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Posts posted by Bearcat

  1. SO my question to the experts and all who may know.

    I really am liking a submariner as a Christmas gift to me, However, ther GMT watches are kind of nice and somewhat practical for me.

    IS aTTK Noobmariner really the closest "out of the box" rep? Any other dealers have the same rep?

    Finally where is the "best" GMT ? Who has it?

    I am talking in terms of aesthetics first, then function. Is there really a functional difference, lifespan term between the asian or swiss movements on the latest of these two watches?

    I really think the Sub style watches are sweet, A GMY or A Noobmariner?

    I'd say go with the Noobmariner. If you put up a WTB ad on the boards, you will likely get several offered to you with quick domestic shipping. There are hundreds of them out there.

    If you order from the source, you may not get it by Christmas....Check some of the threads about delayed shipments, Thai customs issues, and other excuses for loooooong delivery times.

    Have a happy Yule.


  2. Bearcat is trying to start a movement to boycott all dealers in 2008....so....for the attention of all dealers who haven't seen it in the Dealer's section.....I've put a post up in there to discuss putting a boycott on Bearcat ...stop him from buying any more reps from dealers on these boards......please visit RWG to discuss it.....I've also posted all his details there so you know who we're discussing....!

    Well, boys and girls....Now that you see how TTK treats your personal information, you may want to think more than twice about your next order.........

  3. Im really Pisssed off with the price of new reps these days

    Why do people continue to buy reps above the $300 mark?

    The time has come to STOP!!!!!


    This has to be a complete forum effort. We are all simply giving the dealers more excuses to increase the price even more.

    Look at the New Breitling blackbird, ok a new movement, with secs at 3 and a big date, so what!! and its an ASIAN MOVEMENT!! NOT SWISS. $400 is too expensive.

    Am i alone in thinking this??

    I repeat


    Are we all mad. if you were to carry out a survey a year ago and ask:

    'would you spend $400 on a rep with asian 7750 movement'. Most of the answers would be NO.

    On another point if you were to carry out a survey a year ago and ask:

    'would you spend $600/$600/$1000 on a HBB rep with Asian 7750 movement'. EVERYONE WOULD SAY NO

    Guys and Gals this HAS TO STOP.


    Amen, Brother Joe!

    They are gouging us because we are DUMB enough to pay it. I agree, it has to stop.

    The prices are ridiculous for relatively poorly made watches that have about a 30% defective rate and, once bought, have less than 50% of their value in the resale market. Compare the quality of $300 reps to the average $200 Seiko....Your Seiko lasts longer, runs better, and has a resale value of about 90% of the purchase price a year or two later. No expensive "mods" needed....Could never see why we pay $100-150 to have a rep "lumed" when $80 Seikos come with lume you can read by in a tent. Are we just suckers, or what?

    So here is what I am going to do...and I suggest others do the same. Get this STRAIGHT in 2008! Boycott all dealers for one year!

    I am sending a brief note to all dealers, to wit:

    "Dear Andrew, Josh, Neil, Ruby, Angus, et al.:

    The prices for reps is out of control. I am not a huge customer...I buy only 6 to 10 reps per year in total. Until prices come down, I will stop. While I would like to continue to support you, I just will not be ripped off by these new prices. In order to help bring prices into a more reasonable range, I am refraining from patronizing any dealers for the 2008 calendar year, or until prices come down to a reasonable level. This is not a matter of economics so much as it is a matter of principle.

    See you in 2009 (maybe).



    If they all got a couple of hundred emails like this, we would see a dramatic change. You can be sure of it.

    Feel free to copy and paste my message into your own letter.

    Also, check out the gen watch forums. There are some really nice timepieces there which are much more affordable and a much better investment than most of our reps. And who are we kidding with these replica watches? Only ourselves, I'm afraid.

    www.pmwf.com (Poor Man's Watch forum) or timezone.com are good places to start.

    If you do continue to purchase reps, then buy and sell them among one another. The dealers have raped and pillaged for too long.


  4. Doc,

    I'm curious as to how you know about IWM (Ron) and how you found his site?


    Bought a gen titanium PAM (177) from a guy on Via Paneristi. Wanted some additional straps and he advised me to get one of the 24mm black buffalo straps from IWI for $15........Seems crazy to put a $15 strap on a $4500 (used) watch, but it works!


  5. Just got a large order of straps, buckles, tubes, screws and misc. watch goodies from:


    The merchandise is great and the prices are wholesale. They generally only sell to jewelers, but if you tell them Doc Bearcat sentcha, they will open up the store to you. Amazingly good deals. BTW...I have no financial interest in this company. Just want to share the great find with my forum buddies.



  6. Hi All and respected watch experts on the forum:

    My name is Allan K. This is my first post after following the articles for years here.

    I do not know if this is the place to ask this question. If not, please move this article to its proper section, Admin.

    I'm planning to make a Sea-Dweller 16600 replica. Having read the ETA 2836-2 movement is not a good choice to build a Rolex replica, I would like to ask which ETA movement would be the best choice?

    Thanks in advance!


    Rolex uses their own, proprietary movements.

    However, an ETA 2824-2 will work fine and replicate their movement in every way that you need it.

    Good luck....BTW...These are available from the trusted dealers on the forum already built up.


  7. I'm seperate from the mold of people who dislike AR and think it "Takes away from the gen"

    I believe AR makes rep more gen-like than anything, nobody ever sees a killer AR irl and goes, "oh man that's so fake" it's the opposite, they can't believe their eyes at the quality

    anyhows, to the point

    Which dealer do you all think provides the rep with the best/strongest AR?

    or are they all the same?

    I'm particularly interested in hearing from people who've ordered pam's from multiple dealers as they can best tell which dealer has the superior AR offering..

    anyone? anyone? hmm? :huh:

    Check out the AR on gens at the AD before you go crazy with the AR. If there is a visible bright blue AR that is more of a "tell" on a rep than anything. The real AR on gens is quite subtle.


  8. Hi all, originally posted this in the Omega section, but in hindsight its far more relevant here. Any help welcome.....

    Hi all. After a bit of advice really. I recently purchased a 50th Anniversary Moon watch from PT, its a lovely piece and so I was all the more disheartend when one of my friends pointed out that one of the markers is slightly smudged. I understand that i must be prepared for slight flaws on any rep, however i feel that this has now reduced my enjoyment of the rep. having contacted PT he recommended that I could purchase a new face/dial and have a watch smith relace the original. So my question is this, does any know of a reliable and trustworthy watch smith in the UK capable of doing this (...and at a reasonable price!) whom I can mail the watch to for the work to be done? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Cheers!

    A smudge on the dial that can be seen with the naked eye is an unacceptable flaw. So called- Perfect Time should have offered to replace it for another. Send another email and demand a replacement.


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