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About rbj69

  • Birthday 04/05/2004

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    carolina girls , best in the world
  • Interests
    watches, golf, family and the beach

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  1. ok then keep reading your post and see guys like our famous The Zigmeister and Phoband and "Demsey" what all they have to say and shall i show your recent thread of yours here showing your collection and after two years of hating it why do u still have it proudly displayed in your collection? i know if i hated someone like u appear towards me , i sure wouldnt have a watch i touched still in your collection after a couple years when i to was learning and also getting better at this watch altering stuff just curious ? why if u had a problem with me wouldnt u come to me about it? , other than write a thread praising me , if u knew me at all i would have made u happy as u acted u were back then (but i was never given a chance to fix your problems that i can recall and if so then why didnt u post back then your problems with me ? looking back u sure could do some posting ,like u do now, so i dont think u were too shy ,were u ?) joe
  2. just in case u cant go to the old rwg RedBigJoe69's Upgrades, On a EL TW's Best Sea Dweller Options V V Track this topic V Email this topic V Print this topic V Download this topic V Subscribe to this forum Display Modes V Switch to: Outline V Standard V Switch to: Linear+ TwoTone post Jul 28 2005, 12:02 PM Post #1 Veteran Poster Group Icon Group Icon Group: Members Posts: 1610 Age: 1 Joined: 26-June 05 From: Somewhere in Cabo... Member No.: 5370 Reputation: Rep Power: 0 TwoTone is off the scale () Country: Mexico Warn: (0%) ----- Oredered my SD from Eddie and had shipped directly to Joe for Service and Mods. Had the following done to the watch: * CG's Mods * Date Wheel Adjustment * New Bezel Insert * Polished & Oiled Bracelet * Crystal Re-Set [Pressed] Properly * Waterproofed with his New Toy * Bezel Click Milled to Sound Smoother * Bezel Spring Tightened * Bezel Polished * O Ring Greasing I now have one AWESOME Sea Dweller wub.gif Wish I could post pics, but my camera sucks thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif A BIG Thanks to Joe. Also, one other thing that you should know about Joe. The work he had quoted me and charged me for up front, came in $75.00 dollars less and I received a check from him along with my watch. He could of kept it and I would of never been the wiser. I'm one Happy Camper! Click Here for a Review of EL's SD -------------------- "Where People Gather, Life Happens" IPB Image The clock of life is wound but once... And no man has the power... To tell just when the hands will stop... At late or early hour... Now is the only time you own... Live, love, toil with a will... Place no faith in time... For the clock may soon be still...
  3. Here is your review of the seadweller u were referring about (now look at your facts two years prior to now) i think i even sent u a refund check didnt i? http://www.replica-watches-guide.com/forum...=17&t=21189 joe
  4. so what u r saying it is ok for a moderator to treat u like rubbish(just because he doesnt like me) but if u do his same antics then u will get banned? well at least i know where we stand ok im done and publically apologize sry kenberg and TT joe
  5. heres those bullying facts once again , joe
  8. well he is actually saying being a few months behind is wrong , but i edited because he hasnt accused me of keeping anyone stuff , and i misread that , so thank u kenberg for pointing that out for me, check my edit out and i hope it sounds better now joe THERES SOME FACTS FOR ALL JOE
  9. this thread was about a guy that waited 45 days and u guys jump all over it everytime for no reason, but i see no facts , and u r basically saying your moderators r doing right by snide remarks to me and my customers, yet still no facts, i asked u to send me the people that have not gotten there watches back and or money , still no facts were given(yes i have been on a delay sometime because i was sick but mostly some were "SPECIAL PROJECT" i dont understand why u guys dont get it , some watches u cant just slap together and get them done over nite , so i dont understnad this whole forum, over at your other board and RWI we never see many threads other than The Zigmeister and i mixing it up from time to time (not in a while thank god) but for some strange reason over here only if u r on one side u r ok but if not u r powerless, so that is why and again i say i will not do any work for anyone over here ,so now there should be no more discussion and this thread is yet still going on with no facts and to prove what? that this board is onesided once again REAL FACTS: I have done nothing wrong and been proven guilty of being slow only when i get sick but yet get crucified over here for what facts "getting sick once or twice a year," oh well sry but if u had cancer like i did and your immune system was beat down like mine during treatments then maybe u all would not say so much for a couple of sick times a year , i have friends that get sicker longer than me , so i am pretty pleased with my health AGAIN , I QUOTE all watches r not created equal, some r longer projects than most, yes if all i had to do is relume , or change a crown then life would be grand , but i actually create watches from other watches and make things work that most couldnt even comprehend, if u want facts, go see some pieces i have done , like pointy cgs gmt vintage , or 8mm brevet crown James bond vintage etc.. , none of u guys(watch modifiers ) couldnt touch that and i repeat u couldnt touch it , i would like to see u try if u want to take my challenge then see how much time and money it cost u now u say i sold some stuff on ebay once again, what does that mean? ok i sold some stuff on ebay , yes while i was sick last year for a while, going back and forth trying to figure out what is wrong, i got bored and listed some things , whoopppeee, i dont know if u knew this but it is not hard or time consuming to punch on the key board and selll something on ebay , but it is a bit more tidious to work in depth on a time piece (beside the point i offered to send anyone that couldnt wait there watch back and they all said just get well first and then continue ) so your facts r not to factual imho but beside the point , im done with the hypocrits with no substance on this board and one day u will see the truth , u say facts i say blind is what u all r ive explained it all in my post under the off topic forum and again u still keep on at me , what kind of people r u? to all my customers, thank u for your support over the years, and thanks for not buying into these so called facts, u know how to contact me if u need me, also keep i mind this thread has been going on for a week or more and look at the count of how many have read it , and see how many have existing problems with me , now ask yourself , if there were many dont u think u would be hearing from them and not from people , like [censored] trackey , andreww and people i have never done any work for , theres your facts (this is a bully forum and everyone but the clan knows it ) remember this over here if u ask a simple question, more than likely u will get laughed at and or talked down to , how many have that happened to , and more than likely it was one of these few guys that said it to u ) Later joe
  10. rbj69

    RWI Gone?

    its running fine for me http://replica-watch.info/forum/ joe
  11. edited because im not going to stoop to your level doc joe
  12. glad u like it and here r some pics of it without having to downsize it, like i explained before , i have a new camera and am learning how to but so far i think it takes much better pics than my older one btw:its in the mail on its way back to your wrist, enjoy!! joe
  13. Is there anyone left on this forum that does'nt complain about something!!!!!
  14. ok many know me by now and know i type as i speak , plain english and no big words , but im guessing now u guys know me and can understand me , well at least i hope u can lol what i will be showing u is how i fix the release mechanism if u push it out of the socket so to speak, this one was pretty bad he bent some things i had to straighten out and piece back together, ok lets start , remember my pointer is the screwdriver ok first of all u take the hands , dial and datewheel off , this is a mbw, so there is glue to tend with and u have to be really careful while taking the dial off or u could bend it pic of the , hands ,dial, and datewheel and top of the movment once removed im pointing with a screwdriver in this pic to show u the release spring for the datewheel u simply push it in to release it , also the big screw underneath my screwdriver/pointer i loosend a bit , reason for that will be coming up this is how it looks when u push the stem release mechanism too hard notice how the sparts r bulging outward now the fix, we have to remove the top plate , remove this screw remember that screw below the datewheel release spring i said earlier u need to loosen but not remove here is why , when u do this it makes it easier to pull the top plate out see the little lip on the top plate , it slides under that plate/big screw i loosened at the datewheel release spring , here is the little lip and where it slides under now u have to loosen this screw and remove this piece , i dont know the correct name for this piece but u can see what im doing in the pic . also where that screw driver is do u see the bend in it, this where the person pushed really hard and bent this piece way on the other side , u really have to push it to achieve this bend lol hey he didnt know and i commend him trying to do some work himself , sometimes trying something is how u learn another shot of the bend at the screw ok now u have to remove the little arm im showing it simply pulls upwards off the post im pointing at now u pull the stem release mechanism out to reposition in its correct place , like a puzzle backside shot of the pusher , this post im showing is what u actually r pushing on to release the stem from the movment now all u do is reverse everything i just showed u and put it back together some key points is in this pic, make sure this arm is around the little post on top of the release mechanism and make sure u push the u shaped spring over to the side of the little metal piece im showing , it is spring action and when u push the stem in and out to change date or time , it helps push the arm up and down after u get everything lined up and positioned correctly , u put your top plate back on like so making sure u slide the little lip back under that plate im showing and tighten that screw and put your top plate back in place and tighten it down this is how it looks with it all in order and as u can see the bent parts r straight and looking good , lol after pushing in and out the stem testing it now u can put your datewheel back on , u have to push in that little spring i showed u at the top to get the datewheel to lock in position now it all works properly , and u can smile and now take a breath of air lol enjoy , i know im not a english major and i never claimed to be, i tried to make it fun and simple for u to understand just wanted u to know if u try this at home u have to have patience and if u r nervous or shakey i wouldnt recommend working on watches lol cheers now for the best part after a job is completed ..... BEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  15. thank u for your kind words, my service to this board is gone but my love for watches is still alive , we can still have fun as for other comments , opinions r like [censored] we all have them , that is why i said i will let u read it how u would like to i can tell u this im already sleeping better joe
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