really say whether it is correct or not... and you should never use any OP catalogue or OP site pics for comaprison as they tend to be PSd etc and so arent really accurate to how it would look on the wrist... another detail to understand with the colour of the gen OP dials is that although they are called tobbaco or brown they tend to have a brown/black look..so in some pics the colour can look black or dark brown in others in can look more of the tobacco..it is the same of models such as the 267 and 203 etc..howver if you compre the gen of the 267 and 203 (I have been lucky enough to have both gens) then you can see that the extent of that black effect can very slightly abd the 203 was brown more often in pics than the 267 was which was more black..I know it sounds ridiculous when describing the colours but the only way to understand those dials is to hold them in your hand... pics can make the same watch look like a completely different model and even different details so comparing 2 different models is even harder to be definitive on the basis of pics you can only get a guide with hopefully a strong indication but no more)


    The cases are equally good or equally bad...as in they both have flaws to the gen and neither stands out as better or worse in terms of shape...however the KW certainly appears to be better finished most notably the coloured finish (mirror finish) on the bezel and the satin brushing on the case..... now this could be a QC issue for ZFversions and it maybe that you find some wiith better finishing than others but overall the KW is the better...


    The KW CG also has some small differences in terms of the definition of the REGTM and the shape and positioning of the pin comapred to gen...the Zf appears better generally but again comapred to gen they both have minor differences...


    Ale also said that the lume on the KW is not very good and the lume would appear better on the ZF but each still dont match the quality of the gen... same with cutouts etc


    Overall the differences of both from the gen are there on both and probably the same overall...so whether you choose the Zf or the KW is really a subjective choice as neither out the box are better than the other.... I say subjective as it depends which flaws you can live with and which flaws you cant...and in turn if you will be looking to mod it... so if you cant live with say the low CP and poorer AR and dont want to mod it then choosing the ZF would make sense..if you arent bothered by the CP and prefer the finish and movement say on the KW then choosing that would be the way to go...


    So from the general comments made by guys you can safely pick either version and know you will be getting a great OTB rep....


    The other models in the 300 series do vary and the differences are also there too..for exmple on the KW 312 the CP is correct so that consideration isnt there..like it is here


    Personally if it was me making a choice i would pick the one I could get the best price on or best deal overall with shipping from a dealer... but luckily I dont have to make that choice as I will have neither ...the only PAM I will be buying from the ZF or any maker is the 382 other than that I will stick with frankens and one off builds ;)


    For example if you go to one of the bigger dealers you will pay around $398/388 plus $45 shipping for the KW and around the same money for the ZF maybe around $378/388 plus $45 shipping but if you go to Mary or Sead you can see they sell them for around the $350 mark... with $25 for shipping... so smaller dealers will get better deals however stock is more of an issue as of course the Turk and Angus both get preferential stock allocation on the KW and ZF respectively...


    I think Sead (supermirrors) has a ZF351 in his section for $359 plus $25 (EMS) I think its $15 for HK registered... so for me that would be the choice though if he offered the KW for the same I might have to spin a coin to choose...


    Remember with any small dealer they dont have a site etc so you need to contact them direct using thier links/emails in their sections...thenask them for the best prices including shipping etc  :)

  2. Freddy's pic reminds me of that Pete Townsend poster where he is on stage with the guitar above his head with the caption... This guitar has seconds to live!

    But to be fair Freddy reps will answer back once in a while mate...! :)

  3. Nice...

    I always loved the look of a shark on PAMs but always found Dirks to be a little lightweight for the weight not that it is but I guess being used to thicker stuff etc it just felt that way.

    I had a few thicker ones from K etc but they never really got worn ... But that combo really looks well and would look just as good in other squalo colours...

    I will have a look at those mate thanks

    Lovely :)

  4. That is the first time I have seen a big ridge sharkie suiting a watch...


    And that really does...


    You almost get the sense that had OP produced these ..they would of by now done an Homage/tribute to it and if they had then I reckon this would have been in the box or at least available from an AD



    Very sweet mate and very tasty... :)


    Thank you for sharing :)

  5. Haha! yeah, it does seem like i'm "modding" straight away!  Anyway, my version is the A07 version but it's still on the choppy whoppy...


    I was pretty surprised that the engraved map was actually on a plate and not engraved directly on the caseback... Kind drags it back from 1:1 to maybe 1:0.9 :g: ?


    Oh right mate...they must have changed them then...


    You mean hopefully it is ...unless you have already checked what is runnng it ;) You need a service mate..all mine were silky smooth OTB so probs just usual QC issue...Though the grey face was one I had and sold right off because of the dial :(


    At least it an easy fix :)

  6. Still only for VIP members?



    In a way mate.....


    But what Mike is hoping to do by doing a raffle like this is for guys like you and all the other ordinary members (ordinary in level not personally ;) )



    To take a little time to upgrade your membership to VIP or above..... that way you can access more sections and features that you cant as an ordinary member plus I believe you have adverts as a member whereas they all go if you upgrade...


    To upgrade to VIP does take a little time but is easy ...and very cheap.... it can actually cost you a couple of bucks a month as you can pay by monthly payements or you can sign up for just a month etc....that way you can try out the upgrade...and either way you can stop at any time... or you will save a lot more if you sign up for a year and make a single payement of $36... no one is asking for a load of personal info and card details etc like some places do



    REMEMBER...this aint to make a profit...it is to cover the cost of running the site..as RWG have to pay fees monthly to keep the servers running and maintained... you are not putting money in peoples pockets as such...you are just supporting the running and maintenance of this forum...


    To all guys/members reading this...please take some time to support this forum..it aint expensive or a committment... remember how much you as individuals have benefitted from advice and information that is available here....


    AND more importantly just think how much that advice and information and this forum has saved you in following this hobby and in buying reps.... just that alone is worth a few bucks from everyone here...



    So please ...contact Mike by message or 'Admin' and ask for detals on upgrading


    Remember you aint committing to any contract or terms like you would if you joined a service like Netflix or the like... there is no cancellation or worries in that respect as its not needed...its not that sort of membership


    It can be a yearly or half yearly membership ...OR it can be a monthly membership.... So please give it a go.... help this forum to help you and to access all the additional features and sections... :)


    Plus you can customise your profile too ... :)




    In effect all RWG is asking for is a few coins out of your pocket...they aint looking to go for your wallets...thats the dealers job !!!   :) :) :)




    PS Dino this isnt a reply to you directly mate its a general post hoping to reach out to other ordinary members :)

  7. astonjenks, do you know where the old style mesh came from I have a V2 inbound on the rubber but would love to get the mesh like yours!

    Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk



    There are plenty of good aftermarket mesh straps..but of course none (barring maybe one) come close to the OEM...


    As suggested WJean's a decent quality at reasonable price....


    And another thing to consider is whether you want open or closed end and the type of clasp.. the gen comes with a seatbelt type clasp and a butterfly type clasp...I am not sure if the makers do or did a rep seatbelt style.... then gen can also have a divers extension added..like a Rolex can...


    Then on top of that you can get several thicknesses and 'knits' of mesh and of course finish (coloured, Matte etc)....


    So be careful when choosing any aftermarket mesh once you know that it is the one you like .. all I mean is that prices can vary but you also need to consider why they vary based on the variations available not just the overall quality of the steel itself and maybe just as importantly the clasp... but also the design and comfort etc


    You also dont need to worry about it being marked with an Omega Logo or even looking like a gen as many gen owners buy aftermarket because the price of an OEM can be very high and some others just prefer a slight variation on the look..like thickness or knit of the mesh...


    All I mean is concentrate more on how it will look and feel for you rather than just trying to find a gen look alike....


    Aftermarket brands vary...indeed you can get other watchmakers mesh bracelets like Peter Helson's divers, Zixon etc The Buccaneer I think they call it...


    But options are like WJean, Staib (UTS), Jurgens... Staib are pricey but are very close to matching the quality and feel of gen...


    Or you can look at somewhere like 'strapcode.com'


    They have a good selection of the variables plus they sell end links, clasps etc so you can change or repair a bracelet you have or might pick up that has issues etc :)


    The mesh does look great on these rather than the rubber IMHO.... but it is designed as a tool watch so either work well



    As we are close to Xmas and New Year it might be an idea to search sales sections on gen forums, Chrono24, ChronoShop etc for some either OEM or other that are used or unwanted etc (it may just be a clasp or end link but it all helps) plus of course I can imagine many sellers (like strapcode.com) will or might offer Xmas discounts or have new year sales ;)

    • Like 1
  8. There are several vintage Omega forums mate... which might be worth a look at... plus there are a few well known Omega watchsmiths who sell untouched and refurbed Vintage stuff..


    I would suggest as you aint had many replies since you posted that you sign up on the forums and check out th etrusted guys and sources for those guys...



    As for eBay ... it is a crap shoot...I have seen guys get some awesome gen stuff and others get semi scammed etc


    Here is a link to a guy asking about some Omega vintage watches on ebay...if you look at what he is after in his links then look at what the guys on the forum say about them you can get an idea of what to look for and what to avoid etc






    I know there are a few guys ...there are a few in eastern europe.... I cant recall the countries etc but they sell a lot of Omega dialled stuff ...generally vintage and more military style and they are not quite scammers but their descriptions leave a lot to be desired.... they refurb and repaint dials etc and use semi oem movements etc but mainly really overpriced !!


    Then there is another few in South america that do the same or sell rubbish... eBay is a minefiled if you dont know enough ....and in those cases even buying the seller dont help unless you know what you want and what you should check and pay for one...so it really is about research...


    But generally if you know what you want you can spot them.... I always find if a deal looks good or cheap and when you check the feedback that the seller sells a lot of the same stuff that they know exactly what they are selling and if it was as good as you might think it is or as cheap then chances are it aint...as they would know better than most what they could get for it if it was all proper... and avoid India and singapore as a rule ;)


    But I am sure you know all that mate.... as I say start with the Vinatge forums and Vintage Omega forums for reliable sellers and private sales















    If you have time and patience ...why not spend a few weekends trawling some small antique shops or small second hand type places (not chain shops etc) and even small old school jewellers watchsmiths plus carboot sales or markets etc you would be surprised what you could pick up and the cost would negate the risk...and you could if lucky !! Get something really sweet... :)

  9. I get it mate...thank you


    I never realised they did that on the 7750 version...they also make the Chinese movement versions...so although its a PIA for you its good for reference...


    Yes mate... thats all I would do.... the key as I am sure you know is to ensure surfaces for gluing are free from the old adhesive and dirt etc.. you might need to sand off the crap and rekey the surface for good adhesion




    Good luck..... Looks like you are modding already !!   (sort of !) ;)

  10. Good day friend,

    I am the king of Nigeria and I have millions of dollars to give you etc....


    Wait !! You mean that aint true!!???  :)




    So, having a steam powered laptop worked for me this one time!


    A man after my own heart...at the forefront of modern technology :)


    Yea, I've received the Royal Mail one a couple of times in past two weeks.



    And I will keep sending them till you reply.... !! ;)

  11. Thanks Mr F...I always thought it was made for presenting to Thomas Magnum... :)


    I will have to look into that... I must admit the thought never crossed my mind when I read what you wrote.. normally you can sort of guess/assume a link in those sort of instances but I certainly never put the 2 together when reading your comments...


    Thank you for sharing :)


    Always learning something new... :)

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